All posts by michael rines

Track and Field Group

We had an interesting discussion in our summary of readings this week. The readings carried themes of class inclusion and working with diversity and positive language to provide the best possible PE experience for students. Because of social “norms” such as gender identity, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity; a PE class is a common ground for bullying and harassment. Some questions arose during discussion such as how to prevent discrimination of students that look “different” because of their development and maturity. As a group we discussed talking to the student privately, or the whole class as group. I think our general decision was that both options are viable but it’s what language we use to discuss the matter.

The activities that were used last Friday were both great games. I was surprise at the amount of confusion in the rooster/rabbit game. After the game I was thinking ways I could make it more clear and understandable for students. Having students wear jerseys and making the court bigger providing more running room for students.

The final activity where they had the entire class spread out in groups along the track. Each group had to march in unison around the track and when the baton came to them then the front person of the group had to sprint with the baton to the next group in front. The two batons circled the track chasing each other for 10 minutes or until one baton has caught up with the other. This is a great activity because it fosters that competitive nature of sport without concluding with a winner and/or loser.   I am excited to try this game in my class!

Week 5 Invasion games!

Invasion games

I really enjoyed this week’s invasion games. It was very well done. By gradually increasing the technical skill, the students were able to become familiar with each motion. It was interesting to watch the groups interpretation of “Teaching Games for Understanding” I felt that it was very well done.

The dancing was great fun at the beginning, it was a very good warm up activity. If the group had had more time for a warm-up activity I would suggest running through the moves once without music and then once with so we could follow along a bit better.

The stretching at the end was flawless. I found it to be a unique way to cool everyone down, I loved the creativity.  I would love to try that in one of my classes.

Great discussion questions too. I found myself questioning my style of teaching for the rest of the day. I think if I had to choose one: Teaching my students to be life long learners of physical education is the most important. This is best describe through The Fitness for Life Model. Maintaining that life style after school, both through diet and activity is crucial in living a long and happy life.

I would say on the whole, stellar work this week. Thanks Invasion Games Week Group!

Week 3 Net/wall games!

Sorry team!  I have been having the toughest time figuring out this whole blogging thing!  But I have it now!

Net/Wall Games

This week was volleyball basics. Starting with the very creative game of tic tac toe with an exercise kick. Followed by an intense warm-up led by Rylan, having us strafe side to side in a crouched position. This warm up is quite versatile as it can work as a warm up for many different sports including, my personal favorite; wrestling. The group teach finished their lesson by breaking us up into different stations teaching us, bumping, setting, serving and then putting it all together by keeping the ball up in a circle. I felt the way the group broke down the basics of volleyball, starting with holding an athletic stance, then teaching each major hit at different stations was a transparent and effective way of teaching. The instruction was clear, concise, and intermittent through each activity. I appreciated how we covered ways a teacher could do this lesson as a single teacher, using group leaders or instruction on a piece of paper at each station.