The changing nature of text.

[youtube][/youtube] The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version) Michael Wesch Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0

Although this very popular Youtube video is quite literal in defining the changing nature of text, I felt it illustrated some interesting elements from our Papyrus to Cyberspace discussion. At a conference, Wesch quotes Marshall McLuhan by stating, “We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us” (2009, p. 2). McLuhan’s statement illustrates the changing nature of how we interact with text and how it now influences our culture, communication, and acquisition of knowledge.

Through this video, Wesch shows the vast change that text technologies has played and will play in education. Further to this, a question was formed- Does a rough draft of writing need to occur by hand or should we be encouraging writing to be digital from start to finish?



Wesch, M. (2009). Mediated culture/mediated education. “In dreams begins responsibility” – choice, evidence, and change. Presented at the ALT-C 2009, Manchester, UK. Retrieved from

About jmah

I've taught a wide variety of subjects at the middle/jr. high level. Most recently, I've specialized in the area of Industrial Technologies (Robotics, CAD/CAM-CNC, Electronics, etc.) I currently reside in Calgary, Alberta.
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