Hey everyone,
Sorry this is late! I completely forgot about it! Going along with my theme of not-being-a-reflection, here is my ode to PE teachers through the eyes of the student! Enjoy!
English, math, oh what a bore!
I fidget in my seat, bum sore,
C’mon clock, a little more!
I just want to play and score.
The clock says ten, the teacher stands,
‘Lets calmly walk’, teacher demands
We all file up, our hands in hands
Anxious, nervous, everyone understands
We enter the gym, all hell breaks loose,
We shame each other, playing duck duck goose.
We play with balls, that are dirty with use
We swallow our fear, like tightening the noose.
It’s baseball now, there is fear in the air,
Who will strike out, this game isn’t fair.
There’s a fly ball, catch it if you dare,
Jimmy will pummel you at recess, with care.
Report card season, you get your first grade.
You know with PE, you tried, and you played
Hopefully an A!, last night all you prayed,
A B-, poor skill set, is what the letter displayed.
PE, what a scene of mockery and shame,
You know in your heart, it’s all one big game
In high school you skip, can’t contain your disdain
It was that first B, poor skill set, who is to blame.
Meghan! I loved this! Amazing! I am really impressed with your poetic ability! While I am definitely not nearly as talented as you in this department in order to write a poem back to you, for some reason your poem kind of reminded me of this video I saw a couple of weeks ago. I feel like when you’re teaching your own PE classes you would take something like this and make it that much “cooler”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7uWCALGZ-E
Way to go!
Meghan, I just want to commend you for your incredible creativity and talent! I was really impressed not just with your unparalleled rhyming scheme, but your ability to actually incorporate topics and feelings we’ve discussed over these past few weeks . You are Shakespeare incarnate… no better! This poem just goes to show that you can be as creative and unconventional with the material while still being thoughtful, reflective and informative in your words. This poem should be published for all PE teachers. I applaud you my friend!
A very creative way to share your thoughts and reflect on your experiences. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Meghan,
Thank you for sharing a creative poem about your experience. I thought it was so unique and really told an important underlying story on classroom assessment and the conflicting views of the student. It also displayed the major differences between PE classes now and from when we went to school. Those hall of shame games gave us some tough skin and I wonder what kids will be missing out on in school without them! It is wonderful to know that more positive games have been designed and new rules formed that alleviate those feelings of SHAME. Great work!