Connections Collage

As I thought of how best to make connections between the wealth of ideas explored in ETEC540, I realized I now had a variety of media to choose from to complete this task, many that were introduced to me through this weblog itself. In keeping with the themes explored in the course, I have chosen to complete this activity in a new space for reading and writing – through this Connections Collage, I will take you on a visual journey of our learning of text technologies.

Connections Collage by Sheza Naqi

Thank you and all the best,


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6 Responses to Connections Collage

  1. jmah says:

    Hi Sheza,

    I loved the tool and presentation that you chose for your collage. Great ties to our course work through captions and selection. I also recognized a significant number of the images chosen. 🙂


  2. Hi Sheza,

    What a great idea to make a collage with the pictures/images from our weblog! It saids a lot about what we have discussed. I really enjoyed that!


  3. jkendell says:

    Hey Sheza!

    I love your collage and what a fantastic idea to show connections made in this course. Yet another web 2.0 tool I have never heard of! Is this program free?


  4. kymfrancis says:

    Wow! Your collage is amazing. I am truly impressed by the depth and detail of your collage. Thanks for sharing!

  5. cmck says:

    What can I say? That was a great way of going through the visual text of this course. It was interesting though, that those photos still need a written or oral explanation, though. On their own, they don’t say as much about the content of the course as they could.


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