Category: MASK

Alison Ma, Sydney Storie, Kathryn Simone, and Jie(Mandy) Su.

Email Memorandum – Alison Ma

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Alison Ma Date: June 19, 2020 Subject: Assignment 2-1 Formal Report Proposal Memorandum   Dear Dr. Paterson, I am writing to inform you that I have posted my Formal Report Proposal on my team page,

Formal Report Proposal – Alison Ma

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Alison Ma Date: June 19, 2020 Subject: Formal Report Proposal – Improving the Use of Technological Software to All Staff in E-commerce Office   Introduction  Most of the members in the society have been using

Email Memorandum – Jie Su

Memorandum To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Professor of English 301 From: Jie Su, Student of English 301 Date: June 19th, 2020 Subject: Posting of Research Proposal According to the requirements of assignment 1 of Unit 2, I have posted my research

Research Proposal – Jie Su

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Professor of ENGL 301 From: Jie Su, Student of ENGL 301 Date: June 19, 2020 Subject: Proposal for Increasing the Number of Participants of the Annual General Meeting in Monet Community   Introduction The Monet community

Email Memorandum – Kathryn Simone

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor, ENGL 301, UBC From: Kathryn Simone, Student, ENGL 301 Date: May 18, 2020 Subject: Memo for Prof. Paterson – Research Proposal Hello Professor Paterson, My research proposal regarding increasing the quality of hospital food has

Formal Report Propsal: Increasing the Quality of Hospital Food

To: Dr. Erika Patterson From: Kathryn Simone Date: June 16, 2020 Subject: Proposal for Increasing the Quality of Hospital Food Introduction Throughout the past few decades, the science linking a poor diet to illnesses like heart disease and cancer has

Formal Report Proposal Memorandum- Sydney Storie

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Sydney Storie Date: June 19th, 2020 Subject: Formal Report Proposal Memorandum   Dear Dr. Erika Paterson, As required for Assignment 2:1, I am notifying you that I have posted my formal report proposal on my

Formal Report Proposal- Sydney Storie

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Sydney Storie Date: June 19th, 2020 Subject: Proposal For Additional Seats and Programs For the Veterinary Medicine Programs in Canada. Introduction Over the past couple of decades, there has been a significant increase in applications

Revised Technical Definition – Purchasing Power Parity

Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to explain a technical term of our choice using technical writing skills to a target audience with little or no experience in a related field. We are required to explain the term in

Assignment 1:3 Revised Definition- Hydrocephalus

Introduction Assignment 1:3 consists of each student choosing a technical term and writing three definitions of that term: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition. Each student must post their definitions on their appropriate writing team forum.


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