December 11-22, 2014
Mount Emei, Sichuan, China
The Chinese Academy of Buddhist Studies (CABS), the Emeishan Academy of Buddhist Studies (EABS; Dafo Chansi on Mount Emei), the Center for the Research on Buddhist Texts and Arts (CRBTA) at Peking University, Institute of Religious Studies and Institute for the Studies of Chinese Folklore Cultures at Sichuan University, Buddhist Studies Forum at University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada cordially invite applications for a 12-day winter program of seminars and fieldwork in Buddhism and East Asian Cultures (December 11-22, 2014) at the Emeishan Academy of Buddhist Studies, Sichuan, China. 中國佛學院、峨眉山佛學院 (四川峨眉山大佛禪寺內)、北京大學佛教典籍與藝術研究中心、四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所以及中國俗文化研究所、加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學佛學論壇於2014年12月11-22日,假四川峨眉山佛學院(大佛禪寺內)聯合舉辦 「佛教與東亞宗教國際寒期研修班」,誠邀海內外青年學子參與!
- Location 地點:
- Sichuan Academy of Buddhist Studies (within the Dafo chansi at Mount Emei) 峨眉山大佛禪寺內四川佛學院
- Time 時間——December 11-22, 2014
- December 11, 2014:Registration 報到;
- December 12-19, 2014:Winter Program at Sichuan Academy of Buddhist Studies 研修班課程(四川佛學院);
- December 20-21, 2014: Visits at Temples on Mount Emei and its vicinity 峨眉山及周邊寺院參訪 ;
- December 22, 2014:Home-going 賦歸。
- Seminars: Through this program, we have invited three international scholars to open three seminars on specific topics. These instructors include (alphabetically): 研修班課程邀請以下三位國際學者 (以姓氏羅馬字順序為序), 講授三門課程:
- Imre Galambos高奕睿 (Cambridge University 劍橋大學): Studies on Buddhist Manuscripts in a Multilinguistic and Multicultural Environment《佛教寫本研究:聚焦其多語種與多文化的環境》;
- Stephen Teiser太史文 (Princeton University 普林斯頓大學): Dunhuang Healing Liturgies and the Study of Medieval Buddhist Ritual《敦煌遺書的患文與中國中古佛教的儀禮》;
- Barend ter Haar田海 (Oxford University 牛津大學): From Protector of Buddhist Monasteries to Confucian Paragon: The Formation and Transformation of the Lord Guan Veneration《從佛寺的守護神到儒家典範:關公信仰的形成與演變》。
All of the lectures are conducted bilingually (English and Chinese). 所有課程均以英、漢雙語講授。
- Four Additional Projects: In addition to these three seminars, this winter program also sponsors the following four more projects. 除三門課程之外,本課程還將組織以下四項活動:
- Occasional Lecture series on Buddhism and East Asian Cultures 佛教與東亞文化演講系列: A series of eight lectures, mainly delivered by Chinese scholars (this series itself can also be attended as a separate course): 1. Chen Jinhua (UBC), 2. Duan Yuming (Sichuan University), 3. Shengkai (Tsing-hua University), 4. Kirill Solonin (Petersburg University & Renmin University of China), 5. Sun Yinggang (Fudan University), 6. Wang Yong (Zhejiang Gongshang University), 7. Wei Bin (Wuhan University), and 8. Zhanru (Peking University). Speakers include;由八位學者 (主要為活躍於大陸的知名學者) 主講的八場演講:1. 陳金華 (UBC)、2. 段玉明 (四川大學)、3. 聖凱 (清華大學)、4. 索羅寧 (俄國聖彼得堡大學與中國人民大學)、5. 孫英剛 (復旦大學)、6. 王勇 (浙江工商大學)、7. 魏斌 (武漢大學)、與8. 湛如(北京大學)等諸位教授。本系列也可當作一個獨立的課程來修讀。
- International Young Scholar Conference on Buddhism and East Asian Cultures 佛教與東亞文化國際青年學者論壇: An international conference for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows on Buddhism and East Asian cultures, of four panels in the afternoons of December 12-15, 2014 held in the Lecture Hall at EABS. Excellent articles may be recommended to journals like Fojiao wenxian yanjiu (Studies on Buddhist Texts), Foxue yanjiu (Buddhist Studies), Fojiao shi yanjiu (Historical Studies of Buddhism), Studies in Chinese Religions (edited by Prof. Fang Guangchang, Prof. Shengkai, Prof. Sun Yinggagng, and Prof. Jinhua Chen respectively) for publication; 計劃於 2014 年 12 月 12-15 日下午假四川佛學院講堂舉行。部分優秀論文可推薦至《佛教文獻研究》、《佛學研究》、《佛教史研究》、《中國宗教研究》(英文) 發表(雜誌分別由方廣錩教授、聖凱教授、孫英剛教授、陳金華教授主編) 。
- An international conference on Buddhist and East Asian Religious Manuscripts佛教與東亞宗教寫本研究國際研討會: to be held in the Lecture Hall of EABS, December 17-18, 2014; in addition to the three (3) seminar instructors and eight (8) speakers for the Lecture Series, panelists still include 12. Cao Hong (Nanjing University), 13. Choe Yeonshik (Dongguk University), 14. Paul Copp (Chicago University), 15. Huang Zheng (Nanjing Normal University), 16. George Keyworth (University of Saskatchewan), 17. Kim Chŏn-hak (Dongguk University), 18. Lin Pei-ying (Tel Aviv University), 19. Liu Yi (Capital Normal University), 20. Harry Rothchild (University of North Florida), 21. Teng Wei-jen (Dharma-Drum Institute of Liberal Arts), 22. Wang Chengwen (Sun Yat-sen University), 23. Zhang Yong (Sichuan University), and 24. Zhang Yongquan (Zhejiang Normal University) (other details of the conference to be announced separately); 2014 年 12 月 17 -18日於四川佛學院講堂舉行; 除了寒期班主課的三位主講者與演講系列的八位講者外,會議論文發表者還包括:12. 曹虹 (南京大學)、13. 崔鈆植 (韓國東國大學)、14. 柏剛 (芝加哥大學)、15. 黃徵 (南京師範大學)、16. 紀強 (加拿大薩斯卡川大學)、17. 金天鶴 (韓國東國大學)、18. 林佩瑩 (以色列特拉維夫大學)、19. 劉屹 (首都師範大學)、20. 羅漢 (美國北佛羅里達大學)、21. 鄧偉仁 (臺灣法鼓文理學院)、22. 王承文 (中山大學)、23. 張勇 (四川大學)、及24. 張湧泉 (浙江師範大學) 諸教授(研討會其他詳細信息另行公布);
- Field Trips參訪活動: Occasional visits to renowned local historical and religious sites (especially Buddhist and Daoist temples) on Mt. Emei and its neighboring areas. 主要圍繞在峨眉山及其周邊地區的宗教名勝的數次參訪。
- Application: Although this is not a degree program, sponsoring institutions will issue a certificate to each participant. A student is required to take part in all the activities sponsored by the program, with the exception of the field trips, the participation of which is encouraged, but not compulsory. Graduate students specializing in any Buddhist tradition or Chinese Religions, and postdoctoral fellows working on relevant fields, are encouraged to apply. Applications and inquiries shall be directed to Please send applications before October 15, 2014. Each application shall include (1) an application form (to be provided upon request via the above email), (2) an updated curricula vitae, and (3) a reference letter (to be sent to us via email by the referee directly). Results of application will be announced by the end of October. 此次課程是非學位性的,不作為轉學分課程;主辦單位將為學員頒發證書,證明所修課程。各學員應參加本課程所支持的所有項目(參訪活動除外──學員可選擇或不參加參訪)。 歡迎佛教與東亞宗教或相關專業的研究生以及博士後報名參與 。申請務必於 2014 年 10 月 1 5日前遞達。申請材料含1. 申請表;2. 申請者個人簡歷; 以及3.一封推薦信(推薦人直接郵至以上郵址)。選拔結果將於10月底前公布。
- Program Expenses 課程費用: Successful candidates will be exempted of all tuition fees, housing expenses, and administration costs in China, although they are expected to cover their own airfare and ground transportation costs entailed by their participation in different parts of the program. 學費以及研修期間的住宿費和管理費用──免費;往還學員所在地與研修地點的機票或車票費用以及開課期間的交通費用──學員自理。
- Enrolment Limit 定員: 90 名。