Term 2 LFS TA Training Orientation

Dear LFS TAs!
Mark your calendars- the term 2 LFS TA Training Orientation is fast approaching!  If you will be TA’ing in LFS in any capacity in term 2 of the 2016/2017 academic year and were not able to attend the September orientation, the Faculty STRONGLY encourages your attendance. 
Date: Thursday January 5th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in FNH 300.
At the orientation, you will become familiar with:
  • Key resources to help you build your teaching skills
  • People and policies relevant to your role as a TA
  • The expectations of you as a TA and what you can expect from your peers and instructors
  • Your rights and responsibilities, as member of the TA union
Please register before January 3 at https://goo.gl/forms/RTjmVlh0HMqhIF6y2 
***We will provide breakfast, coffee, and snacks!***  
See you in January!
Carrie and Fernanda
LFS TA Training Program Coordinators

Changes to Teaching Assistant Classifications


The following information is from an HR Memo dated November 15, 2016 entitled Teaching Assistant Classifications

“As background, the definitions contained within the classifications provision of the Collective Agreement had not changed since the 1981-1982 Collective Agreement. Given the significant passage of time, the definitions were no longer entirely representative of the nature of the work performed by Teaching Assistants.

In certain cases, specifically with respect to Markers and Undergraduate Teaching Assistants, classifications are now differentiated on the basis of whether the position includes “substantial student contact”. The revised language of the Collective Agreement will define that phrase as follows:

“Substantial student contact” within the Classifications are those duties which involve direct interaction with students on more than an incidental basis. These duties typically include providing classroom teaching, conducting tutorial sessions, providing feedback on assignments and exams, holding office hours, or demonstrating procedures to students.

“Substantial student contact” does not include duties such as setting up labs, demonstrations, or classrooms; administrative duties; or class or material preparation notwithstanding that incidental or transactional contact with students may occur.

Below are the new classifications with an explanation of the material change:


A Marker is an employee appointed to a position which involves only marking without substantial student contact.

The old Marker classification was limited to marking duties that were objective only, such as true/false or multiple choice type examinations. The new classification is intended to capture any TA appointment that is marking only, and as long as instructional feedback is not being provided to the student as part of the marking assignment. This change applies to any new Marker appointment after January 1, 2017.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant 2 (UTA 2)

A UTA 2 is an undergraduate student who is registered in a bachelor’s degree program at the University of British Columbia who performs Teaching Assistant duties without substantial student contact.

This is an updated version of the Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (“UTA”) role as it was historically defined. When the original classification language was written, UTAs were not required to perform substantive teaching duties. This classification applies to UTAs who perform work consistent with that definition.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant 1 (UTA 1)

A UTA 1 is an undergraduate student who is registered in a bachelor’s degree program at the University of British Columbia who is required to perform Teaching Assistant duties with substantial student contact.

This a new classification intended to capture those UTAs who are assigned teaching duties as part of their position. Where a department requires a UTA to perform teaching duties as part of the assignment, they are to be classified as a UTA 1. This change applies to any new UTA appointment after January 1, 2017.

Graduate Teaching Assistant 2 (GTA 2)

A GTA 2 is a graduate student who holds a bachelor’s degree or is a graduate student who is registered in a master’s degree program at the University of British Columbia or who is a student who holds a bachelor’s degree in the posted or related discipline.

There is a minor change to the classification to include an ability for the University to recognize an undergraduate degree in a related discipline in classifying a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA). This change applies to any new GTA appointment after January 1, 2017.

Graduate Teaching Assistant 1 (GTA 1)

A GTA 1 is a graduate student who is registered in a doctoral degree program at the University of British Columbia or who is a student who holds a masters or doctoral degree in the posted or related discipline.

As with the GTA 2, there is a minor change to the classification to include an ability for the University to recognize an undergraduate degree in a related discipline in classifying a GTA. This change applies to any new UTA appointment after January 1, 2017.

Senior Teaching Assistant (STA)

A Senior TA is a graduate student who is registered in a masters’ or doctoral program at the University of British Columbia and is required by the University to perform lead hand duties as a Teaching Assistant. These duties typically include coordinating other Teaching Assistants and providing guidance, technical knowledge, and subject matter expertise to other Teaching Assistants.

This is a new classification that provides the University with an ability to recognize a Teaching Assistant who is tasked with leadership responsibility within a cohort of TAs assigned to a course. This typically may occur in large section courses with an annual turnover of Teaching Assistants in which a TA who has previously taught this course is expected to provide guidance to new TAs or otherwise coordinate their activities. It is not a supervisory position; rather, it is an opportunity for the University to formally recognize the reality of a role performed by certain TAs. This classification may be retroactively applied to September 1, 2016, for any TA who a department feels is performing this role for which other recognition has not been provided. It is intended to formalize the recognition of this role for future appointments.”

Please note:  regardless of their classification, Teaching Assistants may only teach courses under the supervision of a faculty member.  TA’s do not have full responsibility of a course (or a section of a course);  the work undertaken remains the responsibility of the course instructor.

2016 Winter Session, Term 2 ORIENTATION – save the date!


The orientation for 2016 Winter Session Term 2 LFS TA’s has been scheduled as follows:

Date:  Thursday, January 5, 2017
Time:  9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Location:  FNH 300

Further details will follow.

Please note:  If you attended the orientation session in September you are not required to attend this session as well.

LFS TA Community of Practice meeting – Wed Oct 12


Hi everyone,

I am writing to invite you to an LFS TA Community of Practice(CoP) meeting on Wednesday October 12, from 11-12:00, in MCML 350.

As well as being responsible for TA appointments and contracts, Shelley is the Graduate Programs Manager for all of LFS. We are very excited to have Shelley Small hosting this session – she will be able to answer all of your TA related questions.

Please register by Sunday October 9 at 11:59pm so we can order enough food for everyone:


See you next week,
Carrie & Fernanda

TA Position Available – FNH 474 002 Term 2


The following TA position is available for 2016 Winter Session Term 2:

FNH 474 002 – 85 TA Support Hours

Job Description:


  • Use moderately detailed marking guides to mark class assignments, midterm and final examinations (~ 2 hr/student). Submit the verified marks to the instructor using an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Be available for occasional office hours before the midterm and final exams (~6 hours)
  • Meet with students after midterm exam to review exams, and refer unresolved queries about grading to the instructor (~2 hours).
  • Assist with invigilation of a midterm and a final exam (5 hours).


Education and knowledge requirements:  Preference will be given to graduate students in Human Nutrition who have obtained an undergraduate degree in nutrition or dietetics and have a thorough understanding of energy metabolism and nutrient requirements.  A background in exercise physiology would be an asset.

Skills:  Ability to correspond effectively with the instructor and to ask questions when uncertain about grading responsibilities.  Ability to maintain accuracy and attention to detail (marking exams, entering data into spreadsheets).  Ability to meet deadlines.

If you are interested in this position, please contact the course instructor directly.

Emma McCrudden

REPOST – TA Position Available FNH 455 001 – FILLED


FNH 455 001 – 70 hours

Job Description:


  • Be present for all in-class presentations and yearend poster party Mark short assignments, presentations, and final term papers according to a rubric provided
  • Co-mark final exams with instructor
  • Enter grades from all course work into a spreadsheet
  • Provide feedback to students on coursework


Education – knowledge requirements: Preference will be given to graduate students in Human Nutrition who have a thorough understanding of nutrition in general, and international nutrition in particular. Must have completed FNH 455.

Experience: Preference will be given to students who have the ability to correspond effectively with the instructor, to ask questions when uncertain about their responsibilities, and to reliably check their work for accuracy when marking exams.

Skills: Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

If you are interested, please contact Chris Scaman – christine.scaman@ubc.ca

$25 UBC Food Services gift card draw TOMORROW!!!!!


Dear LFS TAs,

We hope you’re having a smooth transition into the 2016/2017 academic year! Don’t forget to stop by the LFS TA Training orientation this coming Thursday from 9-1pm in Agora, on the bottom level of MCML. By attending, you will be entered into a draw for 1 of 4 $25 UBC Food Services gift cards (more details to come).

See you soon,

Carrie and Fernanda
Teaching Assistant Training Coordinators | Land and Food Systems
ta.training@ubc.ca | https://blogs.ubc.ca/lfsta/


BIOL 140 TA Opportunity


The renewed Biology 140 course requires a TA for the fall term.  This is an inquiry-based lab course for first year students. As a TA you would be required to teach two 2.5 hour labs per week and attend a 2 hour prep session Friday afternoons from 1 to 3 pm. During the term there will four written assignments you will need to mark.  At the end of term you will be required to invigilate a final exam, but you will not be required to mark it.  On average, you will work 12 hours per week, for a total of 192 hours per term.

If you are interested and available please contact Kathy Nomme nomme@zoology.ubc.ca as soon as possible. The first prep meeting is Friday Sept. 9th.

CUPE 2278 Notice of Meeting – September 8



It is understood and accepted that each Department shall give to each of its employees and to the Union written notice of the orientation meeting. Such notice shall be consistent with the sample form set out below.  The Union and employees shall be given such notice at least two weeks in advance of the date of the orientation meeting.


In accordance with Article 3.02 of the Collective Agreement between the University of British Columbia and the Teaching Assistants’ Union, the Employer shall arrange and hold an induction/orientation meeting of all members of the Bargaining Unit in each Department (Faculty in non-departmentalized Faculties). All members of the bargaining unit are expected to attend. During this meeting, time shall be provided for a representative of the Union to discuss the function of the Union, expectations, responsibilities and duties of teaching assistants and markers as well as their rights as members of the Union

Date of Meeting:                   THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8
Time of Meeting:                  
11:30 am (for approximately 30 minutes)
Location of Meeting:
             AGORA Café, Macmillan Building                   


2016W T2 TA Position Available


There is a TA position available in 2016 Winter Session, term 2:

FNH 455 001 – 70 hours

Job Description:


  • Be present for all in-class presentations and yearend poster party Mark short assignments, presentations, and final term papers according to a rubric provided
  • Co-mark final exams with instructor
  • Enter grades from all course work into a spreadsheet
  • Provide feedback to students on coursework


Education – knowledge requirements: Preference will be given to graduate students in Human Nutrition who have a thorough understanding of nutrition in general, and international nutrition in particular. Must have completed FNH 455.

Experience: Preference will be given to students who have the ability to correspond effectively with the instructor, to ask questions when uncertain about their responsibilities, and to reliably check their work for accuracy when marking exams.

Skills: Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

If you are interested, please contact Chris Scaman – christine.scaman@ubc.ca