REMINDER – LFS TA Training Orientation SEPT 8


Dear LFS TA’s,

Don’t forget: the LFS TA Training Orientation is Sept 8 from 9:30-1 in Agora!

This is your opportunity to become familiar with TA rights, responsibilities and resources and to start networking with other TAs. If you can’t stay for the full event, you can still stop in to pick up an orientation guide and some free coffee and food (but don’t forget to RSVP at  so that we order enough for everyone!!).

See you in September,

Carrie and Fernanda
Teaching Assistant Training Coordinators | Land and Food Systems |


LFS Term 1 TA Orientation – Sept 8


Dear Term 1 LFS TA’s!

Mark your calendars- the LFS TA Training Orientation is fast approaching!  If you will be TA’ing in LFS in any capacity in the 2016/2017 academic year, the Faculty STRONGLY encourages your attendance.

Date: Thursday September 8th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM in Agora (MCML basement).

At the orientation, you will become familiar with:

  • Key resources to help you build your teaching skills
  • People and policies relevant to your role as a TA
  • The expectations of you as a TA and what you can expect
  • Your rights and responsibilities, as member of the TA union

Please register before August 30 at  

***We will provide a light breakfast, coffee, and lunch!***  

See you in September!

Carrie James and Fernanda Mujica
Teaching Assistant Training Coordinators | Land and Food Systems |

Grad ISW Waitlist Open for Oct 15, 16, 22 2016


Waitlist registration is now open for the Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) October 15, 16, 22 2016.  The ISW is an internationally recognized program and students receive transcript notation for their participation.  It is a 3-day intensive workshop that develops participant’s teaching skills and confidence.  It is appropriate for first time teachers or those with years of experience.  Join the thousands of students who have taken this workshop.

IMPORTANT: The workshop runs from 8:15am-5:00pm. Please note you must be able to  attend all three days, i.e. the entire 24 hour workshop.  Please find attached the policy for registering in an ISW and an FAQ sheet.

This workshop is always in high demand. To register for the October 15, 16, 22 ISW please go to the following link and sign-up:

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Elissa Morris
Events Assistant | Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
214 – 1961 East Mall | Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1
Phone 604.827.4871  |  @UBC_CTLT   | UBC.CTLT

2016 Winter Session Term 1 is almost here!


The following email was sent to all LFS 2016 Winter Session Term 1 TA’s on August 15:


Hi folks:

Just a few minutes ago, I looked at my calendar and couldn’t believe it – it’s already August 15th………. AUGUST 15th!!!  That means, before you know it, the start of 2016 Winter Session will be upon us.  I celebrated a pretty big milestone this year in April – I began working for UBC in 1991 so it was my 25th anniversary.  After all that time, I STILL love this time of year:  you can feel the excitement and anticipation of all the new students just starting out, mixed in with the hopes of graduate students that “this will be the year” they finish their thesis!!  I think we’re in for an awesome academic year in LFS and I’m very thankful to each and every one of you for being a part of it.

Now onto business……………..

We have just about finished processing all of the Term 1 TA appointments.  For those of you who haven’t worked for UBC before, you will have likely received an email regarding your Campus Wide Login (CWL) and your Employee ID.  If you haven’t received your email yet, don’t worry – you should get it by the end of this week.  As soon as you receive the email, please contact me and I’ll email your employee ID and CWL Sign Up PIN.

For new UBC employees, please don’t forget to sign up for direct deposit.  Instructions and payment information can be found here:


The LFS TA Training Coordinators have been busy with updating the LFS TA Orientation Handbook, and organizing the TA Orientation.  As soon as they are able to finalize the date/time/location, I will email you and post on the blog.

At the orientation, you will become familiar with:

  • Resources on campus that can be used to build your teaching skills
  • Key people and policies relevant to the TA role
  • The expectations of you as a TA and what you can expect in your position
  • How to best manage or respond to potential challenging classroom situation
  • Your rights and responsibilities, as a member of the TA union


Once again, CTLT is offering a number of sessions for all TAs and TA Training coordinators at UBC in August.
The registration for these sessions is now open.

Please refer to the following links on the TA Portal:


On the TA Portal, you’ll find Contact Information for our amazing LFS TA Training Coordinators:  Carrie James and Fernanda Mujica, our equally exceptional LFS Student Union Rep:  Adrienne Levay, along with contact info for payroll and the CUPE 2278 office.

Based on experience, I have found I’m more successful with convening important information to TA’s if/when I send multiple emails rather than trying to cram a kazillion things into one so please be advised that I will be sending a few messages to you over the next couple of weeks.  Please note that I also post these emails on the TA Portal so I encourage you to drop by the TA blog occasionally to make sure you are up to date on any events or news.  In addition, the TA Portal is a good place to start when you have questions on almost everything TA related – pay information, performance evaluations, contacts, etc. etc.

Please remember if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to drop me a note and I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can.


Setting the Climate: Creating Supportive Learning Environments


Setting the Climate: Creating Supportive Learning Environments

August 25, 1:30-3:30pm, IKBLC Lillooet Room (301)

This session will explore the situational factors of a course and narrow the level of analysis to the classroom so participants can become more attuned to the complexity of the classroom space in which we deliver our courses and how this relates to student learning.

Register here:

Workshop Facilitation Workshop


Workshop Facilitation Workshop (for TA Coordinators and Senior TA’s) 

August 22, 9am – 5pm, IKBLC Chilcotin Room (256)

During this workshop you will focus on developing key skills for designing workshops and classroom activities: determining workshop/activity objectives, designing activities, time management, etc.

Register here:

TA Position Available – Winter Session Term 2


FRE 385 001 – 48 TA support hours

Job Description:


  • Attend weekly lab sessions to assist students, and hold weekly office hours
  • Preparation each week to become familiar with the lab assignments
  • TA will help mark weekly lab assignments (12 assignments)
  • Invigilate three exams


Education and Knowledge Requirements: Preference will be given to students who have a strong quantitative background as demonstrated by achieving high grades in classes on statistics, finance, programming, and/or mathematics for economists.

Experience: Preference will be given to students who have previously taken FRE 385.

Skills: Preference will be given to students who have strong Excel skills and are comfortable answering questions from students during TA office hours.

Contact:  Gabi Menard –