
From: Biology Program Assistant
Sent: June 11, 2021 12:10 PM


Hello,  As the application deadline is approaching, this is a kind reminder of TA opportunity at the Biology Program. We’d appreciate it if you can forward this email to your students.  Best,  Yuki

Yuki Matsumura, Program Asst.
Biology Program & TAship | Faculty of Science
3156 – 6270 University Boulevard, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Hours: Mon/Thurs/Fri  8am-2pm


Please include your student number and full name in all student correspondence.

**************************** Dear Students, We invite you to apply for TA positions in the Biology program. These arefull TAships, at 196h per term. Please

  1.   Go to http://www.biology.ubc.ca/
  2.   Click on the “teaching assistants’ tab” and then on “Biology TA application 2021W”

3.  Fill the form and please read info given on this form.

4.  Application must be submitted by June 20th and acceptance of offer must be sent by July 15th to ensure that your first paycheck will not be delayed. (Note: if you miss these deadlines, you can still be hired, BUT there is a possibility of delay for your first paycheck).

5.   We will start sending offers by July 2nd, and offers will continue until all positions are filled. Please check your email daily so that you can reply to our offer   promptly.

6.   Do not forget to get permission from your PI to TA for Biology.

7.  All communication regarding TAship application must be sent to this email address: taship-application@biology.ubc.ca  If there is a problem, do not hesitate to contact us.



TAship team



From: Matsumura, Yuki
Sent: May 28, 2021 9:14 AM

Dear Students,

We invite you to apply for TA positions in the Biology program. These are full TAships, at 196h per term.


  1. Go to http://www.biology.ubc.ca/teaching-assistants-2/
  2. Click on “Biology TA application 2021W”
  3. Fill the form and please read info given on this form.
  4. Application must be submitted by June 20th and acceptance of offer must be sent by July 15th to ensure that your first paycheck will not be delayed. (Note: if you miss these deadlines, you can still be hired, BUT there is a possibility of delay for your first paycheck).
  5. We will start sending offers by July 2nd and offers will continue until all positions are filled. Please check your email daily so that you can reply to our offer promptly.
  6. Do not forget to get permission from your PI to TA for Biology.
  7. All communication regarding TAship application must be sent to this email address: TAship  taship-application@biology.ubc.ca


If there is a problem, do not hesitate to contact us.



TAship team

Yuki Matsumura
Program Assistant | Faculty of Science | Department of Botany
The University of British Columbia
3156 – 6270 University Boulevard, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Hours: Mon/Thurs/Fri 9am – 2pm


Teaching Assistant – 2021/22 Winter Term 1 – FNH 415 001 (2 positions available)


Position: Teaching Assistant (2 positions available)

Course: FNH 415 001: Business Concepts in Food, Nutrition & Health

Term: 2021/2022 W1 (September-December 2021)

Total hours for position: 135 for the whole semester (split between 2 people; exact split to be determined based on strengths/availability of successful applicants)

Job Description: The Teaching Assistant will be responsible for grading written assignments, clarifying course concepts and assignment requirements with students, and setting up Quizzes or similar tasks in Canvas. A general understanding of business concepts, and/or previous completion of FNH 415 001, is needed.

PLEASE NOTE: FNH 415 001 will be taught online this semester – on-campus attendance is NOT required.

If you are interested, please email Jessica.oman@sauder.ubc.ca with a resume and a brief description of your interest in, and qualifications for, this position.

Application deadline: June 1, 2021

Graduate Students in Teaching 2021 Conference


The 2021 Graduate Students in Teaching Conference (GSiT) organizing committee is looking forward to welcoming presenters and attendees on May 19 & 20, 2021. This conference is an opportunity for students to focus on the present and future role of graduate students in teaching: graduate students teaching now, as well as graduate students as future faculty. Hosted by Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology.

This event is FREE for UBC registrants.

The deadline to register is May 14, 12:00 PM (PST).

Conference Dates:  May 19-20, 2021
Conference Program:  You can download the full program here.
Register by May 14:  Click here

Teaching Assistantships, MPPGA Program – Call for Applications


From: Marsh, Lindsay
Sent: April 16, 2021 2:58 PM
To: Dragan, Lia Maria <lia.maria@ubc.ca>; Menard, Gabrielle <gabrielle.menard@ubc.ca>
Subject: Teaching Assistantships, MPPGA Program – Call for Applications

Hi Lia and Gabrielle,

The School of Public Policy and Global Affairs is seeking applications to Teaching Assistantships for the upcoming Winter terms in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs program. Would you like to share this with your graduate students? More details are below.

Thank you,


Lindsay Marsh (she/her/hers)
Manager, Communications and Program Development
School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
Unceded, ancestral and traditional territory of the Musqueam Peoples
@ubcSPPGA | sppga.ubc.ca


Teaching Assistantships – 2021 Winter

Period of Employment:  Term 1 (September 1 – December 31, 2021);
Term 2 (January 1 – April 30, 2022)

Current Salary: Graduate Teaching Assistant I (Doctoral) or equivalent – $34.40/hour; Graduate Teaching Assistant II (Masters) or equivalent – $33.14/hour

Application Procedure:

Click here to submit your online application form.

The deadline for submission to the UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs is May 31, 2021.  Late applications may be considered in special circumstances.

Learn More under Job Opportunities: https://sppga.ubc.ca/about/opportunities/


LFS TAs: Anti-Racism and Lesson Planning Workshops, Reminders, Winner Announcement

Happy last day of classes, LFS TAs!
We hope you are all keeping well. With the academic year wrapping up, please see below for some useful reminders and end-of-term training opportunities led by CTLT workshop facilitators.
Anti-Racism and Solidarity in Teaching Practice Workshop (for LFS TAs)
Mon, Apr 26 (10 AM – 12PM PDT)
via Zoom
Engage in guided reflection of our roles and fears as educators, and develop an introductory understanding of concepts such as anti-racism, privilege, allyship, and solidarity especially in the context of online teaching and learning.
Lesson Planning Workshop (for LFS TAs)
Fri, Apr 30 (10 – 11:30 AM PDT)
via Zoom
Learn how to ensure alignment between lesson activities and planned assessment, develop a lesson plan, and discuss your current lesson planning strategies.
Reminder: Handing over student work
As a TA, have you been left with students’ course work at the end of term and don’t know what to do with it?
Managing students’ work, including assignment, midterm, and final exam, is the course instructor’s responsibility.  As a TA, you need to hand over all students’ work, both paper-based and electronic files, to your instructor at the end of the Term. TAs are required to securely delete electronic files from your computer.
Thanks to Associate Dean, Academic, Dr. Zhaoming Xu, for this policy information.
Winner Announced: LFS TA Needs Survey Prize Draw
Thanks to all of those who participated in our LFS TA Needs survey earlier this year, and congratulations to Francine for winning the prize draw! We will contact you in a separate email shortly.

Best regards and wishes for the summer ahead, 

LFS TA Coordinators (Tebby and Lennie)

TAs Needed: FNH 381 921 Summer 2021, Term 1


We are currently recruiting TAs for: FNH 381 921, Summer 2021, Term 1

Hours: 32-33 total (~12 hours per week from May 10-28th)

Work performed:

  • Must be available to assist in class (9-12 M-F, May 10-28) to facilitate breakout rooms, small group discussions, and in-class activities
  • Ensuring course assignments are submitted/complete on time
  • Reviewing course assignments and providing feedback (based on a provided rubric)
  • Responding to student inquiries re: course assignments and concepts as needed

Please contact: Kelsey Cochrane at Kelsey.cochrane@ubc.ca if you are interested.


Thank you!

Winter TA Positions – LFS TA Application open now – March 31st at 4:30PM through April 30th at 4:30pm only.


RE: Winter term TA positions in 2021/22 –

The LFS TA Application is now open for students to apply for Winter 2021/22 TAships
in all Winter terms (W1, W2 and W1+2), from:

  • Wed., March 31st , 2021 at 4:30pm through Fri., April 30th , 2021 at 4:30pm.

    After it closes April 30th  at 4:30pm, application is by instructor or administrator invitation only.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE for Graduate Students:

    To determine your pay Classification, your Previous TA Experience Details on the
    Additional Information tab (in your Profile) may need to be updated.
    Please list specifics – include the year, session (S or W), term and course, e.g., “2019 W1-FNH 250 001” , “2020 S2-APBI 314 003”, etc.

    If you are off-campus you must use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access the website.
    Check the UBC IT website for help at: https://it.ubc.ca/services/email-voice-internet/myvpn

A Student User Guide for the new TA Application can be found here: https://wiki.ubc.ca/LFS:TA_Application_Applicants_Instructions .

Questions? Email me at lfs.ta@ubc.ca .

Best regards,

Virginia Frankian
Academic Coordinator

Dean’s Office
UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems

For all TA-related correspondence, please use lfs.ta@ubc.ca


Summer TA Positions – New TA Application open March 8th at 4:30pm – March 18th at 4:30pm only.


Hello TAs,

Yes, it’s time to think about the Summer terms of 2021…

The LFS TA Application will open next week, for 10 calendar days only, to accept applications for Summer 2021 TAships, in all Summer terms.

  • The TA App will be open from Mon., March 8th, 2021 at 4:30pm through Thurs., March 18th, 2021 at 4:30pm.

After it closes March 18th at 4:30pm, application is by instructor or administrator invitation only.

Student User Guide for the new TA Application can be found here: https://wiki.ubc.ca/LFS:TA_Application_Applicants_Instructions

If you are off-campus you must use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access the website.
Check the UBC IT website for help at: https://it.ubc.ca/services/email-voice-internet/myvpn

Questions? Email lfs.ta@ubc.ca

Best regards,


Virginia Frankian
Academic Coordinator

Dean’s Office
UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems

For all TA-related correspondence, please use lfs.ta@ubc.ca






Community of Practice Virtual Meeting, and TA Needs Survey link


Hello LFS TAs,

We hope you are keeping well and safe and are thriving in your TA roles. 

a) Having a space to share insights or troubleshoot issues is an important part of your professional development. Our Community of Practice (CoP) space is an informal virtual get-together for all TAs primarily to learn from each other. 

The purpose of the upcoming
 CoP next week Monday is to share and hear TAs experiences of online teaching and learning assistance (new and returning TAs). This information is critical as it provides evidence to inform and guide programming and training based on your needs.

WHEN: Monday, March 1st, 2021
TIME: 10-11 AM
WHERE: Online (the link will be sent to the registrants at the end of the week)

Please RSVP here:


b) We would also appreciate it if you could take a moment to complete the survey about your   TA needs: https://bit.ly/LFSTA_Needs

Best Regards,

Lennie and Tebby

TA Training Program Coordinators