Podcasts and video


Many newspapers and magazines produce science podcasts.  You can set up your RSS reader to automatically download podcasts so that you can listen to them later. Here are a few examples of science podcasts:

Nature Podcast (weekly, Thursdays)
Nova Podcasts (choose your download preference and enjoy!)
National Public Radio Science Friday (or streaming audio is here)
Science 360 Radio
CBC Quirks and Quarks
CBC White Coat Black Art
CBC Spark
NY Times Science Times Podcast (ended 2014)


Many science journals and magazines also have video sections on their websites.  For example:

New Scientist videos
Nature videos
Nova video podcasts (the third item is all video; choose your download preference and enjoy!)
National Public Radio Science Friday (or streaming video is here)

Test Tube documents the “highs and lows of life as a scientist” in videos.

For a short video about each of the chemical elements, visit the Periodic Table of Videos.