2015 Summer Session TA application is open – Apply NOW!


A limited number of teaching assistant positions are available for 2015 Summer Session.  Apply now! 

The 2015 Summer Session application will close on
Monday, March 16.

Apply here

A great opportunity to expand your career and employment skills! 

The Faculty of Land & Food Systems has approximately 20 Teaching Assistant positions available during 2015 Summer Session (May to August, 2015).   East listed course will be assigned a set number of TA support hours.  Instructors are responsible for determining the assigned number of hours to each TA.  Each appointment will be in accordance with the CUPE 2278 Collective Agreement.  Please note, TA’s are appointed based on their classification (see SCHEDULE A – WAGES AND CLASSIFICATIONS of the CUPE 2278 Collective Agreement).

Teaching Assistants:

Within LFS, all positions of teaching support service are referred to as Teaching Assistants (TA’s) and are appointed as GTA1, GTA2 or Undergraduate classifications.  TA’s will assist with a variety of course related activities, and may include setting up and assisting in laboratories, marking or assisting in marking assignments and examinations, invigilation of exams and carrying out related library work.  TA’s assigned to Problem Based Learning course will serve as the tutor (facilitator) for student group discussions.
Applicants for the Teaching Assistant positions must have a suitable background, normally be a graduate student in the course subject area; however, senior undergraduates with appropriate backgrounds can also apply. A student should not accept an offer of a TA position without discussing it with the course instructor.


Positions will be assigned in consultation with individual instructors and Academic Program Directors.

Winter Session TA Positions within LFS:

The online TA application for courses in 2015 Winter Terms 1 and 2 (September 2015 to April 2016)  will open in early April and will remain open until April 30, 2015.