To: Luke Jang
From : Hangwei Bao
Date : July 10, 2020
Subject : Review of Luke Jang’s Linkedln Profile
I have reviewed your Linkedln Profile, nicely done! Thank you for your good work, you have done a great job organizing your Linkedln profile.
First Impression :
Your profile looks very professional, although you missed uploading your profile photo, the entire profile looks very formal and well-planed.
Headline :
The headline clearly denotes you are currently a student of UBC.
Profile photo:
This section is missing. You need to fill out by uploading a quality photo.
Organization :
Your profile is well-organized, you have separated your educational experience and your working experience. I like the fact that you listed the courses you take at the very bottom of your profile.
Your visual part is a bit lacking, maybe you should work on that more, probably upload a background picture as well.
Content :
- Background information: you have a very good introduction of yourself, your tone is friendly and approachable.
- Education: you detailed every school you went to, it is obvious that you created this profile with attention and care.
- Skills/ work experiences/ certificates: Although you did not specify your skills in your profile, I can still get a general idea from your working experiences and volunteer experiences, as well as your certificates. It is clear to me that you are a very enthusiastic student, you care about your community and always challenge yourself in different job positions.
I hope my recommendations are useful to you, the main thing you need to update in your profile by far is the visuals, other than that, your profile looks perfect to me. Let me know if you have further questions, I am always happy to answer.
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