2023 Summer Terms – LFS TA Application opens Thurs., MARCH 2nd – 10 business days only


The LFS TA Application opens March 2nd for students to apply to TA for all LFS 2023 Summer Term courses. There are expected to be around 12-13 courses offered overall by LFS, counting all terms (S1, S2 & S1+2).

For ten business days only , the LFS TA Application will be open for students applying to summer TA positions.

It will open by 10am on March 2nd and close by 4:30pm on March 15, 2023.
(This ten-day limit is mandated by the agreement between CUPE 2278/UBC.) 

Instructors determine how many TAs to assign to their course. TA hours assigned to each TA will also vary.

To log in to the LFS TA Application from off-campus, use the UBC VPN.
(See UBC IT-myVPN for instructions, or contact UBC IT for help with the VPN.)

For help navigating the TA Application, email Virginia Frankian at lfs.ta@ubc.ca.