Universal communication embodies among the most organized literature in the world. Standard style and format that must be agreed upon and understood throughout the globe make universal communication a tricky subject. Formal scientific writing is perhaps one of the best examples of how universal standard guidelines influence literature all over the world. In the scientific community, researchers must be able to communicate with each other in a way they can all understand and interpret. To illustrate, in essence, scientific journal articles written in Africa, Eurasia, and America could not be visually distinguished by country of origin when translated into the same language.
Universal communication guidelines are established in scientific writing to make scientific writing recognizable in the entire scientific community. This is becauseĀ the scientific community is a global community since scientific laws, theories, and principles are universal as well. In addition, scientific communication is often of key importance in studying and even solving a worldwide problem such as the current Ebola epidemic in western Africa finding its way around the world and making itself a global issue.

Zaire ebolavirus, the most lethal virus in the world. Image courtesy of Wikipedia (click on image to visit page).
Here’s a video taken from YouTube, courtesy of BBC News, to address the global concern of the current Ebola outbreak and the importance of global communication in managing the epidemic.