Today’s LFS TA Early Alert Orientation is CANCELLED

Today’s LFS TA Early Alert Orientation is CANCELLED due to a lack of registrations.
Regards, and enjoy the weekend.
Jun and Colin
Teaching Assistant Training Program Coordinators, Land and Food Systems
Faculty of Land and Food Systems | Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at the UBC Farm
The University of British Columbia | Unceded xʷməθkʷəy̓əm Territory
Phone 604 787 6614

4pm today – Early Alert Orientation workshop registration deadline


Dear LFS TAs, 

Please make sure to register by 4pm today for the Early Alert Orientation workshop (Details below). If we do not get enough interest we will need to cancel the event. 
Event: Early Alert Orientation 
Date: Friday, March 29
Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Location: FNH 300
Registration: (Register here)
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about the event. 
Kind regards, 
Jun Obayashi 
Teaching Assistant Training Coordinator | Land and Food Systems 

Early Alert Orientation – a few days away


Hi LFS TAs, 

Hope all is well. This is a friendly reminder that the Early Alert Orientation is a few days away. Below is a description of the event. 
UBC strives to build a caring community, in which we all reach out and offer support when we notice signs of difficulty in others. Early Alert helps facilitate this by helping staff, faculty and TA’s better support students who are facing difficulties that put their academic success at risk. This training is an introduction to the Early Alert program, and includes information about how to submit an Early Alert and how to access resources that will be useful when you are concerned about a student.
Event: Early Alert Orientation 
Date: Friday, March 29
Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Location: FNH 300
Registration: (Register here)
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about the event. 
Kind regards, 
Jun Obayashi 
Teaching Assistant Training Coordinators | Land and Food Systems 

March 22nd Marking and Assessment Workshop – this afternoon!



Hope all is well. This is a friendly reminder that the March 22nd Marking and Assessment Workshop is a couple of days away. 
Event: Marking and Assessment Workshop 
Date: Friday, March 22nd.
Time: 4-5pm
Location: FNH 300
Registration: Please register (link here) if you are planning on attending.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about the workshop. 
Kind regards, 
Jun Obayashi 
Teaching Assistant Training Coordinators | Land and Food Systems 

Today’s LFS TAs Community of Practice – Early Alert lunch and learn is CANCELLED

Dear LFS TAs, 
Unfortunately, due to some scheduling conflicts with our Early Alert facilitator, today’s 12:30 – 1:30 LFS TAs Community of practice – Early Alert lunch and learn is CANCELLED. 
Hopefully, we will be able to schedule the event sometime soon. We will keep you posted. 

Apologies for any inconvenience,
Jun Obayashi (
Teaching Assistant Training Coordinators | Land and Food Systems 





Nominations including application packages are now being accepted until 4:00 PM, Friday March 8, 2019 for the 2018-2019 LFS Graduate Teaching Assistant Award.


Please refer to the TA Portal for further details.

February 22nd: LFS TA Award information and Q&A coming soon!


Hi LFS TAs, 

We hope all is well. This is a friendly reminder that the February 22nd TA award Q&A event is a couple of days away. 
Event: LFS TA Award information and Q&A.
Speaker: Shelley Small
Date: Friday February 22nd.
Time:12:30- 1:30
Location MCML 170A
Looking forward to seeing some of you there. Please feel free to email me with any questions about the event. 
Kind regards, 
Jun Obayashi (
Teaching Assistant Training Coordinators | Land and Food Systems 

2019 Summer Session TA Application


The Faculty of Land and Food Systems will be offering a limited number of part-time TA positions during 2019 Summer Session (approximately 15-20).  The application is now open.  Deadline to submit an application is 4:00 pm, Friday, March 8, 2019.  Please – Do not submit an application after the deadline unless you are advised to do so by an instructor or administrator.

Mark your calendars – upcoming opportunities offered this term.


Hi LFS Teaching Assistant,

We hope you are doing great and that the term is going well. As part of the faculty’s on-going support for your development, mark your calendars for the upcoming opportunities offered this term.

1) Marking and Assessment Workshops

Are you preparing for midterms, assignments or end of term exams? We wanted to provide a couple of Marking and Assessment Workshops to help support you in providing consistent, fair, and constructive feedback to your learners. These two sessions, one in February, one in March, will provide participants with: i) strategies to ensure that marking is consistent, ii) ways of maximizing reliability between TAs, and iii) practice providing constructive and positive feedback to learners. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

The first Marking and Assessment workshop will be held February 15th from 4-5pm in MCML 170A. Ensure a spot by registering via this link here.

The second Marking and Assessment workshop will be held March 22nd, from 4-5pm FNH 300.  Ensure a spot by registering via this link here.

2) Community of Practice

Having a space to share insights or troubleshoot issues is an important part of your professional development. Our Community of Practice space is an informal get together of TAs once month over lunch. We’ve proposed the following topics for the remainder of the term, but are always open to other suggestions for discussion or people who you want to hear from!

  • Feb 22nd (1230-130pm) in MCML 170A – Proposed Topic – TA Award (Shelley Small)
  • March 13th (1230-130pm) in FNH 220 – Proposed Topic – Early Alert (TBD)
  • April 10th (1230-130pm) in FNH 220 – Proposed Topic – Wrapping up your TAship (Jun/Colin)

3) Instructional Skills Workshop – VIP Access

We still have four (4) LFS TA priority (No waitlist) spots left for Instructional Skills Workshop. ISWs offered for Graduate Students at UBC are in high demand and waitlists for each workshop are typically 80–100+. Please consult this link for upcoming dates that would work for your particular schedules. Email us to reserve you spot.

Colin and Jun

Faculty of Land and Food Systems | Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at the UBC Farm
The University of British Columbia | Unceded xʷməθkʷəy̓əm Territory

Farm Street Address 3461 Ross Drive
Mailing Address 2357 Main Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4

Phone 778 859 1148