Dues Deduction Form – Schedule B DUE DATE AUGUST 28


The Dues Deduction Form or Dues Deduction Form authorizes UBC to deduct union dues, initiation fees and any assessments as established by CUPE 2278 from your wages.

It is a mandatory requirement that every TA must complete every year whether this is your first year TA’ing or you are a returning TA.

You do not have to complete a Schedule B for EACH of your TA appointments in every given term, but you do have to complete a new Schedule B for each session you will be TA’ing.  So to make things as easy as possible, I ask all of our Winter Session TA’s to complete and submit a Schedule B form before the September Orientation regardless if you are TA’ing in term 1 or term 2 or even both.

Please note:  the Schedule B form requires an actual SIGNATURE.  Please do not type or write your name on the line above “Signature of Employee” or leave the line blank – it needs a good old fashioned signature!

The Manager, Graduate Programs for LFS collects all Schedule B forms for TA’s who have been appointed up to August 9th and forwards these on behalf of the TA’s to CUPE 2278.  If you are appointed AFTER August 9th during any Winter Session, it is your responsibility to complete this form and send it to the union with a copy to the LFS Manager, Graduate Programs.

Could you please send me your completed Schedule B form by Friday, August 28th?  I prefer a scanned copy as I will be sending them to the union electronically.


Thank you!

TA Orientation Session Sept 8 LOCATION CHANGE


Click here to see Original post

Please note – the TA Orientation Session on September 8 has been relocated to Agora (located in the ground level of MacMillan Building, 2357 Main Mall).

The registration deadline is August 31st.  Although we have 77 students TA’ing in term 1, we currently only have 30 registered for the orientation so far.  The LFS TA Training Coordinators (Sara Moukarzel, Theresa Schroeder and Carrie James) put a considerable amount of time into planning and organizing this event for YOU, our LFS TA’s.  Please support their efforts by registering ASAP.  Thank you!

Reminder for 2015 Summer Session TA’s


Please remember to submit your tracked TA hours as soon as you’ve finished a TA assignment.  If your course instructor has asked you to submit your evaluation documents to me on their behalf, please do so ASAP.

Thank you!

Bullying and Harassment Certificate Requirement


Effective November 2013, British Columbia’s Workers Compensation Act was amended to include three new policies addressing workplace bullying & harassment. Sections 115, 116 and 117 of the Act set out the general duties of employers, workers and supervisors.

Who Should Take the Training Course?
The new legislation requires all UBC Faculty & Staff (including students employed by the University) to receive training about the new workplace bullying and harassment policies and requirements on how to recognize, prevent, and address workplace bullying & harassment.


Please scan and email a copy of your Certificate of Completion to the LFS Grad Office (lfs.ta@ubc.ca) ASAP. TA’s may claim a maximum of 30 minutes in order to complete the online course.

Please note, unlike the Schedule B form, you only need to complete the Bullying & Harassment Training Course once as a UBC employee.  Unfortunately, there is no centralized record keeping for this requirement so you may need to demonstrate completion of this course by each and every department you are employed through!!  I had one TA last year who had 4 partial TA’ship over both terms in 4 different departments – she was required to submit her certificate to all 4!!  Hopefully, at some point, there will be a more efficient way of handling this but in the meantime, I have attached a list of all of our returning TA’s who have already completed this requirement by sending me their certificate during 2014 Winter Session.  These TA’s do not have to resubmit their certificates.  I will need a certificate from everyone else on the list.

Could you please complete this requirement (both term 1 and term 2 TA’s) and send me your certificate ASAP so that I don’t have to send reminders all fall and winter…..PLEASE?!


Additional Orientation info


Just a quick email to clarify a couple of things following the email which was sent to all 2015 Winter Session TA’s on August 13.

  • There will be an Orientation for term 2 TA’s at some point in early January;  sorry for not mentioning that in my email.
  • I had a few emails asking if the Orientation date could be changed as September 8th is the first day of the term and some of you have classes or are orientation leaders or won’t be at UBC until the following week.  With over 100 TA’s, it would be impossible for us to find a day that would work for everyone so we do the best we can.  “Mandatory” should be interpreted as this:  Orientation is an important event for all of our TA’s and if you are available, then we would really appreciate you doing whatever you can to attend because we feel it’s important and will be of benefit to you.  Your TA appointment won’t be cancelled if you can’t make it to orientation, but if you can attend, please make the effort to be there.  The list of attendees is sent to the CUPE 2278 office.
  • If you have classes or some other reason for not being able to attend for the whole day, even coming for the couple of hours when you are available is better than nothing.
  • Please note that none of the TA training is mandatory, but again, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of any and all training opportunities that come your way.  They are a great way of developing skills and knowledge that will only benefit you – and in some cases not only as a TA, but you’ll gain life skills that will help you in a ton of ways (can you tell I’m a keen supporter of training?!).

The completed Schedule B’s have been coming in at a good pace – thank you!  I’m almost a little afraid of what my in-basket will look like on Monday!



CTLT is offering the following sessions for all TAs and TA Training coordinators at UBC in August and September.

The registration for these sessions is now open.

To register, click on the links below.  NOTE:  If any of the links below do not work, please contact CTLT directly

 Leading Discussions (for TAs & Grad Students)  August 25
 TA-Instructor Working Relationship (for TAs)  August 26
 Presentation Skills (for TAs & Grad Students)  August 27
 Mentoring Workshop  September 17

Facilitation Basics 1

(Designing Workshops)

 September 24

Facilitation Basics 2

(Facilitating Workshops)

 September 24

TA Orientation Session – September 8


Hello LFS TAs:

Will you be TA’ing during Winter term 1 and/or 2?

An orientation session has been planned to help you get started!

You are invited to the LFS TA Training Orientation!  If you will be TAing in LFS in any capacity in the 2015 year, the Faculty STRONGLY encourages your attendance. The Orientation Session will include informational sessions about TA rights and responsibilities, the TA training program, the NEW TA Evaluation Program, which is mandatory for all LFS TAs and a mandatory session from the TA union. Case studies related to usual scenarios that TAs typically encounter will also be discussed.

At the orientation, you will become familiar with:

  • Resources on campus that can be used to build your teaching skills
  • Key people and policies relevant to the TA role
  • The expectations of you as a TA and what you can expect in your position
  • How to best manage or respond to potential challenging classroom situation
  • Your rights and responsibilities, as a member of the TA union

Date: Tuesday September 8th from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM.
and Coffee: 9:00 – 9:30 am (McML 154)
Sessions with TA training program coordinators: 9:30 am-11:00 am  (McML 154)
MANDATORY Session with the TA union: 11:00 -12:00 pm (Agora Cafe)
Lunch: 12:00-1:00 pm (Agora Cafe)
MANDATORY Session on LFS TA evaluation process: 1:00-1:30 pm (Agora Cafe)

**Free morning coffee, lunch, and refreshments provided.

Please register before August 31st, 2015 midnight, for planning and catering purposes.

For registration, please fill the form at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wPnYG3nnSYrSJ_MsQ6sxXoPLYL2Nn3B68iRzqdOM2og/viewform

See you in September!


LFS PBL Training Three Day Intensive – August


The LFS Learning Centre is sponsoring the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Training Three Day Intensive on August 25, 26 and 27th (9am-4pm).  This session has received great reviews and is a rare opportunity to get an intensive PBL Training. Attendance for all three days is mandatory and is the best way to get proper exposure to PBL. Come get experience leading students through several real world PBL sessions.

Registration is now open.  Given the demand and complexity of scheduling this workshop we require a $20 deposit. You will receive the deposit back upon completion of the course.

TA Position Available – FNH 490 004 – FILLED


Interested students are asked to apply for an available TA’ship for FNH 490 004.  The job description follows:


Attending formal debates and providing critical, constructive oral and written feedback to the students.
Attending presentations of term assignments that include a variety of formats and providing critical, constructive oral and written feedback.


Education & knowledge requirements: preference will be given to students who have obtained an undergraduate degree in nutrition or dietetics and have a thorough understanding of a range of nutrition topics

Experience: preference will be given to students who have the ability to be comfortable providing oral and written feedback, to correspond effectively with the Instructor, and to ask questions when uncertain about their responsibilities

Skills: preference will be given to students who are comfortable responding to student questions, student requests for reviews of assignment marking, and those who are efficient with Excel

If you are interested in this position, please contact
Zhaoming Xu