ENGL 301: LinkedIn Peer Review
Date: July 10, 2020
Reviewer: Sydney Dunn
Author: Matthew De Rose
Document under review: LinkedIn Profile
Hi Matthew,
Thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn and partnering with me for the review assignment. My overall impression is very positive, your profile appears very professional and well established. Below is some feedback tailored to each section.
First Impressions
The profile photo maintains an excellent balance between professional and personable however the background photo remains the default provided by LinkedIn. Changing this photo could give future employers, recruiters, and connections a more insight into your personality and interests.
Each section of the profile appears complete and detailed. This gives the reader plenty of insight into your experiences, skills, and interests.
The headline is very clear, indicating where you are currently employed and studying. The summary provides a very thorough outline of your academic and professional journey.
Work experience is listed chronologically which is an effective choice as it appears to coincide with relevance. Including a description of the most recent will give readers a better idea of the role and associated responsibilities.
There is a very impressive list of volunteer experiences. You may wish to consider a very brief explanation of the responsibilities in each case, a simple sentence or two would provide sufficient insight.
The list of skills is very extensive, but the endorsements are quite minimal. Requesting a couple of endorsements for the skills most relevant to your current work experience and academic pursuits would be helpful.
Language and Grammar
The text descriptions for each piece of work experience is well organized including points that connect with your current pursuits. Again, including a description for your current position may help readers connect the skills previously used with your new field.
A couple of adjustments could be made in the summary section for clarity and accuracy. The sentence ending in “I came to love the process of software development and decided to make it my career change” could be changed to say, “decided to make a career change.” Additionally, the anticipated graduation date for UBC should be updated as April 2020 has passed.
Evidence of Skills in Use
The work experience section provides sufficient evidence of the skills listed like compassion, customer service, and receptionist duties. Evidence of the other skills included in the profile that are presumably connected to your current co-op position and Computer Science degree could use support. Adding endorsements and even including more information about your degree and current position will help this.
Overall, this is a very effective profile that really highlights your wealth of professional experience and tells the story behind the change in your career path. With a couple minor adjustments and additional information I think you can really demonstrate how you wish to move forward with this change.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions regarding the comments I have made here.
Matthew’s LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/matthew-de-rose-2601a5145
Peer Review Outline: SydneyDunn_PeerReviewTemplate
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