To: Christina Hruby, Scribe Writing Team Member
From: Max Foran, Scribe Writing Team Member
Date: July 23, 2020
Subject: Peer Review for Evan Crisp Memo
First Impressions:
At first glance, the document is clear, easy to read, and well-structured. The advice given is useful and provides specific examples where the writer can improve.
- The document is well-organized with bullet points.
- Each bullet point contains a unique point with a clear explanation.
- A brief introduction discussing some of the reasons for the memo might serve well to “set the stage”.
Writing Style & Expression:
- Strong use of the “YOU-attitude”
- The language is professional yet friendly. There are no condescending remarks.
- An elaboration on the merits for each bullet point might improve the credibility. For example, “focusing on the reader is a good writing technique because…”.
Grammar & Spelling
- There are no grammar or spelling mistakes.
Concluding Comments:
This is a strong memo for Evan Crisp. It is clear and to the point. A minor addition of detail for each point could be helpful for the reader. Nevertheless, well done.
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