TA Opportunity for non-LFS UBC Course: ASIC 220 – Introduction to Sustainability (IRES)


From: UBC-LFS Dean
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 4:23 PM
To: Dragan, Lia Maria <lia.maria@ubc.ca>
Subject: FW: TA Opportunity for UBC Course: ASIC 220

Hi Lia – please post for grad students. Thx R

Rebecca Lee
Dean’s Office Coordinator | Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The University of British Columbia | 248-2357 Main Mall | Vancouver BC Canada V6T 1Z4
Phone 604.822.1219 | Fax 604.822.6394
Dean.landfood@ubc.ca | @ubcLFS
www.landfood.ubc.ca | www.facebook.com/ubcLFS


From: Ickert, Stefanie <stefanie.ickert@ubc.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 3:44 PM
Subject: TA Opportunity for UBC Course: ASIC 220

Dear Colleagues,

We would be grateful if you would please forward the below call for TA applications and attached document to your graduate students.

Many thanks,



Dear Grads,

Please find attached a TA Opportunity for ASIC 220 – Introduction to Sustainability in Term 2, 2019W.

To apply, please complete the attached application and return it along with your current CV to ires.applicants@ubc.ca by 4pm on Wednesday, November 13. A description of the course and the primary TA duties can be found here.

All the best,

Stefanie Ickert MA
Graduate Program Manager | Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES)
The University of British Columbia |430 – 2202 Main Mall| Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604-822-9034|www.ires.ubc.ca

Connect with us and receive updates on our exciting research, news, events, and features via Instagram, TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and subscribe to our IRES Newsletter!





LFS TAs Community of Practice – Wed., Oct 30th 11-12noon, MCML 139


Greetings all,

You are invited to the LFS TAs Community of Practice.

Having a space to share insights or troubleshoot issues is an important part of your professional development. Our Community of Practice space is an informal get together of TAs once a month over coffee. For the month of October, we will have an open-topic gathering to hear about your experiences and feedback. Below are the details:

DATE: Wednesday 30th | 11-12:00 PM


RSVP at: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ePsdYwC5mucEsDP

Looking forward to seeing you.

Best Regards,

Lennie and Tebby

Last Advance Notice – Term 2 TAs – October 31st last day to withdraw from TAship

Hello Everyone, especially Term 2 TAs –
Winter Session Term 1 is well underway, and I hope your course load and activities are balancing out.
Sometimes a student will realize a change has to be made: he or she may have taken on too much, or something comes up.
So, she or he decides to withdraw from his/her Term 2 TA-ship.
If you accepted an offer for a Term 2 TA-ship and are considering a change like this,
  *   your deadline is October 31st, 2019.
Please first inform your instructor, then contact me at: lfs.ta@ubc.ca.
This deadline for foreseeable changes allows time for your instructor to find another TA.
We can process your changes before the term ends, everyone scatters, and the
holidays are upon us.
Thank you for your cooperation! Questions? Let me know.
Regards, Virginia
Virginia Frankian
Academic Coordinator
UBC Faculty of Land & Food Systems
FNH Building, Room 230
2205 East Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4
For all TA-related correspondence, please use lfs.ta@ubc.ca

LFS TAs Community of Practice: October 30th – 11:00 AM – RSVP


Greetings all,

I hope your semester is progressing well. Thank you to those who attended the Marking and Assessment workshop. This is an invitation to another important activity.

LFS TAs Community of Practice

Having a space to share insights or troubleshoot issues is an important part of your professional development. Our Community of Practice space is an informal get together of TAs once a month over coffee. For the month of October, we will have an open-topic gathering to hear about your experiences and feedback. Below are the details:

DATE: Wednesday 30th | 11-12:00 PM


RSVP at: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ePsdYwC5mucEsDP

Looking forward to seeing you.

Best Regards

Lennie and Tebby

Advance Notice: Term 2 TAs – October 31st, 2019 – last day to withdraw from TAship


Hello Everyone,
especially Term 2 TAs –

Now that Winter Session is well underway, you probably have a pretty good feel for how your course load and activities are balancing out.

Sometimes a student will realize a change has to be made: he/she has taken on too much, or something comes up, and s/he decides to withdraw from his/her Term 2 TA-ship.

For those of you who accepted offers for a Term 2 TA-ship and are considering a change like this,

          • your deadline is October 31st, 2019.

Please first inform your instructor, then contact me at: lfs.ta@ubc.ca.

This deadline for foreseeable changes allows time for your instructor to find another TA, and to process your changes, before the term ends, everyone scatters, and the holidays are upon us.

Thank you for your cooperation!
Questions? Let me know.


Virginia Frankian
Academic Coordinator
UBC Faculty of Land & Food Systems
FNH Building, Room 230
2205 East Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4
Phone: 604 822-0434
For all TA-related correspondence, please use lfs.ta@ubc.ca

Last Day to Register: Marking, Feedback & Early Alert Training for LFS TAs


Hello LFS TAs,

This is a friendly reminder that registration closes tonight for the Midterm season workshops.

These workshops are offered to help LFS TAs:

  • follow rubrics consistently
  • deliver effective feedback
  • take appropriate action should they be concerned about a student in class

Midterm Season Workshops – Mon, Oct 7 at FNH 300
10 AM – 12 PM | Marking and Feedback (facilitated by CTLT)
12 PM – 1 PM | Early Alert Training (facilitated by UBC Student Support Services)

For catering purposes, please register at: http://bit.ly/LFS_MT

Tebby Leepile
Lennie Cheung