
Bill S-4 causes unwarranted data sharing but privacy laws stifle businesses


text here…


text here…


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Hello Everyone,
I shared an article about Ann Cavoukian’s viewpoint on data privacy and analytics. I found another interesting one that states that “greater digital privacy laws will stifle business competition”. I found this interesting cause in the age of technology when our privacy and ethical concerns surrounding our data is so important, many advocate for reduced restrictions on these laws. The article addresses Bill s-4 in relation to our Canadian rights and privacies. The Bill has not been passed by the Harper government as yet. Bill S-4 is aimed at overhauling the rules for online privacy, giving new power to the Privacy Commissioner and introducing new penalties for privacy breaches. A huge part of the Bill already has extensive support. It is part of a few new bills before Parliament with implications over how Canadians’ private online information can be handled and shared. According to Josh Wingrove from the Globe and Mail, critics believe that the bill will extend to unwarranted data sharing by online companies without the consumers consent.
Solveig Singleton, Report Author for the MacDonald-Laurier Institute, believes that Canada is getting too private with digital privacy laws. She argues that stronger digital privacy laws don’t help consumers but stifle businesses from being competitive and increase their business costs.

You can listen to her interview with Radio Host on CKNW News Talk Radio 980 here


Podcast Privacy


Here are the suggestions made by MacDonald-Laurier Institute upon new digital privacy laws as well.


Digital privacy
Love to generate a discussion here. How would you feel about Bill s-4 being passed, possibly leading to unwarranted data sharing? Your children’s or students information online?



Digital Privacy and Analytics Article

Hi Everyone,
Along the same lines as Group 10’s work on Analytics, I came across an interesting article I thought I’d share from Canadian Business. It relates to data privacy and analytics as this was brought up as one of the numerous challenges broached when using any form of analytics. From the discussion within Group 10s OER, for many of us the misuse of analytics was predominant but there were a few of us who were also concerned about privacy and ethical concerns.
I found this article interesting in that the Ontario Commissioner on Privacy, Ann Cavoukian, stated her belief that “privacy controls and innovation can coexist. “Privacy has enormous value at both the societal level and at the individual level. It forms the basis of our freedoms and allows creativity and innovation to thrive,”. She stressed the importance of not just amassing data but having “good data” which is quite important when analyzing any form of analytics.

Greater privacy innovation

She also states that privacy issues should be a” business issue and not a compliance issue” to help foster innovation. I wonder how this would be addressed if this becomes the case in the future, then consumer’s data privacy may then become too lax. I will post a differing viewpoint that I found above as there was another article pinpointing this exact point.

She outlines in her paper, seven foundational laws of privacy that businesses should then follow to help foster innovation. The second link is to her paper, the first is the article in Canadian Business.


Foundational Principles
Cheers, Leah

Opportunity Forecasts (A2)

W11: 3D Printing Launchpad



Welcome to Week 11: 3D Printing. The primary goal of our OER is to introduce you to the topic of 3D printing and how it is has the potential to shape K-12 education. However, we also felt it pertinent to address the issues and challenges surrounding 3D printing in higher education, as well as how it is impacting industries, so this will be the secondary focus of our OER.

Through the course of this week we will be asking you to participate in 2 activities and one short survey.  These activities are designed to have you interact with the creation of 3D objects and also to discuss the impacts of 3D printing as prompted by the case studies we will provide.

Please click here: join us in our OER for this week!

We look forward to embarking on this week-long journey with you all!

The 3Ders,

Shane T., Kirsten N., Tiffany T., Danielle V. and Yik Wah P.




Week 10 Review – Learning Analytics

Hello Week 10!

Thank you for your informative OER on Learning Analytics! I felt like your group took a very measured approach in selecting activities that were pertinent to the topic, and also provided us with potential resources to use in our own classrooms.

Regarding the content, I thought that your group offered insight into a topic that I feel is underrated still in education. Metrics and analytics are so profoundly shaping the business practices of companies these days, and it stands to reason that similar measures can be successfully implemented in measuring learning outcomes as well. You did well to set your focus clearly on trend analysis and predication and its’ application. The danger of having such a broad topic is that it’s easy to be general and not delve deeply into the topic, but I felt that your group navigated those waters well, by stating your purpose early.

In terms of the format, I liked how you integrated videos, infographics and other images into your presentation. The pages were laid out in a logical fashion, and I felt your group did well in being very direct with the activities. I also enjoyed how you used ClassDojo to illustrate one such example of learning analytics, which provided both strengths and weaknesses in how learning analytics can be applied in the classroom.


Week 10 Review and Reflection

Week 10 you did a wonderful job explaining analytics in education in a simple and concise manner. Not an easy task! I really liked the way the your site seemed to intuitively answer the questions I had about the topic as I went through the OER. The delivery was so thought provoking it left me reflecting on the subject of data and epistemological variance.

I can’t help but walk away with some concerns about the future of this area. I think that the primary concern is in the contradiction and interpretation of the data. I understand that analytics really is providing basis for a statistical mean understanding of what is happening with regards to making decisions about the next direction to take. Relying so heavily on statistical approaches and analytics systems could create an educational landscape where we have a new ideology of how to define the ‘perfect student’. That is to perpetuate one type of educational belief and or opinion(s) onto society as whole and potentially create an A standard that is one dimensional because of wealth of data driven educational ideologies. This isn’t to say that learning analytics shouldn’t be used, but there should by multiple views and perspectives that are chosen to drive data forward. The problem inside the technology space is that data in various fields is often controlled by one or two major players. If this happens to education, we could face fundamental problems with data analytic theory and epistemological views on education.


Week 10 Review – Learning Analytics

Hi Group 10 – Great overall presentation with Learning Analytics, the navigation and layout of the website were excellent, and managed to find all the required resources as necessary. The question that really interested me, and attempted to use your resources to answer included understanding technological learning and IT integration in teacher education. Recently the Ontario Government mandated 2 year teacher college programs and the big thing was that they were focusing on providing “tech” learning during the second year. I am so curious as to understand what this tech learning is about, and if teachers will actually benefit from this second year. Understandably, there are other reasons for extending the program, but IT and teaching technology correctly with adequate training programs needs to be measured somehow. For instance, will the teachers be measured on their use of internet, and research, or perhaps they should be measured on how often they create, implement, and deliver a web-based solution, such as website creation, online resource formation, wiki entries, and other important tasks. Will teachers be able to provide the right knowledge to students, or will they simply sit them in front of computers and say, “Now Kids, off you go!?”. In respects to this, some of your products, such as the Panorama Advanced Analytics tool is perfect for this measurement, and educators need to adapt this technology for this kind of measurement. There are some issues with Performance-based analytics, including understanding the true measurement of student achievement, and if indicators suggest that students are performing well, does that relate to a naturally talented group who understands technology or does that relate to how well the teacher can teach and train the students on using the software. There are many considerations to take into account; however analysis of learning is only the beginning. I think that this tool would help weed out the bad teachers from the good, and those who are just there for being there. The tools are important for teachers delivering online courses, and understanding how often students log-in and contribute, but it doesn’t measure, quality of content, and perhaps what the students do when they log in! Haven’t you noticed that some Facebook users are always logged-in but they never actually participate in conversation! Another potential problem!


Week 10 Review – Analytics

Hi Week 10,

Great job all round! I did not know a lot about analytics or their importance up til now, but I have a greater understanding after going through the information on your site. I did like the idea of a checklist to make sure we had seen all the activities. Most of them were fairly straightforward and easy to complete.


Week 10 – Review

I loved how the flow of the website made things easy and direct. I gained a lot of knowledge and I enjoyed the activities. Analytics is everything these days. I hope I can apply it properly in my LMS in order to benefit learning. I guess we could have a part explaining xAPI the standard to collect learning experience through different LRS databases


W10 Review

Week 10 – great job on learning analytics, I felt like this was perfect timing for me, as I have been wanting to learn more about what the capabilities of analytics are, and what as an educator you can look for through these tools.

I really appreciated the organization of your website, the ease of navigation and checklist. I also realized afterwards that the use a consistent tool for participation was key (ie. activities through comments) because there was no confusion, everyone could participate without major barriers and I knew what to expect.

Your content and activities were great, I felt like I learned something new, and was able to actively incorporate the information into my own circumstances. Great job!


Week 10 Review

Hi Week 10,

Great job!  Thank you for helping me learn about learning analytics, and surprisingly it was applicable at my job this week as I learned about an analytics company that we and many school districts use to monitor employees on call for all areas of a school board.  This lets school boards know if they need to hire more employees and in what areas.  I thought it was so interesting and timely.  I thought your OER was very professional looking and one of the most striking things to me was how organized it was.  I thought that you made a good use of the physical space of your webpage with proper headings, bullet points, videos and icons.  I really found it easy to navigate.  I also feel that it was concise with not too much information per page.  It was separated into manageable chunks and I appreciated this.  The discussion activities were great too – it is always nice to have choice and I made use of the checklist because I had (somehow) missed an activity when I first went through the class.  Unfortunately (but fortunately) I really don’t have any suggestions!

Thanks for a great week,


Opportunity Forecasts (A2)

W10 Review

Excellent job W10 OER! The website contains an ideal amount of background information that creates a strong impetus for critical thought. Not only was the organization and layout of content simple and inviting to explore, well-devised questions also encouraged in-depth analysis. It was easy to orientate myself throughout most sections because instructions for interacting with specific content were clear. In particular, I appreciate the Product Archive for its annotations and video clips, which helped me quickly select an analytic tool of interest for Activity #2. A minor suggestion would be to embed Activity #3 in its own section. It was easy to overlook it and unclear how it differs from Activity #2. Thank you for enabling easy navigation and encouraging focused analysis!

Eva's Café

Start Up Considerations

For those of us who are interested in moving forward with a start up after this course, please consider the following article from the BBC:

This article interviews three venture capitalists as to what qualities a new venture should have to get their attention. A must read. An interesting point they raise is that they do not accept ‘cold calls’. To get their attention, you must first get to know someone they already know. They never fund projects ‘off the street’. Knowing the right people is as important as it has always has been.

Best Wishes


Question and Answer

Weekly A2 Forecasts have dissappeared out of the nav menu/category

All of the the weekly A2 forecasts have disappeared out of their category archive. I logged in to check in on the Week 10 forecast discussion and couldn’t find it any longer! It looks like clicking on anything under the “Forums” category brings up a list of website suggestions being ranked rather than bringing up the requested stream. For anyone normally going to the “Forums > W05/12 Opportunity Forecasts (A2)” as a part of their routine to find the weekly launchpads,  W10 Launchpad, it is located here. Where/how should we be looking for the weekly OER presentations and activities now?





Eva's Café

Blog Post on Vendors’ focus

I came across this blogpost summarizing ISTE 2014. If anything the ISTE conference is as much about teachers coming together to learn and share as it is vendor’s hawking their wares. This blogpost focuses on a pet peeve of mine and that is the never wavering focus on technology, the latest gadget, rather than teaching and learning supported or enhanced by the technology. It is something to keep in mind as we pitch our projects.

“Walking through the Expo Hall at ISTE is — in many ways — a frightening experience.  You are surrounded by hundreds of companies peddling their products, working to convince you that their features would revolutionize education.  What frustrated me was that 90% of the crap on display did nothing to give kids the chance to learn about, participate in, or improve the world around them.”tweet


Eva's Café


Leah recently posted about coworking spaces and we ended up in a discussion about the different forms of spaces available some of which are accelerators that have specific focuses. One of the global spaces I know of from living in Bogotá is called ImpactHub. Turns out the Seattle Impact Hub was involved with Google on something called ImpactOnAir where people can share their pitches for their ventures. Recently they did one about educational ventures, so I wanted to pass along the Youtube link to the Google Hangout they did.

Eva's Café

Smartphone Apps Infographic

Hi Everyone,

Found this really interesting infographic on Smartphone Apps and their integration into education.  Thought this was especially relevant since we are now moving into using IPads into the classroom, mobile apps for Game based learning and numerous other apps that can be used with an educational spin or relevance.  With the growing number of uses of Apps we are moving towards helping our students use Apps for educational purposes.

It is interesting to note that only in 2012, within the U.S. more than 25 million apps were downloaded so within the time frame of two additional years the growth in that number would be exponential.  There is also a growing number of students who use apps to study and learn curriculum material via their smartphones.  This also lends to the idea of medical schools now using apps within their curriculum and related to cloud based learning that group 9 addressed with their project in relation to medical relevancy.


Provided by Infographic on use of smartphone apps

Eva's Café

Co-Lab and Interesting Collaborative Venture

An interesting business venture which I wanted to share with everyone. Co-Lab is a new business venture in the Philippines. As a new entrepreneur if you have a new big idea but need a collaborative business space to work in Co-Lab offers that capability. I think this is especially important and great for anyone starting a new business if they need the start-up or don’t have the investment pull yet to have all the needed supplies and office space. The space can be used either part-time or full-time.

This is their definition of Co-Lab on their website: “Co.lab offers a coworking space created to spark collaborative fusion among like-minded individuals. The word co.lab can be short for collaborate or co-laboratory, where ideas synergize and ideas are set on fire. Co.lab has no cubicles but instead a variety of different areas which offer coworkers the freedom to work from a desk or a sofa, a communal table, or a lounge chair—whatever is more conducive for their productivity. Coworkers can come in from 9AM-6PM, Monday-Friday with whatever materials they need to get their work done such as laptops, cameras, and pens. They must select the package of their choice and make their payment, then begin co-working.”

Thought I would share this venture with everyone. If your pitch comes to fruition, another similar company within your area could be created as a collaborative working space area.

Cooperative Learning venture space

Eva's Café

Canadian Start-ups

If you are still considering a company to focus on for your A3 assignment I just finished my MaRS monthly meeting with a few suggestions.  The following are startups with MaRS that you might want to learn more about or use for your pitch assignment.

Raise Your Flag – – Just saw their pitch – great job, I’d invest 🙂

Ooka Island –

Clapfoot –

LEO Fitness Intelligence –

MUSE – brain sensing headband – 

Synergyse – Google product training –


Eva's Café

Is Silicon Valley Funding the Wrong Stuff?

During my research, I stumbled upon an interesting article where Christopher Mims presented his interesting view on Silicon Valley VC funding startupspublished in The Wall Street Journal on July 6, 2014.

What has been funded lately in Silicon Valley?

  • Social networks that allow you to send only the message “Yo” to your contacts.
  • Food-delivery services valued at $400 million.
  • Startups that deliver rolls of quarters to your home (just $27 for $20 in change!).

It isn’t hard, looking at a lineup like this, to conclude that Silicon Valley has jumped the shark. The entire Bay Area appears to have given up on solving anything but its own problems: those afflicting the same 20-somethings who are building these startups.

That’s a pretty cynical take on what’s going on in technology.

And what about Google and Facebook buying everything in sight for billions?

But, to my surprise, the partners of one Silicon Valley venture-capital firm made the very same case to me: That their kind had lost its way—and, in the world of startups, money wasn’t flowing where it should anymore.

Read more here:

Regards, Milorad.

Question and Answer

Q & A: VideoScribe Emerg

I know there are a lot of people in this course with diverse experience using video tools online – so I wanted to pick your brain. I have a video due for another course, and used videoscribe (7 day trial, and i have two days left) — for my initial video, it allowed me to upload it to Youtube. The second video, I wanted to upload to Youtube today and the option was gone…

I am trying to figure out another way to give my professor access… I uploaded it to the Scribes online account, but it still does not allow anyone to view it…
This is new territory for me, so I was hoping someone would know more.

Any info would be great ASAP! thanks,

Question and Answer


Hi David(s),

Is there any way that I can create a subpage for our week. I can’t seem to do it with the permissions I have.

I’d like to keep everything in one place so people are clear where they post and how.




W5/12 Opportunity Forcasts (A2)

Week 12 – Wearables

Opportunity Forecasts (A2)

W09 Review

I personally like Edomdo. I found the activities very useful and informative. I would suggest using more tools available on Edmodo some of which are free and available on Edmodo store. Using Socrative was a great idea. Maybe it would be a good idea to divide students into smaller groups with different tasks and asking students to evaluate different groups activities (peer-to-peer evaluation) exactly how our course is being design.

522 Feedback

Website Suggestions

Thanks Bobbi for helping explain and improve the functionality of the site. I too have found the navigation a bit difficult at times.

My suggestions relate to the use of images, icons and colour to help with navigation.  Currently there is some disconnect between the use of image and navigation. For example the titles in the images don’t align with the headings or subheadings. These images would be great for navigation but they would need to connect to other pages.

website design

The image at the bottom of the page is my suggestion for the website design and navigation. I don’t necessarily see a long tab at the top but created this image to show all the possible layers in the site. Perhaps rather than including Week 5-12 as separate tabs, there would be a Week 5-12 tab with images that link to the weeks:


When the user clicks on a week it would take them to a page with the week’s Introduction, Activities (if housed on the site), Week review/summation and the Comments sections. In this way people would know where to post everything and if they wanted to add an image (which I don’t believe right now is doable in a comment) they could post their review/comment under the correct section.

I think the use of icons would help define various aspects of the site that repeat such as overviews, information, actionable tasks and summaries or critiques. In my image I used a pin to signal information/overview, a checkmark for summations/reviews, a question mark for important questions and answers and a lightbulb for items that require participation or action. I included colour-coding to help participants visualize where they are in the course and on the site. I also used colour to  show progression over the first four weeks (light to dark).  In the best of all possible worlds the front page would be a visual diagram with buttons leading to the 15 pages – from introductory weeks, to weekly activities, to final pitches and Q&A –  keeping this page clean and clear and concise. I’d also like to see the removal of the running stream to the right of the page. It adds visual clutter and would most likely not work on a mobile device.

Finally, I included the YouTube image in my video as I think a quick screencapture video going through the site, how and where to post would be helpful for many people.

Website construction

MTC Kendra



Week 8 Review

Thank you week 8 for your facilitation last week. Your choice of topic is focused and relevant with educational filed in the point of privacy and security matters. It gave me the opportunity to think about cloud technology from a very new angle, and I think that is a good experience to me. I liked the layout and image of your presentation. As other people have mentioned on the problem of the choice of collaborative platform, I would like to add the point of openness. I appreciate your experiment in opening our collaborative discussion processes because we are to create an OER. On the other hand, through the process, it made me wonder what would be the objective and product of this open discussion. In our group, we were not as active as our regular brainstorming process of adding ideas and pooling anything without filtering or sorting. The discussion quality is different from the reviews, reflections and discussions on the regular open threads on the ETEC522 site. I wonder the experiment of opening our process creating the assessment tool could add to the readers more value.


Mathcraft: How to Use Minecraft to Teach Common Core Math

I subscribe to the mailing list with Edweb and almost every day they send out free webinars for teachers. I have done a few webinars and they range in content but they have all been interesting. Edweb is also a community for teachers so if you are interested in building or creating your personal learning network (PLN), Edweb is a good place to start. The website is american and follows the Common Core but it is very good and easy to use.

Mathcraft is a webinar that is taking place July 17th, you can sign up on the link and it is free. The teacher who is presenting has been using Minecraft in his classroom and has seen math proficiency go from 18% to 83%.


522 Feedback

Website Suggestion

I have found this website difficult to navigate because I have never used a Word Press site that uses so many of the features. I have one suggestion. There are a few students, esp. Bobbi K (Thank you!) who are reminding or explaining how to use the site properly. I would like to be able to see all of these posts in one place. If there was a ‘sort by’ for helpful hints on the right hand side, I’m sure that would be the first thing I checked every time I logged in.


Week 9 Review

I really appreciated how you used Edmodo , Twitter and Socrative  to deliver your OER.  If you want people to reflect on social media, you have to engage them in using it.  You exposed us to several platforms and encouraged us to use them and review them.  I had signed up for Edmodo a year ago with the intention of exploring its affordances for use in my classroom and never went any further with it after discovering that it was hosted in the United States and this would be a FIPPA issue.

While I love that you immersed us in the media for your OER, there was a lot of scrolling to the bottom of the page.  I was disappointed when I clicked on Assignments and there was nothing there.   I was hoping for better content curation but this is more a review Edmodo as a platform rather than your content.  I am wondering if you will you be able to submit to NMH as an OER if Edmodo requires a sign in?

You had great, visual content that helped propel the discussions and nothing was too overwhelming or time consuming, which I deeply appreciated.  I was quickly and easily engaged in your content which expanded the field of social media as it pertains to education.  I thought the way you employed the affordances of Twitter for your activity was a great example of how to use this tool for education.

In short, you walked the walk and talked the talk.  Thanks for an engaging week.


Week 8 – Wrap up

Thank you so much for participating in Week 8!  Despite a few cloud collaboration challenges, there were some good discussions, ideas and tools generated throughout the week.  We appreciate your feedback and have incorporated many of the suggestions to improve our OER.

Please check out our Precis for the wrap up and reflection.

– Group 8: Erin, Aaron, Kuljinder, Brendan, Laura, Riea


Week 08: Review

Hi Group Week 8,

I thought it was interesting and fitting that you chose to focus on cloud-based learning in the medical field. The melding of education and healthcare is a fast-growing trend. An example is the MEd in Health Sciences Education program at the U of Alberta that was developed collaboratively between the education and health science faculties to address the needs of health professionals and medical faculty to enhance their teaching and educational research skills. Exposure to new technologies used in teaching, research and practice, like simulations, digital media in health care, and cloud learning environments are very important indeed. I enjoyed using even though I found that it had its limitations. It was great for brainstorming, but less ideal for more involved group discussions. I was not aware of so many cloud-based tools until I participated in your group survey and would love to check out some of them. Excellent work – thanks!



Eva's Café

Crowdsource Funding: Considerations

Here is a link to an interesting article regarding issues and limitations in regards to crowdsource funding.

I think we all hear stories (like this one about Potato Salad) and imagine that raising capital through these tools is simple and a solution to all of our problems in funding new ideas. However, the Forbes article is an interesting reality check as it tends to illustrate some of the legal limitation (at least in the US) regarding what can be done with such venture finance.

Best Wishes


522 Feedback, Question and Answer

Website suggestion – 522 anatomy helpful?

As a website feedback suggestion (tagged in the 522 feedback category) I’m wondering if an “anatomy of 522” image might be helpful? I know this is explained with text and images in the intro, but maybe a simple anatomy is more clear?

The biggest learn curve and complication is that “posts” refer to something different in the WP environment (they create separate artifact/post pages), whereas “comments” and “reviews” add  commentary to an existing “post.”  It can be  confusing when we need to submit a post versus a review. In this case, students may refer to the “how to use this blog page”  and see only instructions on how to create a new ‘post’ when what they need to do is submit a review on the bottom of an article/post.

Maybe in the next evolution there is an explanation of reviews on the “how to use this blog” page, and/or more elaboration in weekly tasks to submit reviews using the reviews feature (located at the bottom of a post)?


Anatomy of 522


Week 8 Review

Hi Week 8,

You had a very interesting topic and your webpage was laid out neatly and was easy to navigate. There was a lot of information to absorb on your topic, and as most of us are not in this field, it was a little difficult to process it all. I liked the idea of having all of the groups work together to create something, but like some others have mentioned, it was a little difficult to connect with everyone through the week to get ours completed. Maybe a heads up about group work would have been more effective. I thought it was a great idea to introduce different platforms to use to create the final piece. I found that our moderator for the collaborative piece was excellent and made sure that we were on track. That was an excellent idea.

All in all, a great piece of work group 8.

