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  • Paula Poodwan 8:07 pm on September 8, 2012
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    Tags: Introductions   

    Hi all, my name is Paula Poodwan. I am originally from Bangkok, Thailand and I have lived in Vancouver for almost 10 years . This is my last course in the MET program and I intended to keep it for last hoping that this course will give me some ideas to start up my venture […]

    Continue reading Hi all, my name is Paula Poodwan. I am o… Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • C. Ranson 8:33 am on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Paula,

      Pretty sure we have been in a few classes together. Last course for you, sounds wonderful! Posting in this public space does take some getting use to.

    • Lisa Nevoral 9:36 pm on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Paula,

      Yes, it would be pretty odd taking one more class after finishing ETEC 590, but you are so close to being done! This is my fifth course, so I will be at the half way mark in December. Good luck and look forwards to working with you.


    • adi 9:40 pm on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Paula,

      I’m also interested in language training, and when not in Mexico, I’m in Vancouver. I look forward to working with you and sharing ideas on possible language ventures.

      Congrats on nearly graduating.

  • C. Ranson 11:49 am on September 8, 2012
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    Tags: Introductions   

    Hello Everyone, My name is Catherine Ranson from Toronto, Ontario. I have been teaching Dental Hygiene for the past 22 years in the college system in Ontario. My background is science, oral health, access to healthcare and I have a undergraduate degree in Health Administration. I am currently a full-time faculty member at George Brown […]

    Continue reading Hello Everyone, My name is Catherine Ran… Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • Paula Poodwan 2:25 pm on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Catherine,

      Nice to see a familiar name here. Yes, we were together in ETEC 510 and we almost had a chance to work together in a design project before we decided to split the group into the smaller ones. Looking forward to learning alongside with you.

  • rebeccaharrison 9:25 pm on September 6, 2012
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    Hello all, This is one of my first MET courses and I’m excited to get started. My name is Rebecca and I am writing to you from the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia! I’ve been teaching for about 4 years, 2 of which have been here in Powell River, 1 in Australia and the rest on Pender […]

    Continue reading Hello from Powell River Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • jenbarker 9:55 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Rebecca,
      I am glad to see there is another “newbee” to MET in this class. Are you taking any other courses this term? I am also taking ETEC 511, which I haven’t had time to delve into yet. Thank goodness the weekend is fast approaching when I will have more time! I hope you have a had a great first week back at school and are enjoying all of your new roles. Best, Jen

      • rebecca42 10:12 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hey Jen,
        Yes, I am taking 511, 512 and 521. I, too, am looking forward to having more time to devote to the readings now that my bulletin boards are all sorted at the school 😉 Regards, Rebecca

        • sonofpat 6:10 am on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

          Hi Rebecca

          Welcome to MET and good luck to you with your courses, You seem so well rounded that I have no doubt that you will have fun as you succeed at your MET endeavors.

          See you around.

    • jbrown5 2:39 pm on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      We spent a week and a bit on the Sunshine Coast last summer and absolutely loved it, especially Powell River and then our time exploring the waters/marine life in Desolation Sound.

    • joeltremblay 11:54 am on September 10, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi there Rebecca,
      My uncle and aunt actually teach in Powell River so I’m curious as to how many schools there are up there as if there are as many as I think, it’s possible you might know them? Don and Anne Nelson? Anyways, take care and good luck with the course.

  • Jenny Brown 12:49 pm on September 6, 2012
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    Tags: ALGC, Health Education, Introductions, mountains   

    Hi everyone, I’m Jenny living in Calgary, AB. I am actually a student with the Adult Learning and Global Change Masters and am taking this course as one of my electives (it is going to be a busy fall). This is my second MET course and I am excited to dive in as I really […]

    Continue reading Greetings from Calgary and ALGC Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • jhodi 3:33 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jenny,

      It is nice to meet a fellow Calgarian! Your work sounds very interesting! How nice it is to live so close to the moutains, biking in the summer and skiing in the winter. I also frequently take trips to the mountains for hiking excursions in the summer and snowboarding in the winter.

      I look forward to working with you,


    • Doug Connery 6:09 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jenny and Jhodi:

      Hello from another fellow Calgarian. I too live for activities in the mountains both summer and winter. I have never been in a MET course with so many from Calgary, I see there are others as well.

      Jenny are you the Jennifer Brown from Health and Public Safety at SAIT from a few years back?


    • jbrown5 2:42 pm on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi my fellow Calgarians 🙂 It sounds like you are both enjoying the mountains as well.Doug, I am pretty sure that I’m not the Health and Public Safety person from SAIT you are thinking of, the only involvement I have had there was assisting another inspector with a special project (Serving Safer Food) related to their commercial kitchen.

  • manny 9:37 pm on September 5, 2012
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    Tags: Introductions   

    Hello and greetings from Surrey, B.C. This is now my 6th MET course and it feels great to be past the half way point. I currently teach at an alternate secondary school in the Surrey school district with ‘at risk’ youth who range from 15 -19 years of age. I have been teaching here for […]

    Continue reading Hello and greetings from Surrey, B.C. Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • kstackhouse 8:23 am on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Welcome Manny,

      Congrats at being past the half-way point. A class set of iPads, that will be interesting. For some reason in our district the head IT guy really does not like Apple products and it is a fight to get any approved. I do have 6 Macs in my classroom but that is rare. My wife is an OT in the elementary schools and there are times when she will encourage the use of iPads and other devices to improve accessibility to learning. Have a great term.


    • manny 8:41 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Ken,
      Macs definitely posit their own set of challenges as they are not friendly when it comes to cross platform applications. I was always more of a PC guy myself but our district seems to be taking the Mac direction right now. I guess it’s all personal preference at the end of the day. iPads are of course new and exciting but also have their limitations. I wish you the best of luck this term and look forward to working with you.

    • Colin 8:58 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Manny, I work over at CLC I believe you work at one of the other learning centers in Surrey?

      • manny 8:48 am on September 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Colin,
        I’m over at the GLC. It’s nice to have someone who shares similar experiences in the same course. Look forward to working with you and I’m sure our paths will cross soon.

    • Jonathan 9:23 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Manny —

      Fantastic and exciting opportunity for you to deploy iPads into the classroom. You’ll have to keep me posted on the progress. While I am an Apple guy in my respects, I have found the limitations within the lab (with regards to some of the applications) to be quite frustrating. I’ve used one (personal) in my classroom for a few years, but this year I will have an extra to give to the students as well. What apps have you loaded onto the ipad or how do you plan to use them?

      — Jonathan

      • manny 8:51 am on September 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        I would agree with you John in that it can become quite frustrating. This biggest problem I face is that it is a personal mobile device and the problem occurs when you try to share it between students in different classes. Furthermore, it is so difficult to find effective educational apps. I would be more than happy to share my list of apps that have worked for me thus far, just send me your email addy and I will compile a list.

        • Jonathan 11:34 am on September 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

          Frustrations — I can probably add to it –>

          keeping the students on task with the iPad when there is so much to do. They are so comfortable with the platform that they know how to head out to the main screen, play with Photo Booth, and amuse their friends. At the same time is this because the task isn’t interesting enough? I’ll be excited to see what the new iOS feature will be, to allow us to control the experience some more (shudder, sounds so Apple).

          Email.. thanks for sending the list along: jtang@sd38.bc.ca

    • bryan 10:27 am on September 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Manny,

      Nice to meet another Surrey teacher! I look forward to working with you.


  • jameschen 6:40 am on September 5, 2012
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    Tags: ESL, Introductions, student-centered learning   

    Hi everyone. My name is James, and this is my 5/6th course in the MET program. I have a B.A. in Philosophy, a diploma in TESL, and a B.Ed. in Elementary Education at the intermediate level. I have worked with students from K to adults as an EFL instructor for 5 years in Taiwan, and […]

    Continue reading Hello from Vancouver! Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • kstackhouse 7:27 am on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Welcome James,

      Your motivation to help students selecting technology is similar to mine. I have wanted to help students and my colleagues with this, which lead to my joining the MET program. Pitching to policy/decision makers is an important skill. Have you taken ETEC 520? I found that to be a helpful course related to decision making. All the best.


      • jameschen 8:01 am on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        I’m going to take 520 next term. Can’t wait! I’ve watched Dragon’s Den, and seeing people pitch their ideas to the big companies really got me thinking about the skills I need to have in order to navigate through a tech driven economy. Looking forward to learning with you and everyone else in this course!

    • adi 12:29 pm on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi James,
      I’m also in EFL and have found it’s not that easy to get fellow colleagues to use technology unless management is onboard; however, sometimes it’s management that is onboard, but teachers aren’t because of the time it implies to learn to use the tool in question. Perhaps creating and OER aimed at getting teachers onboard would be good.
      I look forward to sharing our experiences in EFL.
      Good luck,

      • jameschen 7:22 pm on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        I think so too. Since technology is evolving at such a rapid pace, it can be intimidating for teachers to step out of their comfort zones and into the zone of proximal development in terms of technology integration using unfamiliar technology. An OER targeted to help educators and management streamline this process sounds interesting!

    • Peggy Lawson 6:54 pm on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      James! We meet again, after just finishing 530 this summer. I enjoyed, as always, the month long break. I’m looking forward to more of your great insight this semester.


      • jameschen 7:27 pm on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Great to see you again, Peggy! Looking forward to the things I’ll be learning from you and everyone else in this course!

    • teacherben 12:02 am on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hey, buddy! It’s great to see you again. I was wondering when we would share another class.

      • jameschen 7:38 pm on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Good to see you again too, Ben! I was wondering about that too. I am with Sheza and Rose in 512 this term. Looking forward to the things we’ll be learning together this term!

  • jenniferschubertubc 10:30 am on September 4, 2012
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    Tags: fandom, Introductions, , teaching   

    Hello there fellow METers! My name is Jen; I’m a crazy American about to move to the UK (for just a few months) in just a few short hours (3 to be exact). I figured I would try to get a jump on posting as I’m not sure how available I will be this week […]

    Continue reading Greetings from Colorado, USA (and soon to be London, UK)! Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • lullings 11:32 am on September 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      London UK – thats excellent Jen. At least there are two of us now that are in the same time zone. Looking forward to it and we can discuss things before the others even get out of bed!

      • jenniferschubertubc 11:07 am on September 10, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        That’s wonderful! I’ve already thought about the advantages of this… longer time to procrastinate… but, no! I shall be vigilant and get things done ahead of time. 🙂

    • stammik 6:32 pm on September 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen. Thanks for your sharing a bit about your background – I must say it all sounds rather exciting!
      Great photo in your post as well. I haven’t seen a portrait shot on Velvia stock for many years, that’s awesome 🙂 Cheers, Scott.

      • jenniferschubertubc 11:08 am on September 10, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        That’s what comes from having too many fancy photo apps on the iPhone! I look forward to sharing more with everyone as more things fall into place.

    • Jonathan 9:47 pm on September 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Lego Engineering Instructor, if that isn’t the coolest job title I don’t know what is. Have a good flight and I look forward to working with you. — Jonathan

      • jenniferschubertubc 11:09 am on September 10, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Everything was so smooth getting here, but I am still looking for a flat. It is quite an adjustment and a bit tough to get started with everything here, but it will all work out soon enough. (At least, I certainly hope so!) It is a great job; I look forward to working with you as well!

    • jameschen 12:36 am on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen. Your research topic sounds interesting! Look forward to working with you this term. Safe journeys.

      • jenniferschubertubc 11:11 am on September 10, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        It is fascinating stuff! I created a 20 minute multimedia presentation on it. If I have access to it, I will certainly post it for anyone who is interested. I look forward to working with you as well!

    • kstackhouse 6:17 am on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      This is a very exciting time for you! Congrats on nearing the completion of MET. I am done after this term! Where does the time go? Is your acting/filming/editing for work or for fun? I look forward to hearing more about your experiences.


      • jenniferschubertubc 11:13 am on September 10, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        It certainly is flying by faster than I ever thought it could have! I’ve done the acting thing for ages now. I just got my SAG (Union) card in the States just before I left for England. I guess I can call myself a professional now! (Whatever that means in the acting world… Ha.) I look forward to sharing more of my adventures as they creep up… and I figure out how to integrate all of this wonderful MET business into them! 😉

    • Peggy Lawson 7:18 pm on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      What a cool job! I hope to hear much more about it and your research during Ventures. That’s what I love about the program, getting to meet such a diverse group of people. Have fun while in the UK!


      • jenniferschubertubc 11:14 am on September 10, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        I LOVE the diversity in the MET program! I certainly was pleasantly surprised by it all and am continually impressed as I progress through the courses. So very nice to “meet” you!

  • David Vogt 8:03 pm on September 3, 2012
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    Tags: Introductions, Welcome!   

    Hello everyone!   Welcome to September! I’m your  instructor – David Vogt – you can reach me whenever you wish at david DOT vogt AT ubc DOT ca or by using the message system in this weblog.  I spend most of my time as an entrepreneur and innovation leader, but I have a longstanding passion […]

    Continue reading Hello everyone! I’m your  instructor – … Posted in: Announcements, Week 01: Introductions
    • Ranvir 8:58 pm on September 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hello everyone, my name is Ranvir and I’m really excited to take this course. This is my 3rd course and I hope to learn a lot and share experiences as we work together. I live in Surrey,BC and have an interesting commute to UBC where I work as Instructional Designer/ elearning PM

    • Doug Connery 7:46 pm on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi David:

      Thanks for the welcome and introduction. Can you tell us about the East Coast Trail, such a contrast of shorts and icebergs.


    • pcollins 7:57 am on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Great to meet you David and I am very much looking forward to this course. Did you by chance have the opportunity to sample any of the Glen Breton when you were on the East Coast????? We still have a half of their single malt in the cupboard – Good for what ails you.


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