Topic: LFS TA and GAA CUPE 2278 Orientation (Monday, January 27th, 1:15-2:00pm) 


Topic: LFS TA and GAA CUPE 2278 Orientation (Monday, January 27th, 1:15-2:00pm

New to TA-ing? Need a refresher on your rights as a member of CUPE 2278? Join us before Dana-Lyn’s workshop for a CUPE 2278 orientation. This orientation is mandatory for all members of CUPE 2278 – that means you, LFS TAs! Join us in FNH 200 or Online. Email Lexis ( and Steven ( for the Zoom link.

Note: Dana-Lyn Mackenzie’s workshop Engaging with Indigenous Content in LFS Courses (see next Post) not be on Zoom.

The Zoom link is for the CUPE 2278 Orientation only.