Tag Archives: methane

The Power of Seaweed: How a Small Snack for Cows can have a Big Impact on the Planet

Apparently, seaweed is not just healthy for people, but when given to cows it will be good for the planet. The large amounts of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere are driving global warming. A significant amount of these emissions are a result of cows belching and flatulating in the amount of around 142.5 million metric tons of methane per year.

Cows Feeding: Source: flickr.com/U.S. Department of Agriculture

Beef and dairy are common sources of nutrition for people all over the world. In Canada alone, the average person eats around 40 lb of beef and drinks 66 L of milk per year. The issue is growing cattle is notorious for its harmful environmental impact due to the methane gas the animals release. Although methane is only 16% of the total human-caused greenhouse emissions, it is much more potent than carbon dioxide (which makes up 76% of the greenhouse gases released), making it an important agent we need to manage. The ecologically harmful process, of producing and emitting methane by cows, is described in the video below created by Laura Beil and Erin Otwell at Science News.

Video Source: Science News | YouTube

It turns out that adjusting cattle feed can greatly reduce the amount of methane they create. A recent study headed by Dr. Ermias Kebreab and his team found that adding a certain type of red seaweed (scientifically known as Asparagopsis taxiformis) to cows’ diet could play an important role in reducing greenhouse emissions. The researchers observed that the more seaweed in the diet the less methane the cows released. In addition, the study tested how different forage (grass and hay) to concentrate (corn and molasses) ratios, in combination with the seaweed, decreased cow methane production. The best results were noted when their diet had lower forage levels (compared to concentrate) and greater amounts of seaweed. This feed combination was measured to reduce beef methane emissions by more than 80%!

The type of red seaweed fed to the cows: Asparagopsis taxiformis: Source: flickr.com/Guilherme Fluckiger

It is worth noting that adding seaweed to the cows’ diet did not change their meat quality. A tasting panel confirmed that steaks were equally delicious regardless of what the cows ate in the study.

Adding seaweed to cow feed is a simple, low-cost, and nature-based solution to a very serious problem. The ability to reduce the amount of methane cows release is great news for the many people who rely on dairy and beef in their diet.

Child Enjoying a Burger: Source: Flickr.com/Anna-Lena Nordin

– Adam Soliman

Methane Reduction and the Magic of Mushrooms

When you think of Reishi mushrooms, what do you think of? A delicious food? A health fad? Well it may surprise you to know that beyond everyday consumption, Reishi mushrooms have a high potential for impacting our atmospheric conditions. A recent study done by researchers at the University of Minnesota examines certain fungus’ ability to capture and filter methane, and its impact on the current climate crisis.


Reishi Mushrooms. Source: Pixabay


Why is methane a problem?

Methane, a greenhouse gas, is one of many chemicals that contributes to the rise of global temperatures. It has many sources, both biological and man-made, the most common being agricultural practices, wetlands, and transportation of coal and natural gas. While most research is being done to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, it is just as important to address methane emissions, as in the first two decades of release, methane can be up to 84% more potent than carbon dioxide. Methane is incredibly effective at absorbing heat, which is what makes the chemical so detrimental to atmospheric conditions.


How do Reishi mushrooms help?

While there are currently other organisms that can break down methane, removing it from the atmosphere, there is one critical way that Reishi stands out:

In order for Reishi to degrade methane, the gas does not need to travel through any kind of biofilm, which decreases the total time needed for degradation. 

The cells that make up fungal structures, called hyphae, are able to extend and grow deep within the soil and other environments. When nutrients are detected, they travel through the hyphae until the desired location with the fungus is reached. There is a specific special protein, called hydrophobins, which is found on the exterior of the hyphae, which is responsible for trapping gases such as methane. Once trapped, the gas is transported within the fungus and is degraded as needed.

Mushroom hyphae. Source: Wiki Commons

The researchers who conducted the study found that Reishi mushrooms that are grown outside of the soil have a better removal rate, compared to those in the soil, where natural microbes may out-compete the mushrooms for nutrients. Shockingly, the researchers found that even dead fungi had some function at removing methane from the surrounding air.

While there is still a need for more research to be completed, it can be comforting to know that there are solutions to global warming that can come from the most unlikely places.

– Madeline Filewych