Tag Archives: drugs

Forgot Something? Suspect Your Dopamine

You open up an internet browser, but you forget what you were going to search for or why you even started your computer. Have you ever came across these situations?  The recent research on temporary memory loss (2021) has discovered the betrayer within our body: the dopamine.

Dopamine has a reputation as the “happy hormone.” It’s a neurotransmitter, a substance that conveys signals between the neurons that mediate pleasure in our brain and make you crave for the things you love. For instance, you constantly refresh your Instagram feed or click on the next recommended video on YouTube because your brain remembers and relate those activities to pleasure. Then every time you perform those activities your brain release dopamine, which makes you feel good.

Problems with Dopamine Addiction

In a nutshell, dopamine acts very similar to recreational drugs because it constantly tempts and controls you to do things that provide instant gratification and make you crave for stronger pleasure. The problem of dopamine addiction recently arose because of the rapid technological advancement, which allowed for easy access to activities that release dopamine such as social media, video games, and pornography. People have hard time focusing on their work and managing their time because they crave that dopamine shots.

Here’s a video that talks about the effect of dopamine on human and possible solution to overcome addiction:

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Source: TopThink (youtube.com)

In addition, the researchers from Scripps Research Institute revealed dopamine’s another dark secret. They discovered the mechanism in which the stimulation of dopamine circuit is responsible for transient forgetting, also known as temporary memory loss. In particular, the biochemical team specified a single pair of dopamine-releasing neuron, named PPL1- α2α’2, that causes the universal nuisance in our brain.

In summary, the research team trained Drosophila, commonly known as the fruit fly, to associate a certain scent with an unpleasant shock. However, when the flies were introduced to stimuli such as a puff of air or blue light, the type of light emitted from the screens of your electronic devices, the dopamine released due to the stimuli interfered with the flies’ memory signal and the flies temporarily forgot the negative association with the scent.

Furthermore, the research found that the increased strength or intensity of the stimulus increases the duration of the temporary memory loss . In other words, exposure to stronger stimulus, such as illicit drug or concentrated alcohol, requires more time to recover from the transient memory loss.

During the unprecedented period of pandemic, without social interactions, you probably consume more social media feeds or YouTube videos for your daily dose of dopamine. However, think of dopamine as sugar for now. Your body needs it to continue the happy life, but addiction could bring potential complications with regards to your success and health. Experts recommend activities such as the dopamine detox or meditation to overcome the dopamine addiction. Control your dopamine; don’t let the YouTube recommendations control you!

-Matthew Lim

From Recreational to Pharmaceutical – A Promising Psychedelic in Research

Current research on the use of psychedelic drugs for therapeutic applications is showing a lot of promise, building on the potential first demonstrated by studies  conducted in the 1950’s. Humphry Osmond, the psychiatrist who coined the term “psychedelics”, is considered one of the pioneers of psychedelics research. He believed hallucinogenic drugs could be used to treat mental illnesses, and his research findings supported his beliefs. His study on the use of LSD to treat alcoholism found that at the one year follow-up, almost half of study participants who suffered from alcoholism didn’t return to drinking. As such, Osmond’s seminal studies paved the path for the emerging field of psychedelics research. Fast-forward to today, research studies are demonstrating that under controlled conditions, psychedelic drugs like LSD, psilocybin (the active compound in magic mushrooms), and ketamine hold the potential for treating an array of mental illnesses – from alcoholism, to PTSD, to depression, anxiety, and OCD.  As the newest addition, MDMA is joining the rest of its peers in psychedelics research and may hold great potential.

Humphry Osmond, Source: Jeremy Leung

MDMA, otherwise known as ecstasy, E, M, or Molly, is an infamous psychoactive drug often associated with nightclub and rave scenes. Hours of partying are fueled by intense feelings of pleasure, emotional warmth, and an abundance of energy owed to this little pill with so many names. The negative stigma attached to recreational drug use has given MDMA a bad rep, but research studies from an organization called Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelics Studies (MAPS) are challenging these stigmatized views.

A team of MAPS researchers in California are repurposing MDMA to treat the psychological distress experienced by people suffering from life-threatening illnesses (LTI). People living with, or that have lived with an LTI can experience anxiety, depression, anger, and despair associated with their traumatic experiences. In one of the first clinical trials of its kind, Dr. Philip Wolfson and his team explored how using MDMA during psychotherapy sessions impacted participant’s distress levels. The team found that the study participants who took MDMA had improved mindfulness and a more positive outlook towards their traumatic experiences. Also, depression, sleep quality, and anxiety levels  improved, but these improvements couldn’t conclusively be attributed to the MDMA. The findings of this pilot study suggest MDMA could still have the potential to reduce psychological distress associated with LTI and that it may also have positive long-term effects.

Although current studies like Dr. Wolfson’s show promising results, could the stigma surrounding “hard drugs” like MDMA deter patients from taking them once/if they become approved for clinical use? Or would the existing stigma dwindle once they get a doctor’s stamp of approval? Or maybe it’s simply why the drugs are used that give recreational use a bad name. Whatever your beliefs and convictions, scientifically, “hard drugs” may have a place in medicine in the (potentially near) future.

Source: GoodRx.com

By Maya Bird

Forgot Something? Suspect Your Dopamine

You open up an internet browser, but you forget what you were going to search for or why you even started your computer. Have you ever come across these situations?  The recent research on the temporary memory loss have discovered the betrayer within our body: the notorious dopamine.

Dopamine has a reputation as the “happy hormone.” It’s a neurotransmitter, a substance that conveys signals between neurons, that mediates pleasure in our brain and makes you crave for the things you love. For instance, you constantly refresh your Instagram feed or click on the next recommended video on YouTube because your brain remembers and relate those activities to pleasure. Then every time you perform those activities your brain release dopamine, which makes you feel good.

Social Media and Distractions

Source: Fauno (pixabay.com)

Q: Sounds good! Everyone loves pleasure and happiness! What’s the problem?

A: Humans are not supposed to feel pleasure every time. In a nutshell, dopamine acts very similar to recreational drug because it constantly tempts you and controls you to do things that provides instant gratification and crave for stronger pleasure. The problem of dopamine addiction recently arose because of the rapid technological advancement, which allows for easy access to activities that release dopamine such as social media, video games, and pornography. People have hard time focusing on their work and managing their time because they crave that dopamine shots.

Here’s a video that talks about effect of dopamine on human and possible solution to overcome addiction:

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Source: TopThink (youtube.com)

In addition, the researchers from Scripps Research Institute revealed dopamine’s another dark secret. They discovered the mechanism in which the stimulation of dopamine circuit is responsible for transient forgetting, also known as temporary memory loss. In particular, the biochemical team specified a single pair of dopamine-releasing neuron, named PPL1- α2α’2, that causes the universal nuisance in our brain.

Source: Tumisu (pixabay.com)

In summary, the research taught Drosophila, the common fruit fly, to associate certain scent with unpleasant shock. However, when the subject was introduced to interfering stimuli such as a puff of air or blue light, the type of light emitted from the screens of your electronic devices, the dopamine released due to the stimuli interfered with the flies’ memory retrieval signal and the flies temporarily forgot the scent’s negative association.

Furthermore, the research found a positive correlation between the strength of the stimulus and the lasting period of memory loss. In other words, exposure to stronger stimulus, such as illicit drugs or concentrated alcohol, require more time to recover from the transient memory loss.

During the unprecedented period of pandemic, without social interactions, you probably consume more social media feeds or YouTube videos for your daily dose of dopamine. However, think of dopamine as sugar for now. Your body needs it to continue the happy life, but addiction could bring potential complications with regards to your success and health. Control your dopamine. Don’t let YouTube recommendations control you!

-Matthew Lim

Use of Nanotechnology in Cancer Therapy

Would you believe someone if they told you that there is a type cancer therapy that is more effective and has less negative effects than chemotherapy, yet is less commonly used?

Cancer is characterized by the rapid division of cells anywhere in the body.  Every day, your body produces many potentially cancerous cells that are later destroyed. Moreover, every year, over 10 million people are diagnosed with cancer. With such a large amount of diagnoses, cancer remains one of leading causes of human death as it is generally incurable due to the metastasis of cancer cells.

Microtubules in breast cancer cells leading to rapid cell division.

Credit: National cancer institute. Downloaded from: Unsplash.com

An article by Ranjita Misra and her research team  describes a new yet promising technique in cancer treatment and early detection known as nanotechnology cancer therapy.  Today, treating cancer through radiation and chemotherapy is the most popular option. Chemotherapy has numerous negative effects like drug resistance and an insufficient amount of drug reaching tumour sites. This can lead to insufferable side effects as both cancerous cells and healthy cells are destroyed. 

The use of nanotechnology in cancer therapy involves the production of small particles called nanoparticles that are effective in transporting anticancer drugs to target cells while minimizing damage to healthy cells. Nanoparticles target cancer cells through active targeting and passive targeting. Examples of nanoparticles approved by the FDA include nanoparticle-liposome and albumin nanoparticles. Liposomes in particular are vital in nanotechnology cancer therapy as drugs transported through nanoparticle-liposomes have shown to have significantly longer half lives, upwards of 55 hours. This is important as the drug is able to stay in the body for a longer time meaning less drug is needed, which reduces damage to healthy cells. Another reason liposomes are favourable is because of their composition. Their hydrophobic composition allows appreciable amounts of anticancer drug  to reach the tumour site as the body cannot destroy the drug . This is important in cancer therapy as damaging healthy cells due to excess drug is the main reason why chemotherapy has numerous side effects.  The mechanisms and benefits of nanotechnology cancer therapy talked about above are explained in more detail by Joy Wolfram (2018) in the video below.

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TEDtalk by Joy Wolfram in 2018 about nanotechnology in cancer therapy.


Liposomes and nanoparticles: nanosized vehicles for drug delivery in cancer - ScienceDirect

Liposome nanoparticle structure that is used for cancer therapy.

Credit: ScienceDirect. Downloaded from Unsplash.com

This breakthrough in cancer therapy shows that science is forever evolving and that in the future it is possible there will be a cure for cancer.  Although nanotechnology cancer therapy is a relatively new area of research it shows tremendous potential and over time it is expected that larger advancements in preventing and treating cancer will be seen. Lastly, it is believed by researchers that nanotechnology cancer therapy has the potential to be the main form of treating cancer in the future due to the fact that it has less side effects and is more effective than chemotherapy (Gharpure et al. 2015).

Balkaran Dhaliwal

From Recreational to Pharmaceutical – Promising Party Drugs in Research

Source: Unsplash.com

3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, more commonly known as MDMA, ecstasy, E, M, or Molly, is an infamous psychoactive drug often associated with nightclub and rave scenes. Hours of partying are fueled by intense feelings of pleasure, emotional warmth, and an abundance of energy owed to this little pill with so many names. The negative stigma attached to recreational drug use has given MDMA a bad rep, but a team of researchers in California are repurposing this synthetic drug to treat anxiety in people suffering from life-threatening illnesses (LTI).

In one of the first clinical trials of its kind, Dr. Philip Wolfson and his team explored how using MDMA during psychotherapy sessions impacted anxiety levels. The team found that the study participants who took MDMA had improved mindfulness and a more positive outlook towards their traumatic experiences. Depression, sleep quality, and anxiety levels also improved, but these improvements couldn’t conclusively be attributed to the MDMA. The findings of this small pilot study suggest MDMA could still have potential to reduce anxiety associated with LTI and may also have positive long-term effects.

MDMA is only one of many drugs currently being researched for therapeutic applications. LSD, famously tested for mind control by the CIA in the 1950’s and 60’s as a part of the MK-ULTRA Program, shows potential for treating alcoholism and could also treat PTSD. Another psychedelic drug called psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, is being investigated to treat a myriad of mental health disorders: from depression, to anxiety, to OCD, to certain substance use disorders. A horse tranquillizer called ketamine, which doubles as a club drug, is being researched to treat depression and (so far) shows potential.

Although current studies show promising results, could the stigma surrounding hard drugs like MDMA and ketamine deter patients from taking them once/if they become approved for clinical use? Or would the existing stigma dwindle once they get a doctor’s stamp of approval? Or maybe it’s simply why the drugs are used that give recreational use a bad name. Whatever your beliefs and convictions, scientifically, hard drugs may have a place in medicine in the (potentially near) future.

Source: GoodRx.com

By Maya Bird