Best Practices for LinkedIn Memo


To: Writing Team Members

From: Max Foran

Date: June 29, 2020

Subject: A Summary of Best Practices for Using LinkedIn


Here is a brief summary of successful principles to keep in mind when using LinkedIn. I hope that you will find this information helpful when thinking about your activity on LinkedIn.


  1. Use professional etiquette: It is important to communicate on LinkedIn as you would in any ordinary business setting; be polite & professional.
  2. Always use a picture of your face
  3. Provide a brief summary: explain who you are and what you do. This will help recruiters to get a sense about who you are. Think of your summary as a way to “sell yourself” to potential connections.
  4. Publish consistently: By engaging your followers with new content, you can keep your audience captivated. Furthermore, posting new content is an important step to have conversations and build relationships
  5. Post media or visuals: this is a creative way to engage your community
  6. Be thoughtful about your posts: Posting interesting and informative content is an excellent way to grow your influence on LinkedIn. Before posting, ensure that all your posts are appropriate for your LinkedIn profile
  7. Display relevant endorsements: when using the endorsement feature on LinkedIn, be sure to display endorsements that are relevant to your skill set and your occupation. More importantly, be truthful about your endorsements.
  8. Personalize invitations: By personalizing invitations you will increase the likelihood that your connections will be accepted.
  9. Join groups related to your industry: this is a great strategy to network with peers in your particular field of work
  10. Keep your profile updated at all times: an outdated profile is less credible to potential recruiters and connections


Thanks for reading. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions should you have them.


Works Cited 

Ghemud, Amol. “14 Tips for Getting Most out of LinkedIn.” LinkedIn, 25 Sept. 2017,

Kim, Larry. “22 Top Tips to Effectively Raise Your Profile on LinkedIn.”, Inc., 10 Dec. 2015,

Marx , Wendy. “10 LinkedIn Best Practices That Will Accelerate Your Business.” Business 2 Community, 26 Feb. 2018,

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