Category: The Ramblers

Geneviève Bolduc, Siddhartha Gupta, Matthew Shen, and Cody Gagon

Formal Report Outline

Proposal for Implementing a Beach Volleyball Summer Program for Air Attack Volleyball Club   1. Introduction Description of Air Attack Volleyball Club Demographics of current members Background information on current beach volleyball clubs in the Lower Mainland Brief description of

LinkedIn Peer Review: Genevieve Bolduc

Name of Reviewer: Matthew Shen Author: Genevieve Bolduc LinkedIn Profile Headline: Bachelor of Computer Science Student at the University of British Columbia (4th year) Thank you for completing the LinkedIn assignment with detail. It is evident that you spent time

Invitation to Connect on LinkedIn Memo

Memorandum   To:                       The Ramblers, Professional Writing Team From:                  Cody Gagnon, ENGL 301 98A Student Date:                   July 3, 2020 Subject:              Invitation to Connect on LinkedIn   I have recently updated my LinkedIn profile and I hope that you will

Invitation To LinkedIn -Email Memo

To: Members of Team Ramblers From: Siddhartha Gupta, Team Ramblers Member Date: July 3, 2020 Subject: Invitation for LinkedIn Profile Based on my previous memo about LinkedIn practices I have made changes to my own profile. I have attached a

LinkedIn Invitation Memo

MEMORANDUM To:            The Ramblers, Technical Writing Team From:       Geneviève Bolduc, Technical Writing Student Date:        July 3, 2020 Subject:    LinkedIn Profile In the context of the ENGL 301 course and

LinkedIn Profile Memo

To: Members of The Ramblers Writing Team ENGL 301 From: Matthew Shen, The Ramblers Writing Team Member ENGL 301 Date: July 2nd, 2020 Subject: LinkedIn Profile I have taken the time to create my LinkedIn profile in accordance to Assignment

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

Memorandum   To:                       The Ramblers Professional Writing Team From:                  Cody Gagnon, ENGL 301 98A Student Date:                   June 29, 2020 Subject:              LinkedIn Best Practices   LinkedIn, the professional networking site, has many features to help job seekers showcase their skills

LinkedIn Best Practices

To: The Ramblers Writing Team From: Matthew Shen Date: June 29, 2020 Subject: LinkedIn Best Practices As requested, I have compiled and presented a list of the top ten best practices for using LinkedIn with the purposes of networking and

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

Memorandum To: Eng 301 Ramblers Writing Team From: Siddhartha Gupta Date: June 29th, 2020 Subject: LinkedIn Best Practices Based on my research I have identified ten practices that can increase the effectiveness of networking through LinkedIn. Personalized URL Personalized URL

LinkedIn Best Practices

To:            The Ramblers, Technical Writing Team From:       Geneviève Bolduc, Technical Writing Student Date:        June 28th, 2020 Subject:    LinkedIn Best Practices As requested, I have compiled a list of the


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