Narrowing Down ONE Issue is NOT EASY. (Or is it?)

The first lessons in the course are complete. I have unpacked, then repacked my assumptions surrounding technology-enhanced learning in math and science environments. I suppose it is time to start unpacking, again!!!

The issues that have resonated with me to date, in order are:

  1. How to turn negative early childhood experiences with technology, into positive experiences in the future for students. When asked to discuss an early experience, it was interesting to realize that I had had many negative experiences with technology for 20+ years of my life.  How is it that I overcame this to be the tech-lover that I am today?  How can I help my students overcome their own fears?
  2. Battling screen time addictions. How do we teach healthy screen time usage with our children and/or students?
  3. What are some “best practices” when it comes to weeding out misconceptions in science or math class and does gender play a role? This blog post that I made for my Lesson 2 activity was based on reading some really great work by researchers wanting to explore this topic.  I am not ready to put this issue away yet as dispelling misconceptions is REALLY important in my books.  (How good would I feel if my students left Physics 11 still thinking that there is no gravity in space??)
  4. In technology enhanced lessons, does engagement increase more with boys than with girls?  Is the only way (best way) to rope our boys in is with tech?  How much of an engagement factor does tech play with our girls, since they appear to be doing well with or without tech?

With every major topic choice in MET so far, I have chosen topics that directly impact my practice, wherever possible. If I use that as my criteria, I think that my choice of focus will be on #3: battling misconceptions.  I only read 2 of many studies out there that address this issue.  To examine it through a technologist’s lens will be right up my alley and will directly impact my students, AS I read each study, potentially. That’s pretty cool!

If anyone other than myself is reading this, thanks and sorry! Sometimes it helps to “talk it out” when needing to move into a certain direction.  The apology is for stealing 3 minutes of your time, that you will never, ever get back.  🙂

1 Comment

Filed under ETEC 533, Misconceptions

One Response to Narrowing Down ONE Issue is NOT EASY. (Or is it?)

  1. Dana Bjornson

    I can’t believe it.

    Lesson 3 (the interview) is behind me. I’ve read my classmates posts and insights. And now, I’m second guessing on my “issue” again!

    Perhaps in the morning, I will be thinking more clearly. It’s go time, though— one weekend to get ‘er done!!!!

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