Cream of the Crop as Shown by Google

I have faith that the readers of UBC blogs like mine are the cream of the crop of the student population here at this lovely university (slight sarcasm intended). As to how you guys got here, some were via Twitter, Facebook, my email signature, and a plethora of places filled shameless self-promotion; while others found it through search engines like Google. I’m quite happy that I come up first when I search “Phoebe Yu”, but what keywords did other people search to get to this blog? Some had mindnumbing questions, others were just curious. I will try my best to appease such curiosities. Much thanks to Google Analytics for stat tracking.

Bring on the keywords!

480 ubc runs on weekends
No, it doesn’t. You’ll have to take the 98 B-Line and then the 25/41/49/99 bus.

phoebe yu birthday
I’m flattered you’re trying to find someone’s birthday on Google, wait, on Google, seriously?!

chinese girls ubc commerce
Umm… *gulp*. There are a lot of us here… but we’re not sure if we want YOU here…

at ubc we like them yong [sic]
-Disturbed- (this is actually a line from a Sauder Frosh cheer, haha you’ll see)

mean things to do to someone to get them back

  1. Tell them to Google stupid things
  2. Get that featured on a blog

Oh wait, you just did that. Cream of the crop indeed.

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