MEMO- Linked In Practices

To: Members of The Scribblers Writing Team

From: Aran Chang

Date: June 27, 2020

Subject: Best Practices for LinkedIn

The following posting will outline 10 best practices for using Lindedin as a professional networking platform. I hope that the advice will aid in everyone’s creation of their profiles!

  1. Be sure to complete your profile that adequately and accurately describes what experiences you have, such as your skills, accomplishments, and attributes. (CHIGNELL).
  2. Make sure to use imagery and increase engagement online. Adding media content to your profile will add interest. (CHIGNELL).
  3. Connect with the appropriate people. Proactively involve yourself in other areas of network in order to get noticed and grow your network. Target specific industry or brands to ensure you are gaining the desired attention. (CHIGNELL).
  4. Make sure to provide an appropriate photo that’s welcoming to potential connections. First impressions are important, and the first thing someone will look at is your profile picture. (CHIGNELL)
  5. It is useful to tag strategically to help in finding connections and draw attention to updates. In addition, try to tag people or institutions in order to gain traction or desired attention. (Marx)
  6. Be mindful to include media and visual aid as they can help attract attention to a post or discussion as long as it is appropriate (Marx).
  7. Connect with others. Always send a personalized note when making a connection request. Respond promptly to requests and messages. (Pope)
  8. Participate by sharing, liking, and commenting on other posts. If you do not interact within the site, your network will not grow. (Pope)
  9. Post interesting information that shows other members that you are an expert in your field. This will attract valuable professional connections. (Pope)
  10. Always maintain a respectful tone and image. Linked In is not a casual forum meant for socializing, like Facebook. It is your opportunity to impress potential employers or business associates. (Pope)

I hope that these tips will be beneficial in everyone’s LinkedIn pages. LinkedIn is a great resource for advancing our careers and creating new opportunities through, making new connections, and job searching. Thank you for your interest.





Sites Cited:

Pope, Joe. “LinkedIn Networking Tips: Making Connections and Getting Business in 3 Easy Steps.” Hinge Marketing,, 17 June 2020,

Marx, Wendy: “10 LinkedIn Best Practices That Will Accelerate Your Business.” Business 2 Community, 26 Feb. 2018,


Chignell, Barry. “LINKEDIN BEST PRACTICES FOR NETWORKING SUCCESS.” Social Hire, Accessed on June 27, 2020

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