Archive for the 'What others are saying' Category

Lecture Time

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

I am flattered by Shoko who needs special permission to skip her class for my talk to the faculty. The audience showed strong interest. It turned out to be very interactive. Thanks to Dr. Sugimoto and Dr. Lo’s introduction and tune setting. Dr. Hideo Joho’s comments impressed me and presented the difference in funding principles […]


Saturday, October 13th, 2012

This post-Thanksgiving Vancouver weather marks the end of my two-year effort on the rare books. How sad! 真可谓“屋漏偏逢连夜雨,船迟又遇打头风”。 The incident brought me back to this blog. Wonder if it also marks the end of an era and I should look forward to a new start. 祸福相依的道理我还是懂得的。Gains and losses go side by side.

Orientation and the Exhibit

Monday, September 24th, 2012

I appreciated a much shorter staff meeting today. Some Chinese students in the neighborhood came to the Exhibit with their parents on this PD day. I recognized Peril right away who has been our loyal reader and donor, and she is with Tsu Chi Academy of Humanity. The group’s comment is really encouraging. I spent […]

More Requests from Japan

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

Just received the thank-you letter from Japan and glad to know Shoko is back home safely. She gave an impressive presentation last Friday. When I dropped her off at YVR, I had a Canadian style hug. Glad to learn about the library operation in Japan and the program at Tsukuba. I think that their program […]

Busy Day

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

This morning, all my mind was on the visa issue in Guangzhou and how to hang the panels in the Auditorium. Asian Studies’ pancake breakfast was in there and changed the setting and feeling of the room. The folks’ warm greetings stopped my worries on the exhibition. What a great opportunity meeting new colleagues! Dr. […]

International Activities

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

Never looked back until the LDO pushed me a few times. Vivienne followed up over the phone and asked for some rough numbers and dates. Then I am suprised by how many friends I have made globally and how much I have learnt from those activities. If the Collaborative Virtual Reference is considered as the […]

Not a Nation Loves to Read?

Thursday, June 14th, 2012


Independent Scholars

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

Chris wrote from Australia on TARUMOTO Teruo’s 樽本照雄 新編增補清末民初小説目錄, which can be made into a value-added project by librarians. I am glad Harvard colleagues share the same interest. Tarumoto sensei reminds me about those independent scholars at the Conference two weeks ago. Rudy Chiang’s presentation on BC salmon canneries was fascinating. I figured he must […]

Misleading Chinese Databases

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

Receiving several questions on Chinese databases. Our graduate students are very confused. They would assume if a serial title is covered, all its issues and full-text articles would be available. When we ran into so many unavailable ones this week, I could sense the frustration from our students, but the vendors could easily say “NO”. […]

Director Zhu’s Visit

Monday, April 16th, 2012

My regular Thursday TS work was interrupted, and I had to return to Asian. Peking U. Library Director, Dr. Zhu Qiang, just arrived in town for Ingrid’s Presidential program. Shakeela came to Asian Library first to arrange for another group of VIP visitors. I picked enough rare objects from the vault right before Dr. Zhu […]

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