To: Cody Gagnon
From: Geneviève Bolduc
Date: June 25, 2020
Subject: Review of Formal Proposal
This is the review of the formal report proposal submitted on the team forum. UBC’s online choice of technology is a great choice of subject, as it is incredibly relevant in the current educational landscape. There are many issues that accompany the tools currently employed by UBC and it seems wise to investigate. Below are a few suggestions that will uplift the quality of the proposal. Most points have been addressed in the comment exchange on the team forum, they are included here for completeness.
SPECIFICITY: In the proposed solution, it was not immediately evident whether the solution was to modify Canvas or seek alternative Learning Management Systems. Upon closer reading, I believe it is both, but it may be worth spelling it out for the reader.
AUDIENCE: Who will this report be addressed to? Who has the capacity to enact change at this level? Focusing a little more energy on the audience, who they are and what they can achieve is crucial. Especially when your qualifications are so well laid out that it is difficult to imagine anyone else for the job!
METHODS: The scope has been outlined clearly. These questions address the problem and match the laid-out solutions. Regarding the methods, I would encourage weaving similar connections. For instance, the scholarly articles about remote learning and teaching pedagogy are a little broad in their purpose. There might be some value in outlining what information is sought out with these resources.
Overall, the fixes for the proposal are very minor. The proposal is well organized and uses concise language. The ideas are relevant and important. It will be great to see this project come to fruition.
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