Musical comedy star Dorothy Brunton reading Sid Nicholl's Fashion-plate Fanny in the children's section of The Sun newspaper with a small boy at St. Margaret's Hospital, Sydney, January 1925 / Sam Hood

My Name is Milena, and this is my 5th MET course. I am also taking ETEC 565 this term. I live in Montreal, Quebec, and I’m an elementary school teacher. This year I’m teaching Art to grades 1 through 6. It involves lots, and lots of planning and preparation, but I can honestly say that I am thoroughly enjoying it. I consider myself to be the creative type, so this position is a perfect fit! Last year I taught Kindergarten, as well as, grade 1. I love teaching the little ones : )

I chose the above picture because I think it is important to nurture a love a of reading at a young age. I also believe it is essential that parents read to their children, as well as, have their children read to them. There is something so serene about the picture; both mother and child are fascinated by what is printed on the page, whether it be the text or the image. The little boy has a grin on his face. It is just a reminder that, yes, reading can inform you, but it is also pleasurable, and it can make you smile and laugh, and forget about the craziness of our world, even if it is only for a brief moment.


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