VISA 11 Foundation Digital Studio

Conceptual Photography

Students came up with a self imposing formula to document the everyday through photography as an action or an inventory, they then executed the formula.  Their first time using layers in Photoshop, students were to compose them into a document, adjust size and frame each image, balance colour and density.

Sample Student Work

Wasps in my Light

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Manipulation/Trickery Photography

Using advanced selection tools in Adobe Photoshop, students created scenes that depicted ‘trickery’ to enhance their concept. Pushing on previous experience of layers to create an image, students also printed their work as fine art quality prints on a professional inkjet printer.

Sample Student Work

Katherine Lucas Disconnected

James Assayag Unity

Nicolas Jensen Hot Summers

Wired Couple

Appropriation Video

Students were asked to appropriate a found video, and to edit it into a new work using Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere.  The piece would change the way in which a viewer understood the initial purpose of the video.

Sample Student Work

Laugh Track

I win

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