Category: The Ramblers

Geneviève Bolduc, Siddhartha Gupta, Matthew Shen, and Cody Gagon

Memo: Report Proposal

To:            Dr. Erika Paterson, Technical Writing Professor From:       Geneviève Bolduc, Technical Writing Student Date:        June 19th, 2020 Subject:    Formal Report Proposal As requested, I have uploaded my formal report

Formal Report Proposal

To:                       Dr. Erika Paterson From:                  Geneviève Bolduc Date:                   June 19. 2020 Subject:              Increasing Resource Availability in TIP Club Introduction The Technical Interview Preparation club (TIP) is a student-led group that meets weekly to build

Revised Definition Of A|B Testing

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to learn the importance of definitions in bridging the gap in communication between people of differing technical understanding. This may be between a client and business or between members on the same team.

Revised Definition of Debenture

Debenture Definitions Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate my knowledge when it comes to when definitions are necessary and how to cater these definitions to varying audiences. To complete this assignment, I will identify an audience and

Revised Definition of Heuristic

Defining Heuristic In the context of English 301 and with the overarching objective of better technical communications in mind, three definitions of a singular term are outlined below. This is done to highlight the importance of good multi-level definitions in

Revised Definition of Agile

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to consider (1) when definitions may be necessary and (2) how to choose an appropriate amount of detail for the audience and purpose. To complete this assignment, I will identify an audience and

Unit 1 Peer Review for Geneviève Bolduc

To:                       Geneviève Bolduc From:                  Cody Gagnon Date:                   June 10, 2020 Subject:               Review of Unit 1:3 Assignment on Definitions ( I have finished reading your first draft of the unit 1:3

Peer Review for Siddhartha Gupta

To: Siddhartha Gupta From: Matthew Shen Date: June 9, 2020 Subject: Peer Review for A|B Testing Definitions I’ve just looked through and reviewed your expanded definition of A|B Testing on our team forum. Thank you for teaching me about this

Peer Review for Mathew Shen

To: Matthew Shen From: Siddhartha Gupta Date: June 7th, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of Debenture Definition I enjoyed reading your definition of debenture, which was very informative.  Your sentence definition explains the meaning of debenture in a concise yet clear

Peer Review for Cody Gagnon

To: Cody Gagnon From: Geneviève Bolduc Date: June 9, 2020 Subject: Review of Agile Definitions I have reviewed your definitions of agile methodology. You have done a great job of consolidating a nuanced and informative picture of the tenets of


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