Peer Tutor Spotlight – Anthony Moss

Photo source: Anthony Moss

Hi! My name is Anthony. I was born and raised in Southern Ontario. I went to high school in Mississauga, Ontario and completed the International Baccalaureate (IB Program) in the last 2 years of high school. I moved to British Columbia to do my BSc at UBC four years ago. I am currently a 4th year Biology student graduating this May (2023). I love British Columbia and do not see myself going anywhere else. 🙂

This is my first time being a peer tutor for BIOL 201 (Introduction to Biochemistry) and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to give back to the UBC Biology Program.

What do you most enjoy about being a peer tutor?

I love seeing that “light bulb moment” in people where everything comes into focus. It is quite rewarding to see people who may not like or had a bad experience with chemistry, not only grasp the material but begin to love biochemistry and excel in it. Whether it’s office hours, piazza, and review sessions, I see those imaginary light bulbs turning on over people’s heads. This position also allowed me to mentor students, share my experiences and help them navigate their way through undergrad.

What has been an interesting outcome of your peer tutoring experience?

I got to explore the same material sitting on the other side of the table as part of the teaching and learning team. It helped me become a better communicator by being able to reduce complex mechanisms into simple concepts. I got to understand the material more than I did when I took this course by exploring all the intricacies of the different mechanisms that are beyond the scope of the course. I also started to explore how I can integrate “teaching” into my future career.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love nature photography. I like going on walks through Pacific Spirit Park enjoying the tranquillity of the forests and this is my favourite thing to do to de-stress from school work.

What is a fun fact about you that people may not know?

I love to travel! My bucket list is to travel to every country in the world. Only 5 down. Admittedly, I have many more countries to go. 🙂

What are your plans following graduation?

As of right now, my plans are up in the air like most people. I am hoping things will come into focus in the next few months. Regardless of the path forward, I see my future career as a family doctor serving those who do not currently have a primary care physician. The majority of Canadians struggle with health literacy and I want to be a part of the solution by teaching my future patients how can they live their best lives. I am considering doing a Masters program in Public Health before sending out applications to medical schools.

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