Category Archives: Language Teaching & Technology

Costumized Start Page

This is the look of a start page customized with “”. PROS: • The site offers links to popular websites and icons to choose to customize your homepage. • Users can add sites to the existing list and create icons … Continue reading

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Copyright, Security and Privacy. Task two.

TOPIC TWO: Security and Privacy TASK TWO: Based upon the information in the articles, the additional links shared on Blackboard and any other research you want to complete, discuss strategies that you as a language teacher can use to ensure … Continue reading

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Copyright, Security and Privacy. Task one.

TOPIC ONE: Copyright TASK ONE: Discuss your understanding of your role as a language teacher in the correct use of copyrighted material and the internet. Use 250 words in your discussion. Selecting the textbook for a (Romance) language course in … Continue reading

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