To: Michaela Basciano, The Scribes Writing Team Member
From: Max Foran, The Scribes Writing Team Member
Date: July 11, 2020
Subject: Peer Review for LinkedIn Profile
Thank you for submitting your LinkedIn profile. Here are some comments and suggestions for your profile:
First Impressions
The profile is very professional. It is easy to follow and helps viewers gain insight into general interests as well as career pursuits. The background picture helps the entire profile to stand out.
The profile photo is high resolution and taken in a professional manner and the photo itself is quite appropriate for LinkedIn. Consider centering the position of the photo to make it more of a portrait shot. The background photo adds a nice contrast to your profile.
The headline is brief and to the point. It explains your current role working at UBC. Not much else to be added here.
The summary gives us a strong overview of work experiences and accomplishments. Not only do we get a sense of her career ambitions, but the summary tells us a little bit about who she is as a person. It is very well done. The use of a quote is especially smart because it sticks in the minds of the readers, and therefore making the profile itself more memorable. A brief elaboration on the accomplishments might increase the credibility of the claims, such as explaining how it was the “most successful winter program of the organization’s history”.
Experience & Achievements
Work experience is very detailed and gives a good explanation of the role and responsibilities of each work placement. Adding this level of detail to the certification and volunteer sections would enhance your profile even more. However, it is still very well done.
This profile has exceptional engagement at over 300 connections. Furthermore, the skills section is endorsed by her connections further adding to the credibility of the profile. The regular posting of materials that are relevant to her interests/career pursuits would increase the engagement of her profile. Nevertheless, this profile is likely to get many views.
There are no grammar or spelling mistakes. The tone throughout the profile is very professional and friendly. She is able to effectively explain her accomplishments and strengths without sounding arrogant.
Final thoughts
This profile is very strong. There are only a few small areas of improvement that would enhance it even more. Well done!
Thank you for sharing your profile. I hope you find these suggestions helpful.
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