Cream of the Crop as Shown by Google

I have faith that the readers of UBC blogs like mine are the cream of the crop of the student population here at this lovely university (slight sarcasm intended). As to how you guys got here, some were via Twitter, Facebook, my email signature, and a plethora of places filled shameless self-promotion; while others found it through search engines like Google. I’m quite happy that I come up first when I search “Phoebe Yu”, but what keywords did other people search to get to this blog? Some had mindnumbing questions, others were just curious. I will try my best to appease such curiosities. Much thanks to Google Analytics for stat tracking.

Bring on the keywords!

480 ubc runs on weekends
No, it doesn’t. You’ll have to take the 98 B-Line and then the 25/41/49/99 bus.

phoebe yu birthday
I’m flattered you’re trying to find someone’s birthday on Google, wait, on Google, seriously?!

chinese girls ubc commerce
Umm… *gulp*. There are a lot of us here… but we’re not sure if we want YOU here…

at ubc we like them yong [sic]
-Disturbed- (this is actually a line from a Sauder Frosh cheer, haha you’ll see)

mean things to do to someone to get them back

  1. Tell them to Google stupid things
  2. Get that featured on a blog

Oh wait, you just did that. Cream of the crop indeed.

Continue reading

Ask Me Anything

Nowadays, most of my time on campus is evenly divided between Buchanan and Irving K. Barber. Being in one area of campus for so long has almost made me forget all the little things that used to occupy my mind when I’m walking between classes.

For example, spotted at UBC, why are all the clocks in Henry Angus frozen at 2:37 PM? It’s been like that for an entire year and even though I’m sure there’s some mundane explanation for it like electricity shortage, I still like the eerie post-apocalyptic feel to it. And then there are the Greenpeace/Amnesty people standing at their strategic location asking people to sign things. Who came up with the clever idea? You see, people HAVE to go past them to walk from the Sub and Henry Angus!

Other questions that come to mind include…

Why are there five high school kids in Chapman every single day playing Warcraft for hours on end?

Did my Chinese class SERIOUSLY just went on a field trip to the beach, where the prof played the ACCORDION and led us in singing revolutionary Chinese songs?!

Is anyone else aware of the shelves upon shelves of BOARD GAMES in the basement of the Education library in Neville Scarfe? Whee!

So dear readers, for this blog post, feel free to ask me questions about ANYTHING you want in the comments! My life, my work, UBC, shopping, the Sauder school, the meaning of life, the list goes on…. I did this with IB Years before and it was quite fun. I’ll select the good ones and answer them as honestly as possible in a future post =D Ready? GO.

Enfin, La Fin!

Can you believe we’re coming to the end of the term?! Shocking, I know. I have so many stories to tell of the past few weeks and so little time to blog about it. I promise, I will actually sit down this week and write my heart out to make up for the sparse updates.

Allow me to get a little ahead of myself right now. So far I have my summer planned out

  • 12 credits of intermediate heritage Chinese: about 16 hours a week, fun stuff! I really want to communicate with style with my grandparents and shilling out $1500 for summer courses may just be worth it (did I say $1500? Crap, that’s a lot of money)
  • A parttime job that’s technology/finance oriented
  • Event planning for the year for International Business Club <3
  • Travel somewhere, anywhere
  • Finish the novel I’m working on blog lol, it’s easier

QOTW: As we approach la fin de l’annĂ©e, what wonderful, exciting, exotic plans do YOU have for the summer?