2016W T2 TA Position Available


There is a TA position available in 2016 Winter Session, term 2:

FNH 455 001 – 70 hours

Job Description:


  • Be present for all in-class presentations and yearend poster party Mark short assignments, presentations, and final term papers according to a rubric provided
  • Co-mark final exams with instructor
  • Enter grades from all course work into a spreadsheet
  • Provide feedback to students on coursework


Education – knowledge requirements: Preference will be given to graduate students in Human Nutrition who have a thorough understanding of nutrition in general, and international nutrition in particular. Must have completed FNH 455.

Experience: Preference will be given to students who have the ability to correspond effectively with the instructor, to ask questions when uncertain about their responsibilities, and to reliably check their work for accuracy when marking exams.

Skills: Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

If you are interested, please contact Chris Scaman – christine.scaman@ubc.ca