Peer Review for Hangwei Bao’s Research Proposal

To: Hangwei Bao
From: Luke Jang
Date: 22 June, 2020
Subject: Peer review of the research proposal for Hangwei Bao

I have reviewed your draft of research proposal on the topic of developing an official WeChat account for online orders to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 in China. Thank you for your insightful opinions and proposals in the hope of ending this global crisis. All our hearts share the same interest in this matter.

First Impression:
I was very impressed by your thoughtful ideas in hopes of ending this global crisis that has been entrapping all of us since the late 2019. The report is well-structured, direct and easy to be read and understood by anyone.

-Each headings are clear and bold
-Has every necessary subjects for a competent research proposal


-A fair idea to address the issue of a long line formation at businesses
-Clearly states the point on why the solution can be easily feasible; largely distributed amount of cell phone devices across the country

‘Statement of Problem’
– Cleary states the issue which creates certain undesirable consequences

-the 4 questions being asked are fair questions, however, more questions would be nice since it is a solution that would require a fair amount of capital and effort to be developed. As an example, ‘would this be financially feasible for small-businesses to implement the solution, if this would be developed for small-businesses as well rather than just for LeTea?’

-Conducting interviews on different individuals seem sufficient to figure out the feasibility of the project.

Concluding Comments:

Your proposal, in my opinion, is very well written. I appreciate the fact that you are willing to contribute to solving the issue of a potential 2nd wave of COVID-19 pandemic in China. There is not much for me to suggest since you have done a great job putting together your thoughts and plans on this report, however, if I could suggest one thing to make your report better, it would be this below.

As a summary, I would like to suggest the following edits for the final draft of your report:

-Include more thoughts on the ‘budgeting’ issue of the solution since a lot of businesses have already been financially burdened and drained due to the pandemic, so that the businesses might not want to spend money on the solution.
-I notice that sometimes the business’s name is denoted as LeTea or LeLeTea in number of places. It is confusing to see if LeTea and LeLeTea are the same entities that is being addressed in the report. If it is a typographical error, please address.

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