Cypress Mountain


There are lots of cool trails up at Cypress to check out.







There are lots of great plants to look at along the trail.  Many of the wet, seepy slopes are good places to find bryophytes such as this liverwort (Pleurozia pupurea).






Parnassia fimbriata (grass of Parnassus) is common in the wet meadows, fens, and along stream edges throughout the trails.




Grass of Parnassus, not a grass of course, but has gorgeous flowers with frilly petals and yellow sterile stamens that function in pollinator attraction.




There are number of native species of Platanthera; I have yet to confirm the identity of this one…when I get a free moment.









Along the trail to the Bowen Island Look-out there are some interesting spots where you can find Drosera rotundifolia (sundew)with Lycopodium (clavatum?) sprouts (clubmoss).



Hypericum anagalloides (bog St. Joh’s wort) is a small low growing perennial.






Pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea) is a common member of the Asteraceae (composit family) along dryer, open trails.



Oh ya…and we can’t forget the luscious blueberries (Vaccinium ovalifolium) and other delicious members of the same genus everywhere!




This is the vista from the Bowen Island Look-out Trail.  A whisky jack (Perisoreus candadensis) is perching waiting to see if anyone opens their lunch bag.  They are pretty big mooches!

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