Academic Integrity Exam Learning Technology Quiz Respondus LockDown Browser Teaching Activity

Respondus LockDown Browser

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Respondus Lockdown Browser

LockDown Browser is a web browser that “locks down” what students can do during a quiz in Canvas. When students use LockDown Browser, they will be unable during the quiz to print or copy questions, visit other websites, access other applications, or close the quiz until it is submitted. Quizzes created for use with LockDown Browser cannot be accessed with standard browsers.


Integrated with Canvas:

It is Canvas!

Used by UBC Sauder Instructors:


Status Info:

Visit Status page

Teaching Scenarios

Lockdown Browser (LDB) improves the integrity of your exam by utilizing a ‘locked down’ browser that blocks access to programs outside the browser.

It closes any program that is open on the student’s computer, and locks students in their exams by making Canvas full screen. You can set it so no new tabs can be opened.

Printing, copying and pasting, screenshotting, and the Canvas sidebar can all be disabled.

Lockdown Browser works well for exams that are:
Canvas Closed book Exams (note: LDB cannot detect or prevent students from accessing another device, or having someone beside them)
Lockdown Browser does NOT work well for exams that are:
Open book

Using Zoom for invigilation (we have had little to no success with LDB and Zoom and advise not using the programs together)

Requiring a file/photo upload

Using a lot of images – if an image breaks there is no right-click function to open the image in a new tab

Requiring Excel and the use of formulas (there is limited capabilities in the LDB version of Excel)

User Guides & Links

Quick Start Guide (New Quizzes)

View the Instructor Quick Start Guide (PDF) or share the Student Quick Start Guide (PDF) with your students.

 Quick Start Guide (Classic Quizzes)

View the Instructor Quick Start Guide (PDF) or share the Student Quick Start Guide (PDF) with your students.

 Rapid Rollout Tips

Here are FAQs and rollout tips for getting started with LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor.

 Instructor Live Proctoring – Quick Start Guide

View the Instructor Live Proctoring – Quick Start Guide to learn how to use a video conferencing service (such as Zoom, Teams, etc) to live proctor exams for small classes.

 Troubleshooting Issues and Getting Support

Search the Knowledge Base for solutions to common issues. Or open a ticket with Respondus Support.

 Attend a Free Training Webinar

Training webinars are available each month, generally lasting 30-40 minutes.

 Staying Current

Keep up on the latest Keep up on the latest, or follow us on Twitter.

Instructors @ UBC Sauder

Accordion 3 content

Resources & Support

For technical support, please contact LT Hub at

Assignment Grading iClicker Cloud Learning Technology Quiz Student Engagement Teaching Activity

iClicker Cloud

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iClicker Cloud

iClicker Cloud is an online student response system that allows instructors to collect and grade responses to in-class questions that students answer individually using their own computer or mobile device. They receive the responses instantly, and can use these results to inform their teaching and/or share them with the class. Through the Canvas integration, iClicker Cloud poll and quiz results can automatically count toward student grades.

There is no cost for instructors or students to use iClicker Cloud. Unlike iClicker Classic, students do not need to purchase any special device and will instead respond in their web browser.

iClicker is useful for polling, quizzing and attendance in which instructors want to track student responses and/or grades. If there is interest in doing anonymous informal polling not for points, zoom polling is ideal.

Integrated with Canvas:


Use by UBC Sauder Instructors:


Status Info:


iClicker Cloud Instructor Login

iClicker Cloud Student Login

Instructions for Sauder Instructors to set up an iClicker course and Connect to Canvas.

For more detailed information and instructions on how to use iClicker Cloud see Instructor Guide.

Instructions for students can be found in the Student Guide.

How to add a TA to your iClicker course

Students can sign up for iClicker Reef (the student iClicker Cloud application) accounts. Because the registration data is stored in the U.S., students can use a pseudonym and email address. As long as students are informed of the data residency, iClicker Cloud is FIPPA compliant. There is also an integration with Canvas that will allow the students to register their iClicker Reef account within their Canvas course in order to activate it for free. 

Once Sauder Instructors create the iClicker course in iClicker Cloud and activate iClicker Sync in a course, students will be able to register via the iClicker sync link and will automatically see the course in the iClicker application.

Students will also need to click the iClicker Sync navigation item in the Canvas course at least once, in order to properly connect their Canvas account with their iClicker Cloud account and sync their grades.

iClicker Resources for Synchronous Classes

Set up iClicker

These instructions will guide Sauder Instructors to set up an iClicker Cloud Course and connect it to their Canvas Course.

Here are the step by step instructions:

Enable iClicker Cloud in Canvas

  1. Go to your course in Canvas and click “Settings”
  2. Select the “Navigation” tab
  3. Find and enable “iClicker Cloud”
  4. Click “Save”

Download iClicker Cloud for your desktop

We recommend running iClicker Cloud from the desktop app and not from the web browser.

Go to the iClicker Cloud download page and select Windows or Mac to download the application. Once you do this, you can usually find the iClicker Cloud icon on your desktop.

Register / Sign Into iClicker Cloud

  1. In the iClicker Program, either Sign in or Create Account

Create an iClicker Cloud Course

  1. Within the iClicker Program Click “Create New Course” on the top left. Note that if you have multiple sections, you will need to create an iClicker course per section to prevent students from receiving “double credit” or being marked as absent in sessions they do not belong to
    • Even if you only want to use iClicker to take attendance, keep “Full Course” selected
    • “Course Name” should be the same as what it appears on your Canvas course page
    • Start and end dates should be teaching start and end dates
  2. Back on the iClicker homepage, select the three dots on the right hand side of your course > Settings
    • On the Polling tab, select:
      • “Do not send a picture of my screen” → Students cannot see and answer the question if they are not in class
      • “Do not send results” → This ensures that students will not automatically see the distribution of responses in the class. You can still share results manually from your end if needed
    • “Session Participation” is how you wish to grant participation marks
    • “Session Performance” is how you want to mark student answers

Integrating iClicker Cloud with your Canvas Course

  1. In the “Integrations” tab of the settings, select “Set Up Integration”

2. A window will pop up that says “Setting up this integration requires the web application”. Click “Save and Continue” and a window will pop up leading you to the web application.

3. In this new window, select “Connect to Canvas” and then click “Go to Canvas”. If prompted, please log into Canvas with your UBC CWL.

4. iClicker will request Authorization. Select “Authorize” to proceed connecting iClicker with Canvas.

5. You will be brought back to the iClicker Cloud web page where you will see a list of the Canvas courses that you teach. Select the course that you wish to sync with iClicker and click Next.

  • *Note: By default, you will be shown a list of your published courses that you are teaching. If your course is currently unpublished, toggle the button on the top right side of the “Select Your Canvas Course” window to “Unpublished” and select the course you wish to sync with iClicker.

6. If your course has multiple sections, select the section you wish to add to your class and click “Connect”

7. Select “Sync Roster Now” and the Canvas integration is complete!

Get your students access to your course

Prior to your first iClicker class, we suggest sending an announcement to students to get them to sign up for your class. Here is an example:

Welcome to COMM 123 sec 234. Tomorrow we will be using iClicker in class. If you do not have an iClicker student account. please follow the instructions on the iClicker Student Guide. Once you have an account, you must access the course by going into the Canvas course and clicking ‘iClicker Cloud’ in the left hand navigation. You must access the iClicker course through the ‘iClicker Cloud’ link at least once for your points to be captured. Then add the iClicker course to your account. This course is called COMM 123 sec 234. Please make sure you join the correct section so your grades will be captured.

Suggested Settings

Within settings, under polling, instructors can set scoring for the course and what to share with students.  These are suggested settings.

  • Send a picture of my screen to student devices: Do not send a picture of my screen
  • Send class results to student devices: Do not send results
  • Participation: Instructors can select an amount of points to give students if they answer a certain percentage of questions. These points will be added on to the session performance points.
  • Session Performance: Instructors can select an amount of points for correct response and for just responding. Usually instructors will chose 1 point but it is up to each instructor.


You can choose to sync your iClicker grades with your Canvas Gradebook.

  • Log into iClicker Cloud and select your course
  • Select Gradebook on the left hand navigation
  • Select Sync Grades Button on the top right
  • Select the Sesssions that you want to move from iClicker to Canvas. ‘Sessions’ correspond to each of your classes.
  • Click ‘Sync’

If you run into an error:

-Ensure you have set up your Integration to Canvas via the settings area in iClicker.

-Have your students sync’d their accounts? If you are in your grades area in iClicker cloud and you do not see any green dots under Grade Sync column, that means that no students have sync’d their iClicker account with you specific course. Every student needs to go into your Canvas course and click on the iClicker Sync button once to enable this and get their grades.


  • Why are some students grades not syncing from iClicker to Canvas?
    • If student have not accessed an iClicker course from your Canvas course at least once, the grades will not sync properly. Please relay the information below to students. it is also available in the UBC iClicker Student Guide.
      • Once an iClicker account has been set up, log in to the Canvas course and click iClicker Cloud in the Course Navigation.
      • If students don’t see the iClicker Cloud option in their Course Navigation, contact the instructor. iClicker Cloud needs to be enabled in the Canvas course by the instructor for students to see it.
      • Students must add each course that uses iClicker through the iClicker Cloud link in Canvas or else they will not receive grades for iClicker activities in the course. Students should not try to add courses in iClicker Reef directly, unless your instructor specifically tells you to.
      • Once the course has been added, students can participate directly through your web browser for the course activities by logging in at
  • Is iClicker free for students?
  • Can students only use iClicker on a smartphone?
  • What should I do if I have multiple sections merged on Canvas?
    • Create a separate iClicker Cloud course for each section. Make sure you’re in the right one before starting a class activity!
    • Note that course sections in iClicker will all have separate columns in your Canvas Gradebook. For example, you are not able to automatically combine all ‘session 1’ marks for your section 101, 102 and 103 iclicker courses into one column in Canvas gradebook. If you want help organizing the iclicker grades, please contact Learning Services at
  • I got an error message using iClicker Cloud and a MAC, what can I do?
  • iClicker is frozen and I cannot close the program
    • If the fatal error message appears and you are unable to quit, use force quit to close the application. The hotkey for force quit is Command+Option+Escape. Another option to force quit is to use your Activity Monitor. You can open your Activity Monitor by opening Spotlight Search (Command+Space), then type ‘Activity Monitor”
    • If force quitting the application does not fix the fatal error, you can try deleting and re-downloading the application.
  • How can I remove sessions and/or attendance from iClicker?
    1. Log into the iClickerCloud website.
    2. Select the course you are interested in.
    3. Navigate to the Class History tab.
    4. In the top right corner, select Delete.
      Image of iClicker dashboard on the Class History Tab, with the delete button highlighted in a red square.
    5. Check off the attendance and/or session dates you’d like to remove. Confirm that you’d like to delete the data.
      • Attendance and sessions are counted separately. If you remove the attendance for a class, it will not remove the poll results for that class, and vice versa.
      • If you have already synced grades, clicking “Sync Grades” again will not remove the grades for the deleted sessions from Canvas. You will have to remove them manually.
      • There is no way to retrieve deleted attendance/sessions.
        Pop-up screen in iClickerCloud for deleting session and/or attendance.

Instructional Video

Video instruction on how to set up iClicker Cloud Course

Learning Technology Quiz Respondus LockDown Browser Teaching Activity


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Formative online quizzes are a very useful tool to assess student learning throughout your course. Quizzes can be delivered synchronously (everyone takes them at the same time) or asynchronously (students can take them at any time within a given availability window). Quizzes can be a very effective way to “chunk” asynchronous teaching. For example, students could watch a video recording on a relevant topic, subsequently, take a quiz to confirm their understanding, and finally contribute to an online discussion forum. This provides students with rapid feedback on their progress, and it provides instructors with an understanding of student comprehension and engagement levels (which could count as participation grades, for example). Instructors can draw on student performance in quizzes to inform future classes as well (both asynchronous and synchronous).

In this context, quizzes are generally fairly short and are low stakes (i.e. less than 10% of an assessment scheme) as they are considered a combination of a learning tool and an assessment tool (i.e. formative assessment).

Quizzes can be timed or open, but should generally have a due date. Canvas offers a number of different types of questions that you can ask in a quiz, along with a wide range of options for setting them up for your students. For information on how to set up Canvas quizzes here are some support resources:



Integrated with Canvas:

It is Canvas!

Used by UBC Sauder Instructors:


Status Info:

Visit Status page

Guides on how to Build Quizzes

Using Respondus

Upload your quiz questions via Respondus – Respondus Quiz is an assessment software that allows you to create your questions in a word document and upload them directly into a Canvas quiz or a Canvas quiz bank.  It also allows you to import publisher quiz questions.  If you would like to import your publisher questions, please contact them directly for the file of your questions to import into Respondus.  You will find the instructions on how to do this on the Respondus page.

Formula Sheets & Long Content

Have a formula sheet or long content to embed in exams? Consider this toggle button solution (redirect to demo quiz) if you are using Lockdown Browser with a formula sheet and/or if you would like to reduce the amount of time students spend scrolling to the top of your exam to access your formula sheet.  If you have a formula sheet to embed, consider typing the formulas in LaTeX syntax.

Midterms and Finals

Note, this information is primarily for formative quizzes. For more details on midterm and final exams, which also use the Canvas quiz tool, see Module 8 – Online Midterm/Final Assessments.

Academic Integrity Exam Experiential Learning Presentation Quiz


Assessing – At a Glance

There are many ways to assess whether or not students are learning the concepts, behaviours, and knowledge that are intended by their instructor. Generally speaking, assessments fall under two categories: formative and summative.

Assessments are also best when they are authentic in nature, meaning that they are as close to what students would experience in the real-world as possible.

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