We have finished the portable bandshell! Built for acoustics on a 24′ foot trailer this project is meant to bring chamber music to a public audience!
Click here for more info: Chamber Music Bandshell Design Build
We have finished the portable bandshell! Built for acoustics on a 24′ foot trailer this project is meant to bring chamber music to a public audience!
Click here for more info: Chamber Music Bandshell Design Build
Check out the fantastic video on the Dragon Skin Pavillion!
Video: https://youtu.be/ZBqBnWI97I0
Excellent article in Metropolis Magazine refering to the Driverless Urban Futures book!
A great book review of Driverless Urban Futures by Adele Weder for Canadian Architect which gives the book some context:
Book Review: Driverless Urban Futures—Speculative Atlas for Autonomous Vehicles
In Canadian Architect October 2019 Issue: https://www.canadianarchitect.com/october-2019/
A piece for Translink on the future of transportation in the region…
AnnaLisa’s book launch at Inform Interiors for Driverless Urban Futures. A great turnout and interesting discussion.