Happy end-of-term! *NEW* Advanced TA Skills Certificate


LFS TAs, we’re nearing the end of the term already! We hope you’ve all had a great semester.

FYI, the TA Coordinator team has turned over– thank you to Jordy and Alysha for all their work over the past few years!
Your new TA Coordinators, Lexis (she/her; lexisly@mail.ubc.ca) and Steven (he/him; sbristow@student.ubc.ca) are excited to take over.

We want to hear how your term went! Your feedback helps shape the workshops and resources we offer. Fill out this quick survey: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aibv6Aea4pcMe46

Speaking of workshops, we also want to let you know about our NEW Advanced TA Skills Certificate Program. Earn a certificate for furthering your skills in TAship and pedagogy!

In order to receive the certificate, you must:

  1. Be a part of the LFS Faculty

2. Attend 5 independent advanced TA skills training opportunities. Note that 3/5 workshops must be hosted by the LFS TA Training program. The 5 workshops must consist of the following content:

  • 3 workshops related to content in teaching fundamentals.
  • 1 workshop related to content in equity, diversity and inclusivity (EDI).
  • 1 workshop related to teaching pedagogy.

More information about the certificate program can be found here in the LFS TA Info Portal under ‘Resources – TA Handbook, Forms, Training, and Helpful Sites – Training’.

Any questions? Feel free to email us!

Lexis (lexisly@mail.ubc.ca) and Steven (sbristow@student.ubc.ca)


Reminder: LFS TA DAY!


Reminder: LFS TA DAY!

Come celebrate the end of the term with your fellow TAs. Happening online and in-person (FNH 300) on Wednesday, Nov 22, from 11-12. 

  • Learn about the new *Advance TA Skills Certificate* program, where you can earn a certificate for professional development in teaching!
  • Meet other TAs and let us know how your term went!
  • Enjoy some snacks (in-person)!

RSVP by Nov 20: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0x4X4NP09a7FeVE

See you there!

Lexis (lexisly@mail.ubc.ca) and Steven (sbristow@student.ubc.ca)

LFS TA Coordinators




APBI 415 January to April 2024

Email contact information –janestojkov@yahoo.com

Course overview:

This course will introduce students to animal behavior, application of principles and research methods of animal behavior, practical problems in the care of farm, companion, wild, and research animals; and in animal training and human-wildlife conflict.

Work Performed:

Use detailed marking guides to mark class assignments, projects and final presentations. Submit the verified marks to the instructor. Be available for occasional office hours at particular times prior to assignments/projects being due and be able to correspond by email when needed. Meet with students after assignments have been returned to refer unresolved queries about grading to the instructor. Assist with posting lectures and assignments to canvas and other communications. Attend some of the lectures to assist instructor with activities during the lecture.

Minimum qualifications and skills

Education and knowledge requirements: Preference may be given to graduate students in Applied Animal Biology and/or candidates with good understanding of animal behavior and/or research methodology. Certificates in any continued education in counselling methods/skills will be considered as an asset.

Skills: Ability to correspond effectively with the instructor and to ask questions when uncertain about grading responsibilities. Very good organizational skills. Ability to maintain accuracy and attention to detail (marking assignments, entering data into spreadsheets). Ability to communicate effectively with the students with their questions. Ability to navigate Canvas and Zoom very well to assist with tasks associated.

Few more details about the course:

Course code – APBI 415 001
Delivery – In person, Location: Neville Scarfe building, Room#200
January 2024 to April 2024
Weekly Schedule – Tuesdays & Tuesdays, 11am-12:30pm

If interested please apply through the LFS TA Application, email me above and provide a recent CV.

Jane (Yanne) Stojkov, DVM, PhD (He/Him)
Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Land and Food SystemsUniversity of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada

LFS TA DAY – Nov 22!


Hello LFS TAs!

Come celebrate the end of the term with your fellow TAs at LFS TA DAY! Happening online and in-person (FNH 300) on Wednesday, Nov 22, from 11-12. 

  • Learn about the new Advance TA Skills Certificate program, where you can earn a certificate for professional development in teaching!
  • Meet other TAs and let us know how your term went!
  • Enjoy some snacks (in-person)!

RSVP by Nov 20: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0x4X4NP09a7FeVE

See you there!

Lexis (lexisly@mail.ubc.ca) and Steven (sbristow@student.ubc.ca)

LFS TA Coordinators

Re: CUPE 2278 GWI/Retro Overpayments


To: 2023 Winter Term 1 TAs

From: the LFS Human Resources Office

CUPE 2278 GWI/Retro Overpayments

It has been brought to our attention that there was an overpayment issue on the September 15th pay deposit.

Additional details from payroll are coming, but at this point, you need to be aware that there is an overpayment issue.

Should you have any questions, please wait to receive the payroll communication first as it may already provide you with the answers to your questions.

TA Coordinator Positions – application closes Sept 30, or until filled


Hi Folks

Please see attached the attached job posting for 2023-24 TA coordinator position. To note: we are looking for 2 individuals. Closing date Sep 30 or until filled.

Thanks everyone

Sandra Brown (she, her)
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Applied Biology
Associate Dean Academic, Faculty of Land and Food Systems
University of British Columbia – Vancouver campus
xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Traditional Territories

LFS TA Training Program updates


Hello LFS TAs!

So nice to see many new and returning faces at the LFS TA Orientation a couple weeks ago. If you were unable to attend, you can find a summary of some key LFS TA resources talked about on the LFS TA portal page here (e.g., when and how to contact CUPE, the LFS Learning Centre, the Centre for Teaching Learning and Technology and your LFS TA coordinators): https://blogs.ubc.ca/lfsta/information-for-tas/lfs-ta-resources-overview/ 

If you would like to provide some feedback on the type of events that you think would be helpful to your role as a TA in LFS in this upcoming year please use the survey link here to let us know what you think: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_blxnKB1QNMt879Y 

This plays a critical role in shaping what the TA Training Program offers for you as a TA in LFS.

A final note that the LFS TA Training Program is looking for new TA Co-ordinators in November as myself and Jordy’s term is ending. If this role is of interest to you please see the attached document with some additional information about the role and how to apply.

Any other TA related questions please reach out to myself or Jordy (kerseyj@mail.ubc.ca).


Alysha Deslippe, PhD(c)
Doctoral Student, LFS TA Training Program Coordinator
Nutrition and Eating Behaviour (NEB) Lab | Healthy Starts
University of British Columbia | BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
alyshade@student.ubc.ca | alysha.deslippe@bcchr.ubc.ca

LFS 250 TAships 2023-24


LFS 250 TAships 2023-24

We have 3 on-line TAships available in our second-year course, Land, Food and Community I (LFS 250). The course is an introduction to food systems literacy with an emphasis on developing systems thinking approaches, interdisciplinary collaboration skills, and equity competencies. We explore issues related to sustainability, food security, food sovereignty, and food environment analysis. Students develop skill sets related to systems diagrams, team work, and verbal, written and design-based communication. TAs are responsible for running their own tutorial sessions with support from the three course instructors (Delisa Lewis, Matt Mitchell and Will Valley), including tutorial templates, weekly teaching team meetings, and a course-specific TA handbook.

If any graduate students are looking for more independent, on-line teaching experience and keen to guide 2nd-year students through food systems issues, please contact us and/or go to our
LFS TA Application to apply – https://ta-app.landfood.ubc.ca (must be either on campus (UBC Secure) or logged in through UBC VPN for the website to work).

Here are a few more details about the course:

Course code – LFS 250 002
Delivery – On-line
September 2023 to April 2024
210 hours

Weekly Schedule
– On-line Lecture – Tuesdays, 1pm-1:50pm
– Lab time – Tuesdays, 2pm-3:30pm (this is scheduled for students to complete group work, but does not have a weekly scheduled component for TAs. TAs hold office hours or use the time to catch up on grading and/or prep for their tutorial)
– Tutorials – Thursdays,12:30-1:50pm
– Weekly Teaching Team Meeting – no time has been set, we meet weekly as a teaching team for one hour, preferably on Mondays.

– Facilitating weekly tutorial sessions, attending on-line lectures and weekly teaching team meetings, grading assignments and providing students with verbal and written feedback, and maintaining communication with students outside of course time as needed.


Will Valley, PhD
Associate Professor of Teaching, Applied Biology
Academic Director, Land, Food, & Community Series
Associate Dean, EDI
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
University of British Columbia, Musqueam Territory
210 – 2205 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4

Contact info for instructors:

  • Will Valley – will.valley@ubc.ca
  • Matthew Mitchell – matthew.mitchell@ubc.ca
  • Delisa Lewis – delisa.lewis@ubc.ca

Fall 2023 LFS TA Orientation – in just one week!


Hi folks!

We’re excited to be back in swing for the 2023-2024 academic year! To kick off the term we invite you to join us for the 2023 Fall TA Orientation on Wednesday, September 6th from 12pm-4:30pm in MCML350. A social at Koerner’s Pub will follow the orientation.

Please RSVP to the QR code provided in the advertisement along with any dietary restrictions (lunch is provided). Please respond by Aug 28th (Monday) to reserve food.

The schedule for the day is as follows, and we welcome you to join for any and all activities!

12:00 Lunch
12:30 Welcome from LFS TA Coordinators
12:35 Welcome from the LFS Dean
12:40 Overview of LFS Learning Centre
12:45 CUPE Rep Introduction
1:15 CTLT Representative
1:20 Break
1:30 Workshop 1: Leading Discussions
3:05 Workshop 2: Equitable Marking
4:35 Wrap Up
5:00 Social: Koerner’s Pub (games + prizes)

We hope to see you there!!

Jordy Kersey

Jordy Kersey, MSc (she/her)
PhD Candidate | Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes Lab
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The University of British Columbia | Unceded xʷməθkʷəy̓əm Territory
TA Training Coordinator – Faculty of Land and Food Systems