Christine D’Onofrio

I have been teaching at a full-time capacity at the University of British Columbia since 2008 as a Lecturer, Assistant Professor of Teaching since 2014, and as of 2019 as an Associate Professor of Teaching (tenured) in the Department of Art History, VISA and Theory. This site highlights in breadth and depth my achievements over the years, separated in the following sections.

Educational Leadership

This section explains my role in Visual Art curriculum development, and my influence and impact through projects outside of the classroom.

Teaching Excellence

This section contextualizes my work in the classroom including pedagogical initiatives, and focuses on a selection of my teaching tactics for active learning, the use of technology, collaboration and reflection.  The section also features student work as outcomes of my practices.


This section outlines service contributions in the department, at the University and in the community:

2019 © Christine D’Onofrio

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