Progress Report for Increasing the Number of Participants of the Annual General Meeting in Monet Community — Jie Su


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Professor of ENGL 301
From: Jie Su, Student of ENGL 301
Date: July 10, 2020
Subject: Progress Report for Increasing the Number of Participants of the Annual General Meeting in Monet Community

Hi Erika, I have finished my progress report about increasing the participants to attend the General Annual Meeting in Monet Community. I detailed the audience, the purpose, and the significance of the report. I also made a thorough research plan with each step I will be making surrounding the addressing of the problem. Links of word files of the questionnaire and interview were also enclosed down below.


    The target audience of this report is Vivian Yang, who is the Strata Manager of Monet Community located in Richmond. Vivian Yang is responsible for the daily management affairs in the strata and is responsible for organizing and convening the Annual General Meeting. She can make decisions and carry out the proposed plans.


    The ultimate goal of the report is to promote the number of participants to attend the Annual General Meeting each year. Before addressing the promotion, the report firstly explores the reasons why only a tiny portion of attendants participate in the meeting. This report needs to examine the factors that cause the low ratio of participation rate before proposing valid solutions. The factors include the means of Strata Manager sending notices, the schedule and time slot to hold the meeting, and the form of meeting.


    Firstly, as it may be known to many of us that the residents themselves manage the strata, and every year the General Annual Meeting will generate the administrators to utilize the funds and facilities of the strata, driving and managing the strata affairs on behalf of the residents. People’s participation in this democratic election is one of the most effective ways to exercise residents’ rights. As a result, effectively promoting the number of participants has a vital impact on the decision-making of democratic affairs within the strata.
    Secondly, the strata manager is appointed by the strata committee. The reduction of the number of participants may result in the inability to select an efficient management team, which may lead to the failure of the strata manager’s appointment, and may also lead to the situation that no one is responsible for managing affairs of the strata.
    The above two points reveal how community participation impacts on the livings of residents. To promote the exercise of residents’ rights and manage strata affairs efficiently, the implementation of this report to promote the participation number is essential.

Research plan

    Problem Identification

    • Estimate the main determining factors of the problem
    • Identify areas of inquiry corresponding to probable factors
    • Examine the causes of the problem according to decided areas
    • Raw solutions to proposed base on the causes investigated
    Primary Data Collection

    • Allocate surveys to community residents and collect data
    • Book interview appointment with Strata Manager
    • Interview with Strata Manager
    Secondary Data Collection

    • Identify articles as sample solution references
    • Take observation pictures as complementary materials
    Data Analysis

    • Analyze survey data, including eliminating outliers and extracting critical information
    • Analyze interview answers to verify the feasibility of proposed solutions
    • Create charts and tables corresponding to the collected data
    Data Interpretation

    • Generate feasible and validated solutions
    • Attach examples from other successful cases as backup proofs

    • Sums up the importance of the report, short term goal and long term goal
    • Sums up the primary solutions to be executed
    • Express the expectation to have the consideration from the Strata Manager

Writing schedule

  • July 13: Finalize survey questions based on the suggestion from the instructor and generate them into survey URL.
  • July 14: Finalize the interview question based on the suggestion from the instructor.
  • July 16: Send out online surveys to neighbors with email addresses on hand.
  • July 17: Book interview appointment with the Strata Manager.
  • July 18: Distribute surveys at the main hall of Monet building to collect data in person.
  • July 21: Interview with the Strata Manager.
  • July 23: Do some building observationw and take complementary images
  • July 25: Analyze data collected from the surveys and interviews.
  • July 26: Design and create charts and tables for data interpretation.
  • July 27: Get a draft formal report started.
  • July 29: Research academic articles to have successful cases as sample references.
  • August 1: Finish draft formal report and post onto the group forum.
  • August 5: Read through other students’ formal reports to absorb the good parts and find out missing parts.
  • August 8: Finish the peer review, amend and enrich my copy for the second time.
  • August 17: Polish and finalize the formal report.

Thanks for reading my progress report. I look forward to having your suggestion.


Survey URL: Survey URL Link

ENGL 301 Formal Report Survey jie Su(Revised)

ENGL 301 Formal Report Interview jie Su(Revised)

3 comments on “Progress Report for Increasing the Number of Participants of the Annual General Meeting in Monet Community — Jie Su
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Jie,

    Thank you for posting your Outline and Progress Report.

    Please note: as per the Instructor’s Blog – the introduction to surveys must have this sentence: “Your responses are voluntary and anonymous.” Confidential is not the same as anonymous.

    Edit out as many pronouns as you can in the questions – for example:

    “2. How important do you think the Annual General Meeting is?
    Rewrite  How important is the Annual General Meeting?

    Please be sure to link the url for your survey onto your progress report when you have it up and online, thank you.

  2. Jie Su says:

    Dear Dr. Paterson,

    Thanks very much for your suggestions. I will amend the introduction on the survey and interview, then generate the URL link and post it onto the progress report.

    Thanks again.

    Jie Su

  3. Jie Su says:

    Dear Dr. Paterson,

    I’ve amended my survey accordingly and posted the URL onto the progress report.

    Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful day. 🙂

    Jie Su

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