TA positions available – LFS 252 002


The instructor of LFS 252 002 (2014 Winter Session, term 2) is looking for TA’s.

If you are interested, please contact Carol McAusland directly to discuss details.

TA Appointment Status


The first of the 2014 Winter Session TA contracts will be going out via email this week.  Please note:  instructors have until July 4 to select their 2014 Winter Session TA’s for both terms 1 and 2.

2014 LFS Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award


Congratulations to Bryanna Thiel, MSc student, Soil Science, on receiving the 2013/14 Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. UBC annually awards teaching prizes to 16 UBC Teaching Assistants in recognition of the valuable role they play in our undergraduate programs. Bryanna, a TA for the Land, Food and Community II (LFS 350) course taught by Associate Professor Eduardo Jovel, brings a great deal of enthusiasm and commitment and displays a strong interest in making sure the course lives up to her high standards. Bryanna is supervised by Dr. Sean Smukler.

2014 Winter Session TA Applications


The 2014 Winter Session TA on-line application has been closed.  Thank you to those students who submitted an application.  The list of applicants will be distributed to instructors within the next week.

2014 Winter Session TA Positions


Good morning:

I received several replies to my email from yesterday from students saying they hadn’t heard about the application for the 2014W TA positions within LFS so I’m sending this reminder.

The online TA application was posted on March 31 and will be open until midnight, Wednesday, April 30th.  From this link


you’ll find a listing of job descriptions for course offerings that require TA support.  The hours shown in the job descriptions are, for the most part, the assigned hours from 2013-14.  Support hours for all courses are currently under review and won’t be finalized until mid-May.  Shortly after, instructors will be contacting their potential TA’s and in early June, I’ll start sending out contracts until mid-late July.  All TA appointments for 2014 Winter Session, terms 1 (September 2014 to December 2014) and 2 (January 2015 to April 2015) will be finalized by August 7th (fingers were very tightly crossed when I typed that!).  There will always be a few exceptions and last minute changes, here and there, but for the most part our TA lists will be finalized with all student appointments processed by early August.

I’ve sent the above information to all current LFS graduate students, all 2013W LFS TA’s, all 2014S LFS TA’s, requested a posting on the LFS undergraduate blog, posted to the LFS Graduate Office blog, as well as the UBC TA Portal blog, but it’s still quite possible I’ve missed someone!  Please pass this information along to anyone you know who may be interested in a TA position within LFS during 2014 Winter Session.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.



Shelley Small
Manager, Graduate Program
The University of British Columbia
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Room 344 MacMillan Building
2357 Main Mall
Vancouver BC  V6T 1Z4
Phone:  604-822-4593       Fax:  604-822-4400



LFS 150 Teaching Assistant Positions – due April 30


Are you interested in improving learning experiences for first year students?  Do you want to actively contribute both in and out of class to a new and unique small class environment?  Would you like to develop skills and gain knowledge as a Teaching Assistant that will benefit you long after the course ends?

The Faculty of Land and Food Systems is offering a new core course starting in September 2014 – LFS 150 (Scholarly Writing and Argumentation in Land and Food Systems).  For 2014W we will be offering 4 sections;  2 in each term of winter session.  To review the job description for the position of Teaching Assistant, please refer to the following links:

For additional information, you can contact the course coordinator, Alice Cassidy, at cassidya@exchange.ubc.ca

REMINDER:  The deadline for submitting an online application for a TA position within LFS is Wednesday, April 30th


2014W TA Application is now OPEN!


The 2014 Winter Session TA online application is now open.  Approximately 200 positions will be available for courses in September 2014 to April 2015.  Please note – the UBC Calendar link on the job description for each course will be updated as soon as the 2014-15 UBC Calendar is available.  The exact number of assigned TA hours is reviewed and finalized in April/May.  The hours posted in the job descriptions are, for the most part, the number of assigned hours from 2013-14 and are provided for your information although they are subject to change.  If you are selected as a TA, the exact number of hours of your appointment, including paid vacation time, will be included in your contract.




Community of Practice


Hello all LFS TAs,

We will be holding our first Community of Practice of 2014 next week on February 5th from 1-2 pm in MCML 154.

This CoP will feature a training session by Kyle Nelson on UBC’s campus-wide Early Alert Program. Early Alert is a tool that TAs and instructors can use to support struggling students – the session on Feb. 5th will explain how Early Alert simplifies the process to connect students to campus resources and supports.

Snacks and beverages will be provided; there will also be some free marking resources available for those interested. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please RSVP to Bryanna at bryannathiel@gmail.com.

Some introductory info about Early Alert:

In support of UBC’s goal to create a campus community that is deeply conducive to student wellbeing and success, UBC has launched the Early Alert program.  With Early Alert, faculty members and TAs can identify their concerns about students who are facing difficulties sooner and in a more coordinated way.  This enables faculty and TAs to give students the earliest possible connection to the right resources and support, before difficulties put their academic success at risk. (http://blog.students.ubc.ca/earlyalert/)


Kind regards,

Bryanna Thiel and Dru Yates