Category: MASK

Alison Ma, Sydney Storie, Kathryn Simone, and Jie(Mandy) Su.

Revised Definition

Introduction: When defining a term, we need to fully consider the needs and background of the audience and the goals we want to achieve. At the same time, we should also find whether the term to define has a global

Peer Review for Kathryn Simone

TO: Kathryn Simone, ENGL 301 Student FROM: Jie Su, ENGL 301 Student Date: June 10, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of Technical Definition – Algorithm   Hi Kathryn, thank you for choosing a great term to explain. I think this term

Peer Review for Sydney Storie – Hydrocephalus

ENGL 301 Assignment 1-3 Peer review   To: Sydney Storie From: Alison Ma Date: June 9, 2020 Subject: Review of your Technical Definition assignment   Title of Expanded Definition: Hydrocephalus   I have reviewed your first draft of technical definition

Purchasing Power Parity: Peer-Review for Alison Ma

TO: Alison Ma FROM: Sydney Storie DATE: June 9, 2020 SUBJECT: Review of Definition- Purchasing Power Parity Dear Alison, I have reviewed your assignment for the definition of Purchasing Power Parity. I found that you have done an excellent job

Peer Review for Jie Su: Database Management System

TO: Jie Su, ENGL 301 Student FROM: Kathryn Simone, ENGL 301 Student DATE: June 9, 2020 SUBJECT: Review of your Database Management System Definition Assignment I have reviewed the first draft of your definitions assignment. Thank you for your hard

Assignment 1:3 Definition – Purchasing Power Parity

Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to explain a difficult concept using technical writing skills to the group of target audience with little or no experience in a related field. We are required to explain the term in the

Unit 1:3 Technical Definitions – Algorithm

Definition of ‘Algorithm’ In a professional setting, we may encounter individuals with a plethora of backgrounds and knowledge bases. Thus, it is imperative that we are able to communicate effectively and explain topics at differing degrees of technicality. For this

Assignment 1:3 Definition- Hydrocephalus

Introduction Assignment 1:3 consists of each student choosing a technical term and writing three definitions of that term: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition. Each student must post their definitions on their appropriate writing team forum.

Technical Definition – Database Management System

Audience and Purpose A term I want to define is the ‘Database Management System(DBMS),’ which is often used in the process of program development. Sometimes programmers often use ‘Database’ instead of ‘Database Management System’ in the development process. The goal

How to add a new post to your Team Forum

1.Click on New Post 2. When the page opens, click on your Team’s name in the Category box on the right 3. Save Draft until you are ready to post 4. When ready click Publish


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