Student Coursework Retention – TA role


As a TA, have you been left with students’ course work at the end of term and don’t know what to do with it?

Here’s information that can help:

Managing students’ work, including assignment, midterm, and final exam, is the course instructor’s responsibility.  As a TA, you need to hand over all students’ work, both paper-based and electronic files, to your instructor at the end of the Term. TAs are required to securely delete electronic files from your computer.


Thanks to Associate Dean, Academic, Dr. Zhaoming Xu, for this policy information.

2020-2021 LFS Graduate Teaching Assistant Award competition – call for nominations


DEADLINE:  4:00 PM Friday, March 5, 2021


Call for nominations for the 2020-2021 Faculty of Land and Food Systems Graduate Teaching Assistant Award


The deadline to submit nomination packages is Friday, March 5, 2021.  Electronic applications should be sent to


For detailed information, see the additional information link that is posted on the LFS Grad Office blog

Non-LFS graduate students who TA for LFS are eligible for this award.


Shelley Small
Administrative Manager, Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
The University of British Columbia
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Room 293 MacMillan Building
2357 Main Mall Vancouver BC  V6T 1Z4
Phone:  604-822-4593       Fax:  604-822-4400




LFS TAs: Re-Orientation, LC Lunch & Learns, and new Course Design Hub on Canvas


Hello LFS TAs,

Now that we’ve all hopefully had a chance to settle into the new semester, we’d like to highlight a few exciting resources available to you. All are aimed to help support your roles as TAs.

LFS TA Re-Orientation for New TAs (Fri Feb 5, 11 AM – 12 PM PST via Zoom)
New and returning TAs are invited to attend this brief session for an introduction (or review) of relevant TA resources including the TA application system, your union collective agreement, and professional development opportunities, and to meet key LFS staff, CUPE 2278 union representatives, and fellow TAs.
Please register here:

Learning Centre Lunch & Learns (Fridays, 12-1 PM via Zoom)
Engage with topic experts, faculty members, and your peers at these weekly sessions and learn more about timely, teaching-related subjects. These sessions provide answers to a wide-array of questions including

  • Why can you make some movie scenes available on Canvas as course materials, but not a clip from a Netflix series (Jan 8)?
  • How can game design be leveraged for automated and individualized student learning paths on Canvas? (Dec 4)
  • What are some considerations for planning an immersive virtual field trip (Oct 16)?

For more information and to register, please visit:

LFS Course Design Hub on Canvas
Created by the Learning Centre for the LFS teaching community, this Canvas course is a living space for sharing knowledge and content related to online teaching. Explore at your own pace the different guides and tools, and add your own resources.
To enroll, please visit:
As this is an evolving resource, please let us know if you have any feedback on the existing page.

Until next time,
Your LFS TA Coordinators

Lennie Cheung, and
Tebby Leepile

UBC TA Institute: Jan 11-15, 2021


CTLT Teaching Assistant (TA) Institute Communications Toolkit



The CTLT Teaching Assistant (TA) Institute is a week of free professional development workshops open to any graduate and undergraduate TA. From January 11-15, 2021, the TA Institute will include a collection of workshops designed to support TAs as their roles change with the move to online teaching and learning.

Sessions include, but aren’t limited to: Online Presentation and Lecturing Skills, Designing Impactful Activities for Online Learning, Time Management Skills for Graduate Students and TAs, and Holding Space for Anti-Racism and Solidarity in Teaching Practice.

This year, workshops are organized into 6 themes, and if attendees complete 4 workshops within a theme, and complete the related pre & post-session online modules, they will be eligible for a letter of completion that can be included in a Teaching Portfolio or CV.

View the full schedule of events and learn more at:


All UBC graduate and undergraduate TAs.



Twitter Messaging

  • Grad students and TAs @UBC! Are you interested in developing your online teaching and learning practices? Register for the @UBC_CTLT TA Institute from January 11-15 to help you prepare for your upcoming online courses!

Learn more and register:

Facebook Messaging

Graduate and undergraduate TAs! You are invited to the CTLT’s TA Institute!


From January 11-15, join us online for several free workshops that are designed to support, and help you navigate your role as a TA with the move to online courses.

Learn more and register:


We would appreciate your support in amplifying these messages:



CTLT Teaching Assistant Institute

The Teaching Assistant (TA) Institute offers free professional development for UBC graduate and undergraduate students. The five days of workshops are designed to support TAs as their roles change with the move to online classes. To register and learn more, visit



If you have any questions about this Communications Toolkit, please contact:

Sukhi Ghuman, Manager, Marketing & Events, CTLT

LFS Faculty & TA Remote Teaching Boot Camp (Jan 4-8)


Happy New Year LFS Teaching Assistants,

As we begin preparing for the academic term, we’d like to bring your attention to The Learning Centre’s Faculty & TA Remote Teaching Boot Camp happening this week. This event would be particularly useful forfirst time TAs or TAs new to remote teaching:
Faculty & TA Remote Teaching Boot Camp (Jan 4-8)
The Learning Centre is offering a wealth of resources, discussions, and opportunities to connect for all teaching staff including faculty and TAs. Sessions will be delivered in a Lunch & Learn style on topics including:
  • Mon, Jan 4( 12-1 PM): Home setup
  • Tue, Jan 5 (12-1 PM): Accessibility
  • Wed, Jan 6 (12-1 PM): Course organization
  • Thu, Jan 7 (12-1 PM): Course community
  • Fri, Jan 8 (12-1 PM): Remote tests
Each session is preceded by a morning social (10-11 AM). For more information and to register, please visit:
Additional resources pertaining to the LFS TA Training Program will be disseminated throughout this month.
Best wishes for your 2021 teaching assistantships from your TA Coordinators.

Lennie and Tebby
TA Training Program Coordinators

For more information email or

Teaching Assistant (TA) needed for W2 FNH 480 001: Dietetic Professional Practice III


One teaching assistant is needed from January to April 2021. The TA will assist primarily with logistical communication (with community members and students) related to course assignments and events, organizing breakout rooms and moderating the Zoom chat during class (Wednesdays 1-4pm), and other similar tasks as required. No marking is required in this role.

Estimated 5-10 hours of work per week (at the higher end in the start of the semester with less time per week after Reading Week), for a total of 100 hours.


  • Must be available Wednesday afternoons 12:45-4pm
  • Effective & professional written and oral communication skills
  • 4th year undergraduate or graduate student
  • Experience with Canvas and Zoom features
  • Experience with dieticians/dietetics preferred, but not required

Please email the course instructor Anna Brisco with a short introduction explaining your interest in the position.

Anna Brisco, RD
(they, them pronouns)
Adjunct Professor – UBC Dietetics
.Ed student – Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (OISE, Toronto)

I am writing to you from the unceded territories of the šxʷməθkʷəy̓əmaɁɬ (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh-ulh (Squamish) and səl̓ilwətaɁɬ (Tsleil-Waututh).

Learn more from

APBI 322 001 Term 2: Horticultural Techniques – GAA/UAA and/or TA positions open


1) GAA (Graduate Academic Assistant) or UAA (Undergraduate Academic Assistant) for APBI 322 001 T2: Horticultural Techniques  

Seeking an undergraduate or graduate student to assist with the transition of APBI 322 – Horticultural Techniques to an online format. Some of the tasks the successful candidate will be responsible for include helping to film and edit short instructional videos and possibly (local) field trips; assisting with organizing online learning modules in Canvas; and creating Canvas quizzes and potentially other similar tasks as required. This position is up to 25 hrs/week from ASAP until Mid-January 2021(for a maximum of 192 hours). Experience with basic video editing techniques and Canvas are required. Please email the course instructor Allison McCabe at for more information.

2) Teaching Assistants (TA’s) for APBI 322 001 T2: Horticultural Techniques

Teaching assistants needed for APBI 322: Horticultural Techniques from January to April 2021.TA’s will assist primarily with marking and moderating the Zoom chat during lectures. A background in horticulture or botany is preferred, the course covers a wide range of horticultural techniques and their scientific underpinnings. Please email the course instructor Allison McCabe at for more information.


Allison McCabe  MLWS, ATAg (She, Her, Hers)
Sessional Lecturer
Land and Food Systems | Applied Biology
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
2357 Main Mall | Vancouver British Columbia | V6T 1Z4 Canada
Phone 250 895 1236

Invitation: Marking, Assessment and Feedback Workshop: November 4th (12:00pm-2:00pm)


Hi LFS Teaching Assistant,

We hope you are doing great and that the term is going well. As part of the faculty’s on-going support for your development, mark your calendars for this upcoming event:

Marking, Assessment and Feedback Workshop 

Are you preparing for midterms, assignments or end of term exams? We are inviting you to a Marking, Assessment and Feedback Workshop to help support you in

  1. providing consistent, fair, and constructive feedback to your learners.

During the session participants will also:

2. practice providing constructive and positive feedback to learners.

Below are the event details:

WHEN: Wednesday, 4th November 2020

TIME: 12pm-2pm

WHERE: Virtual (a link will be provided at a later date)

Please RSVP here:

Best Regards,


Lennie and Tebby

TA Training Program Coordinators

For more information email or

Reserved seats for LFS Graduate Students at ISWs


Dear LFS TAs,

The LFS TA Training Program has secured 6 spots for the very popular Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT). These workshops usually have very long waitlists and are difficult to get into. Spanning multiple dates, this year’s offerings have been updated for online delivery. Currently scheduled ISWs are listed on the information page linked, and at least 6 more will be scheduled Jan-Mar 2021.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in claiming a reserved seat using the form below:
If there are reserved seats available, we will contact you within a few days.


Best regards,
Tebby (

Lennie (
LFS TA Coordinators