LFS TA Needs Assessment – Results and Prize Draw Winner; Midterm Season Workshops Date; Community of Practice continues


Happy Friday, LFS TAs!

LFS TA Needs Assessment – Results and Prize Draw Winner

Thank you to all those who completed the LFS TA Needs Assessment Survey. The training areas you expressed the most interest in are:

– Offering Constructive Feedback
– Technology in the Classroom
– Developing a Teaching Portfolio
– Facilitating Discussions
– Marking and Assessment

We have already started to take your preferences into account (as you will see below!), and will try our best to coordinate these sessions for this academic year. Please also join us in congratulating Anna R. on winning the LFS TA Needs Assessments draw for an LFS umbrella!

Midterm Season Workshops – Mon, Oct 7

Midterm season is quickly approaching and can be a stressful time for students and teachers alike.
To help LFS TAs prepare for this time, and in light of your feedback from the Needs Assessment, the LFS TA Training Program is pleased to coordinate the following workshops on Monday, October 7 in Room 300 of the Food, Nutrition and Health Building:

  • Marking and Feedback (10 AM – 12 PM)
  • Early Alert Training (12 – 1 PM)

For catering purposes, please register by Oct 1 at: http://bit.ly/LFS_MT
(you may choose to register for one or both workshops)

Marking and Feedback

This workshop will discuss how to use grading rubrics effectively to mark consistently and develop strategies for providing constructive feedback.

Facilitated by representatives from UBC’s Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology.

Early Alert Training

UBC strives to build a caring community, in which we all reach out and offer support when we notice signs of difficulty in others. Early Alert helps facilitate this by helping staff, faculty and TA’s better support students who are facing difficulties that put their academic success at risk. This training is an introduction to the Early Alert program, and includes information about how to submit an Early Alert and how to access resources that will be useful when you are concerned about a student.

Facilitated by Brian Barth (Manager, UBC Student Support Services)

Community of Practice

We are excited to continue the Community of Practice for LFS TAs this year – please stay tuned for more details on these opportunities to meet your fellow TAs and discuss teaching challenges and strategies!

Best wishes from your TA Coordinators,

Tebby Leepile

Lennie Cheung

Just Scheduled: Problem-Based Learning Workshop – and TA Needs Assessment


Hello LFS TAs,

Thank you to those who attended the LFS TA Orientation. The 2019-2020 TA Handbook is now posted on the TA Portal.
Just Scheduled: Problem-Based Learning Workshop 
PBL is an active learning method that prompts students to analyze problems and determine what they need to find solutions. This technique is commonly used in medical education, and gaining popularity in other disciplines. This workshop is designed to not only help TAs succeed in PBL courses, but also to enhance teaching skills in learner-centered environments.
PBL Workshop for LFS TAs
Fri, Sep 6 | 9 AM – 12 PM
FNH 300
TA Needs Assessment 
What teaching skills would you like to develop this year? Facilitating discussions? Technology in the classroom? Preparing a teaching portfolio?
Tell us anonymously at: http://bit.ly/LFSTA_Needs
Upon submission, you can choose to enter the prize draw for LFS swag.
Have a wonderful weekend,